字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, I'm Michael. 嗨,我是麥克 This is Lessons from the Screenplay. 這是〈劇本中學到的事〉 "There it is!" 「它就在那兒!」 For a kid growing up in the 90s, Jurassic Park was everything. 對於在90年代成長的孩子而言, 《侏羅紀公園〉就是一切。 It's hard to imagine anything cooler than a dinosaur, 很難想像會有什麼比恐龍還要酷 and this film brought dinosaurs to life in a way never before possible. 而這部電影以一種前所未見的方式,讓恐龍活過來 But as time has shown, simply including dinosaurs is not enough to make a movie good… 但時間也顯示了,電影不會只因為有恐龍就變得好看 “Alan.” 「艾倫。」 …and in revisiting the film as an adult, 成年以後重新檢視這部電影, it's clear that one of the most impressive aspects of Jurassic Park is its screenplay. 很明顯地,《侏羅紀公園》最令人印象深刻的特質之一,是劇本。 While the film is filled with exciting action sequences and amazing visual effects, 雖然這部電影充滿了刺激的動作場景和驚人的視覺效果, it is also populated by interesting characters 他也有許多有趣的角色 who are used to explore an important, modern theme. 被用以探索一個重要、現代的議題。 So today I want to examine how the theme's origins inspired the creation 所以今天我想檢視如何透過主軸的發想而 of two very specific central characters… 創造出兩位特別的中心角色... To look at how both the plot and supporting characters challenge their beliefs… 來看看劇情和配角如何共同挑戰他們的信念 And dissect how every single choice made by the writers fed the theme 並剖析劇作者的每個選擇如何灌注在主題中 until it became a full-grown, unstoppable monster. 直到它成為一個成熟、勢不可擋的怪物。 Welcome to Jurassic Park 歡迎來到《侏羅紀公園》 In the early 1980's, author Michael Crichton was working on a script 「發掘主題」 about a graduate student using technology to recreate a dinosaur. 在80年代早期,作家Michael Crichton 正在編寫一個腳本 As he was writing, Crichton arrived at a problem, explaining: 是關於一位研究生使用科技重現恐龍。 “This kind of research is tremendously expensive.” 當他寫作的時候,Crichton遇到了一個問題,他解釋: “And the question arises: who will pay for it?” 「這種研究非常昂貴。」 “The only thing that I could think of was that it would come from a desire for entertainment.” 「問題是:誰會出錢?」 So the idea of a dinosaur theme park became the foundation of Crichton's premise, 「我唯一能想到的是,這可能來自娛樂的渴望。」 and buried inside this premise he found what would become the DNA of the story—its theme. 所以恐龍主題樂園成了Crichton的預設基礎, In his book, Into the Woods: A Five Act Journey Into Story, 在這個前提下,他找到了故事的DNA: 它的主題。 John Yorke discusses the importance of theme: 在《走入森林:進入故事的五幕旅程》中, “A theory is posited, an argument explored and a conclusion reached.” 作者John Yorke討論了主題的重要性: “That, in a nutshell, is what theme is.” 「人們假定出一個理論,探索一個論點 並得到結論。」 “Subject matter is a static given.” 「簡而言之,這就是主題。」 “Theme, on the other hand, is an active exploration of an idea, 「主旨......是靜態的。」 it's a premise to be explored, 「另一方面,主題則是主動探索一個想法, it's a question.” 它是一個值得探索的前提, Is it a good idea to bring back dangerous, extinct creatures? 它也是一個問題。」 Just because we have the technology to do something, does it mean that we should? 重現出危險的滅絕生物,是否是個好主意呢? And, more broadly, is everything we call “progress” actually progress? 只不過是有那樣的技術,是否意味著我們就應該去做? This is the theme of Jurassic Park, 更廣泛地說,我們稱之為「進步」的一切 是否是實際進步呢? but Michael Crichton didn't think the question had a simple answer. 