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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Noun Phrase 115. The noun phrase today is

  • rat race. Okay. Let's take a look the note. If we say that someone is in or lives in

  • a rat race, it is a disapproving term. It means that a person seems to be in a

  • constant struggle competing with others to maintain or improve one's position in

  • life or in one's career or in the workplace. It suggests that one is in an

  • exhausting struggle. Often making one feel that they are going in circles. Like

  • they're not really getting anywhere, going in circles and rarely reach their

  • goals. The term derives from... so it comes from, derives from rat cages in which rats

  • run in circular paths trying to get their prize of cheese considered to be a

  • meager reward. It's a reward, but it's not really a whole lot. Not for all the

  • effort they're putting into it. This race often leaves them exhausted and may make

  • one wonder if it was worth the effort. This idea compares the struggle of daily

  • lives you know, of the daily lives of people to this experiment. Yeah. So you

  • know basically your only reward is like a meager amount of salary just like a

  • meager amount of cheese that the rat gets, when he's running around crazy

  • always busy competing with others. He doesn't really have time to think about

  • what he's doing and all he gets is that meager reward. You know, getting ahead is

  • slow at best and sometimes you know you don't feel like you're moving at all. You

  • feel like you're going in circles. All right. So anyway let's take a look. We got

  • two examples to kind of you know show the way we would use this. All right. Here's

  • number one. I decided to get out of the rat race and move to the countryside. I

  • make less money, but I find life more rewarding. And some people say this.

  • Some people do it. Even though I think most people don't leave the rat race. But,

  • but if they do, you know, maybe they don't mind. Maybe they just prefer a

  • slower pace of life or something like that. Maybe being more content with less.

  • Or number two here. I never imagined this career was going to be so competitive. I

  • feel like I am trapped in a rat race. So whatever the career is when he was

  • always competing, you know, always rushing around. Never having time to think. You

  • know getting ahead is slow. So that's the way we use it. So we often talk about it.

  • But it's always in a disapproving way that you know somebody's in a rat race.

  • Or trapped in a rat race or that you feel like they're in a rat race. Anyway, I

  • hope you got it. I hope its clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Noun Phrase 115. The noun phrase today is


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英語導師Nick P名詞短語(115) Rat Race(老鼠賽) (English Tutor Nick P Noun Phrase (115) Rat Race)

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    anitawu12 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日