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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 155. The verb phrase today is to sweat

  • out or sometimes we might even say to sweat it out. All right. Let's take a

  • look. We actually have two meanings here. The first one if someone sweats something

  • out he or she gets rid of something from one's body by sweating. So this is the

  • more literal meaning. You sweat something out. You sweat something out of your body.

  • All right, and we have two examples to cover this meaning. Here's the first one she

  • covered herself with a lot of heavy warm blankets to try to sweat out her cold.

  • Okay . So she's literally sweating the sweat out of her body. Or number two. She

  • likes to take long saunas to sweat out the toxins. Remember the

  • toxins means like poisons from her body. Okay. So this is the more literal meaning

  • Again you are literally sweating in this one. All right. Here's the second one.

  • To endure something unpleasant or await something in a suspenseful or nervous manner.

  • You're nervous about it. A lot of times when we are nervous we do start to

  • sweat. So that's probably why it also picked up this meaning. All right. And we

  • have our three examples to cover all of these. Here's the first one here. She

  • wasn't sure if she did well enough on her college entrance examination. She was

  • really sweating it out until she got the results. So this kind of covers

  • several of them here. It's a little unpleasant. It is definitely suspenseful

  • because you have to keep waiting and you might be nervous so it kind of covers

  • all three in one here. Let's look at the second one. I got stuck in that elevator

  • for two hours due to that power outage. So the electricity went off. The elevator

  • if you're unfortunate to be the one in the elevator when it stops you get stuck

  • in there. I just had to sweat it out until the power came back

  • on and I was finally let out of the elevator. Okay. Good. So this one is

  • definitely unpleasant also very nervous. in a nervous manner. A lot of people would

  • panic if this happened to them. All right number three here. Try not to think about

  • if you are going to be one of the downsized employees. Yeah. Maybe the

  • company already announced they're going to do it but they haven't told who's

  • getting downsized and who is not yet. Or not you're just going to have to sweat it

  • out until the downsizing is over. Or, or unless they know. They let you know

  • you've been one of the downsize people. Unfortunately we hope that doesn't happen to you.

  • Okay. Good. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's clear. Thank you for your time.

  • Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 155. The verb phrase today is to sweat


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英語外教Nick P動詞短語(155)汗水流出來了 (English Tutor Nick P Verb Phrase (155) Sweat Out)

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    anitawu12 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日