這就是《侏羅紀公園》的主題, So he and screenwriter David Koepp used the theme as a blueprint 但Michael Crichton並不認為這個問題有簡單的答案。 for creating two characters with opposing viewpoints. 所以他和編劇David Koepp以這主題作為藍圖 When we first meet Dr. Alan Grant, he is anti-progress in two distinct ways. 來創造出兩個看法牴觸的角色 “I hate computers.” 當我們第一次見到艾倫格蘭特博士時, 他以兩種明顯的方式反對進步 “The feeling is mutual.” 「我恨電腦。」 We see that Grant is completely mistrusting of technology. 「我的感覺也差不多。」 “Look at the extraordinary—“ 我們看到格蘭特完全不信任科技。 “What'd you do?” 「看看這非凡的 ——」 “He touched it. Dr. Grant is not machine compatible.” 「你做了什麼?」 “They've got it in for me.” 「他碰了它。格蘭特博士與機器不相容。」 We also see that he is not compatible with a more symbolic representation of the future. 「它們對我很不滿。」 “He slashes at you here…or here.” 我們也看到他和未來象徵的代表不太相容 “Oh Alan.” 「他攻擊你這裡......或這裡。」 “You are alive when they start to eat you.” 「哦,艾倫。」 Grant doesn't like kids and doesn't want to have them. 「當他們開始吃你的時候,你還活著。」 “I mean, what's so wrong with kids?” 格蘭特不喜歡孩子,也不想要擁有他們。 “Oh, Ellie, look. 「我的意思是,孩子有什麼不好?」 They're noisy, they're messy, they're expensive.” 「哦,艾莉,你想想。 “Cheap, cheap.” 他們很吵,他們很亂,而且很貴。」 “They smell.” 「便宜,便宜。」 Throughout the first act we see examples of Grant's dislike of children 「他們很臭。」 and his contentious relationship with technology again… 在第一幕中,我們看到格蘭特不喜歡孩子的一些例子 And again… 再次看到他與科技不和睦的關係 And again. 再次… Grant clearly represents the anti-progress side of the theme, 再一次。 but soon, someone with an opposing viewpoint comes barging into his world… 格蘭特明確代表了主題中反進步的一面, John Hammond. 但很快地,和他看法相左的人闖入了他的世界...... Hammond is so pro-technology and progress, 約翰哈蒙德。 he doesn't even consider that genetically engineering dinosaurs might be dangerous. 哈蒙德是如此支持科技和進步, (yelling) 他甚至不曾考慮基因工程造出的恐龍可能很危險。 When a worker is killed by a velociraptor, (大喊) Hammond's only concern is that it might delay the park's opening. 當一名工人被迅猛龍殺死時, In fact, Hammond's favorite catchphrase… 哈蒙德唯一擔心的是公園可能因此延後開幕 “Spared no expense.” 事實上,哈蒙德最喜歡的口頭禪...... “Spared no expense.” 「不惜一切代價。」 “Spared no expense.” 「不惜一切代價。」 …is an expression of this mindset: forward at all costs. 「不惜一切代價。」 “How could we stand in the light of discovery and not act?” ......即表達了這種心態:不顧一切向前。 The first act of Jurassic Park establishes Grant and Hammond's opposing takes 「我們怎麼能有所發現卻不行動呢?」 on the theme of progress. 《侏羅紀公園》的第一幕確立了格蘭特和哈蒙德 But just having characters embody different perspectives isn't enough. 對於進步主題的相反意見。 To truly explore a theme, you must find ways of testing the characters' beliefs. 但只是讓角色體現不同的觀點是不夠的。 In act two, the screenplays Grant and Hammond up, 要真正探索主題,就必須找到方法測試角色的信念。 putting an entire island and a 10,000 volt fence between them. 在第二幕,劇本將格蘭特和哈蒙德 分開, This separation allows each of them to encounter situations 在他們之間相隔整座島嶼,和一萬伏特的高壓電柵欄。 uniquely designed to attack their beliefs. 這種分隔讓他們得以各自遭遇不同情境 When power goes out all over the island, 都是特別設計來攻擊他們的信念。 Grant is suddenly forced to get along without the help of any technology… 當整座島停電時, “Hey what'd I touch?” 格蘭特突然被迫在沒有科技幫忙下處理一切 “You didn't touch anything. We've stopped.” 「嘿,我碰到了什麼?」 …while at the same time finding himself responsible for the lives of Hammond's grandchildren. 「你沒碰任何東西。我們自己停下來了。」 “He left us!" ......同時發現自己得對哈蒙德孫兒的生存負起責任。 "He left us!” 「他離開了我們!」 “But that's not what I'm going to do.” 「他離開了我們!」 Throughout the second act of the film, 「但我不會這麼做。」 every single moment in Grant's story is about one of these two things. 電影的第二幕, “Good boy.” 格蘭特故事的每一刻,都是關於這兩者之一 Eventually, Grant even acknowledges that he has been resisting progress in his own life, 「好孩子。」 and that he might be ready to change. 最終,格蘭特甚至承認了他一直在生活中抵抗著進步, “What are you gonna do now if you don't have to pick up dinosaur bones any more?” 而他或許準備好要改變了。 “I don't know, I guess we'll just have to evolve too.” 「如果你不用繼續撿恐龍骨頭,你要做什麼?」 Meanwhile, Hammond is dealing with the fact that the dinosaurs he decided to bring back to life 「我不知道,我想我們大概也得進化了。」 are destroying everything he has built. 同時,哈蒙德正在面對事實:他決定重生的那些恐龍 But even worse, they're now threatening the lives he values most. 正在摧毀他所建造的一切。 By having to witness the disaster unfold, 更糟的是,他們現在正威脅到他最重視的生命。 Hammond is forced to realize that he only loved progress-at-all-costs 藉由不得不目睹災難的發生, when he thought he had control over it. 哈蒙德被迫意識到,他所喜歡不顧代價的進步, But it's not just the situations that are designed to attack Grant and Hammond's beliefs. 只有在當他認為他可以控制的時候。 (Malcolm laughs) 但設計來考驗格蘭特和哈蒙德信念的情況並不僅如此。 The script uses Dr. Ian Malcolm, chaotician, (Malcolm笑了,覺得十分有趣,這使格蘭格感到疑惑。哈蒙德厭煩地別過頭) to test the character of Grant by flirting with Grant's partner, Dr. Ellie Sattler. 該劇本使用了Ian Malcolm博士,一位混沌理論學者 “Did I go to fast? I go to fast I did a flyby.” 藉由和格蘭特的伴侶Ellie Sattler博士調情, 來測試格蘭特的角色 And in his interactions with Grant, we see that Malcolm might have some of the qualities 「我太快了嗎?我太快了,簡直飛過去。」 Dr. Sattler wants that Grant lacks. 在他與格蘭特的互動中,我們看到 Malcolm可能有一些特質 “You got any kids?” 是Sattler博士想要,但格蘭特沒有的 “Me? Oh, hell yeah. Three. I love kids. 「你有孩子嗎?」 Anything at all can and does happen.” 「我?哦,當然。三個。我愛孩子。 This hints that if Grant doesn't figure out a way to evolve, he could lose Dr. Sattler. 他們是所有可能而且確實發生的一切。」 Malcolm tests Hammond by spelling out the exact problem 這暗示了如果格蘭特不找到進化的方法, 他可能會失去Sattler博士。 with Hammond's pro-progress obsession. Malcolm則藉由說出確切的問題來挑戰哈蒙德 “Our scientists have done things which nobody has ever done before.” 與哈蒙德對進步的執迷。 “Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could 「我們的科學家已經做到從前沒有人做過的事。」 that they didn't stop to think if they should.” 「是,是,但你的科學家如此專注於他們是否能做到 Once Malcolm is injured, Dr. Sattler—another well-designed supporting character— 以至於不曾停下來思考是否應該這樣做。」 steps in to test Hammond's beliefs for weaknesses. 當Malcom受傷,Sattler博士-另一名 精心設計的配角- “When we have control again—“ 取代他來測試哈蒙德對脆弱的信念。 “You never had control, that's the illusion!” 「當我們再次取得控制——」 “The only thing that matters now are the people we love.” 「你從未控制過,這是個幻覺!」 “Alan, and Lex, and Tim." 「現在唯一重要的是我們愛的人。」 "John, they're out there where people are dying.” 「艾倫,萊克斯和提姆。」 The screenwriter even reminds us of Hammond's catchphrase at the end of this scene, 「約翰,他們還在外面,人們正在死去。」 highlighting how Hammond's progress-at-all-costs viewpoint has failed in the face of disaster 編劇甚至在這幕結束時,提醒我們一次哈蒙德的口頭禪 and now sits around him, melting. 強調哈蒙德不顧一切進步的看法,在災難當前徹底失敗 “Ellie reaches out and takes a spoon out of one of the buckets of ice cream, and licks it.” 現在正在他的四周慢慢融化 “It's good.” 「艾莉伸手拿出冰淇淋桶的湯匙,舔了它。」 “He looks up at her, and his face is different, 「這真好吃。」 as the unhappy irony of what he's about to say 「他抬頭看著她,臉色不太一樣, finally hits home.” 同時他將要說的話變成一個不悅的諷刺, “Spared no expense.” 擊中了他。」 Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler, and even characters like Dennis Nedry, Muldoon, and Gennaro 「不惜一切代價。」 are fun additions to the story, each with their own memorable moments. Ian Malcom,Ellie Sattler,甚至像Dennis Nedry,Muldoon和Gennaro這些角色 “Clever girl.” 都是故事的有趣成分,每位都有他們自己難忘的時刻。 But more importantly, these supporting characters exist to sharpen the film's focus on theme 「聰明的女孩。」 by challenging the beliefs of Grant and Hammond. 但更重要的是, 這些配角是為了加強電影對主題的重視而存在 And because their beliefs are challenged throughout the film, 主要透過挑戰格蘭特和哈蒙德的信念。 by the end they have both learned to evolve. 而正是因為他們的信念在電影中不斷受到挑戰, “Ellie! Boot up the door locks! Boot up the door locks!” 到最後,他們都學會了進化。 During the movie's climax, Lex's skill with new computer technology… 「艾莉!啟動門鎖!啟動門鎖!」 “It's a unix system!" 在電影的高潮,Lex對於新電腦科技的技術...... …becomes the reason all the characters are rescued— 「這是unix系統!」 a fact Grant is forced to acknowledge. ......成為所有角色獲救的原因 “Grant?” 這也是格蘭特被迫承認的事實。 “Mr. Hammond. The phones are working.” 「格蘭特?」 “It's going to cut through the glass!” 「哈蒙德先生。電話通了。」 And after the trauma of this ordeal… 「牠會穿透玻璃!」 “GRANT!” 在這場苦難的創傷之後...... …Hammond has realized that sometimes the cost of progress is simply too high. 「格蘭特!」 “Mr. Hammond, after careful consideration I've decided not to endorse your Park.” ......哈蒙德已經意識到,有時進步的成本就是太高了。 “So have I.” 「哈蒙德先生,經過慎重考慮, 我決定不替你的公園背書。」 That both of them have changed their beliefs 「我也是。」 suggests that the central question at the core of a theme 這兩個人都改變了他們的信念 doesn't always have a neat, 暗示著這主題核心的中心疑問 easy answer. 並不總是有個工整、 As Michael Crichton said: 簡單的答案。 “It seems to me that we live in a society 正如Michael Crichton所說: in which technology is continuously presented as wonderful. 「在我看來,我們生活這個社會中, Isn't it fabulous that we all have computers? 科技一直被呈現出美好的一面 Well, yes and no is my response.” 我們都有電腦不是很棒嗎? Yes. And no. 嗯,我的回應是,是也不是。」 Jurassic Park is a great example of how to use theme to guide the design of a screenplay. 是也不是。 It celebrates the marvels that technology can provide, 《侏羅紀公園》是一個很棒的例子, 來展示如何以主題來引導劇本的設計。 while also warning of the dangers of irresponsible progress. 它一面慶祝科技可以成就的奇觀, And taking it a step further, 一面也警告不負責任求進步的危險。 the filmmakers even found ways to weave in moments about all kinds of “progress” 更進一步, issues from the early 90s, 電影製作人甚至找到方式編進各種 from legal and bureaucratic red tape… 從90年代初開始的各種「進步」議題 “No!” 來自法律和官僚主義的繁文縟節...... To feminism… 「沒有!」 “Dinosaurs eat man… woman inherits the earth.” 到女性主義...... To corporate espionage. 「恐龍吃掉男人......女人繼承了地球。」 This commitment to theme elevates the film above a simple monster movie, 到企業間諜活動。 helping make it one of our most beloved and enduring cinematic experiences— 這種對主題的投注,讓他不僅是一部單純的怪獸電影 (clank) 而使它成為我們最喜愛、最持久的電影體驗—— One that may never go extinct. (哐噹) (roar) 這可能永遠不會滅絕。 And it allows a thrilling, meaningful adventure to await inside the gates (怒吼) of Jurassic Park. 它也使《侏羅紀公園》的大門之後, 有一個驚心動魄而有意義的冒險 Jurassic Park was first released in theaters in June of 1993, 《侏羅紀公園》於1993年6月首次在電影院上映, but it didn't come out on VHS until October of 1994. 但直到1994年10月才發行VHS。 As a seven-year-old, having to wait that long to watch it again was very frustrating, 作為一個七歲的孩子, 要等那麼久才能再次觀看是非常令人沮喪的, but I filled that time by playing with my Jurassic Park toys... 但我填補這段時間的方式就是玩我的侏羅紀公園玩具 (tinny roar) (小小吼) ...and by reading the original book. ......並閱讀原著喜說。 The book has a much darker tone, but is really great, 這本書的基調更晦暗,但非常精彩, and if you haven't read it, you should. 如果你還沒讀過,應該讀讀看。 Which is why I'm so glad that Audible has sponsored this video, 這就是為什麼我很高興Audible贊助了這則影片, because you can start a thirty-day trial today and get your first audiobook for free 因為你今天可以開始為期三十天的免費試用, 並免費獲得您的第一本有聲書 by going to audible.com/lfts or by texting “lfts” to 500500. 透過前往audible.com/lfts或 發簡訊“lfts”到500500。 Audible has the largest selection of audiobooks on the planet, Audible擁有這個星球上最多的有聲書, and you can listen to them on all your devices— 你可以在所有設備上收聽 - seamlessly switching between your phone, car, or tablet— 在手機、汽車或平板間無縫切換 picking up exactly here you left off. 從哪裡停下,就從哪裡開始 So head to audible.com/lfts or text “lfts” to 500500 所以前往audible.com/lfts或發簡訊“lfts”到500500 to sign up for the free thirty-day trial and start listening to Jurassic Park today! 登錄參加為期三十天的免費試用, 然後從今天開始聽《侏羅紀公園》! Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video. 感謝Audible贊助此影片。 Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the video! 嘿大家,希望你喜歡這則影片! Have you seen the new Jurassic Park, and if so what did you think? 你看過新的《侏羅紀公園》了嗎? 你覺得怎麼樣? Let me know on twitter @michaeltuckerla. 請在推特@michaeltuckerla 告訴我。 Thank you as always to my patrons on Patreon 一如往常,感謝我Patreon上的贊助者, and my supporters here on YouTube for making this channel possible. 和YouTube的支持者,你們讓這個頻道得以運作。 If you want to support the channel you can by heading to my Patreon 如果你想支持頻道,你可以前往我的Patreon or by clicking on the “sponsor” button below. 或者點擊下面的「贊助」按鈕。 Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time. 謝謝觀看,下次見。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 格蘭特 公園 恐龍 進步 信念 電影 侏儸紀公園-以主旨塑造角色 (Jurassic Park-Using Theme to Craft Character) 370 10 Luke 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 22 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字