字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Do your shoes smell like something died in them? 你的鞋子會散發出彷彿有東西死在裡面的惡臭嗎? We've put together 10 tricks to make your shoes smell fresher than a warm summer's day. 我們彙整了十大除臭的方法,讓你的鞋子聞起來比夏日的微風更讓人神清氣爽。 We've broken this down into three categories of stink. 首先,我們把鞋子臭味區分為三大類。 Low stink. 等級一:輕微的臭味。 Medium stink. 等級二:中等臭味。 And holy hell, that stink is a crime against humanity! 等級三:這股要命的臭味已經像違反人性的犯罪! Let's start with "Low Stink." 我們先從「輕微的臭味」開始講起。 For light odors, there's a few things you can do. 對付微臭,你可以嘗試以下方法。 First method, take a woman's stocking and clip it down to size. 方法一:準備一條絲襪,並修剪至適當大小。 Now open it up and fill it with some scented kitty litter. 接著,打開襪子並倒入香氛貓砂。 Once the stocking is loaded, cram it into the shoe and let it sit overnight. 倒滿貓砂後,把襪子塞進鞋子裡,然後放置一晚。 The litter should absorb any wetness and lingering odors. 貓砂可以吸附鞋子裡的濕氣還有臭味。 Next, you can try the tea bag method. 或是,你可以試試看方法二:茶包除臭法。 Grab some tea and remove the bags from packaging. 拿取數個茶包,並把外包裝拆開來。 Now load your shoe up with about five bags. 接著,把大約五個茶包放進鞋子裡。 Again, let it sit overnight, and your shoes will be smelling like tea, Earl Grey, hot. 靜置一個晚上後,你的鞋子聞起來將會像杯熱的格雷伯爵茶般香氣四溢。 No kitty litter or tea? 如果你既沒有香氛貓砂也沒有茶包,該怎麼辦? Maybe you have some fragrant wood chips out by your grill. 你也許會有烤肉剩下來的木屑。 Grab a bag of those wood chips. 拿一包木屑。 I used hickory, and load up a clean sock with them until it's full. 我通常都用山核桃木,接著把木屑倒入一隻乾淨的襪子,倒到滿為止。 Stuff the shoe with the sock, and try your best to close off the top. 把襪子塞進鞋子裡,並盡你所能把開口封住。 Again, let this sit over night. 一樣讓它靜置一晚。 And you'll be smelling like a lumberjack all day long. 那雙鞋將讓你一整天都聞起來像個伐木工人。 All right, let's move into "Medium Stink." 接著,我們來談談如何處理「中等臭味」。 For those smells that just need a little bit more attention. 去除中等臭味需要付出更多的心力。 Grab some baby powder and sprinkle it on the inside of the shoes, and shake it around to even it all out. 拿些嬰兒爽身粉,並撒在鞋子裡頭,然後用全力搖動鞋子,就算爽身粉噴灑出來還是要繼續搖。 Now cram them directly into a Ziploc bag. 再來,把鞋子直接塞進夾鏈袋。 This might be tough if you have big feet. 如果你的鞋子很大,塞進夾鏈袋對你來說可能會是件困難事。 We found that size 12 is about the max. 我們發現夾鏈袋最大只能容納到十二號鞋。 Okay now, put them in the freezer for about 12 to 24 hours. 現在,把夾鏈袋放進冷凍庫約 12 到 24 小時。 The extreme cold can help kill off odor-causing bacteria while the baby powder will absorb moisture. 低溫可以殺除那些引發臭味的病菌,而嬰兒爽身粉會吸收鞋裡的溼氣。 If you have a lemon or orange lying around, they can be used to get rid of some pretty gnarly smells. 如果你剛好有檸檬或是柑橘類水果,它們也能用來去除惱人臭味。 Just slice the fruit and cut off a few slices of the peel. 將它們切成兩半後,再削下些許的果皮。 Place them directly into the shoe, and let the citrus oils do their thing overnight. 把果皮放進鞋子裡後,將其靜置一晚,讓柑橘精油發揮效用。 This is a great cover-up fix that'll make you smell like you ran through a lemon orchard. 這是個去除臭味的好方法,讓你聞起來就像是置身於檸檬果園。 Now if you have shoes that you can't wash, and the odor is getting pretty bad, fill a container with a bit of rubbing alcohol. 如果你有一雙臭到不行卻不能清洗的鞋子,先準備一個裝滿消毒用酒精的容器。 And soak it all up with some cotton balls. 並讓棉球吸滿消毒用酒精。 Now carefully pack the shoe with the soaked cotton and cover as much surface area as you can. 接著,將吸滿酒精的棉球放入鞋中,盡你所能用棉球覆蓋鞋子的各個角落。 As usual, let this sit overnight. 一如往常,將其靜置一個晚上。 And then remove the cotton balls in the morning. 隔天,再取出鞋子裡的棉球。 It might smell like you drank a bottle of vodka, but at least the odor is gone. 這或許會讓你聞起來像你剛喝完一大罐伏特加,但至少鞋子沒有臭味了。 All right, now let's move on to "Holy hell, that stink is a crime against humanity!" 我們現在來討論該如何處置「如犯罪般的要命臭味」。 For odors that should be considered a biohazard. 這種要命的臭味應該可以被歸類為另類的生化危機。 Place your shoes into a pillowcase and tie it down tight, so they can't move around. 首先,將你的鞋子放入枕頭套裡,並把它綁緊,不要留任何可以讓它移動的空間。 Put your bag of shoes into the washer and also throw in some towels for some support. 將裝有鞋子的枕頭套丟入洗衣機中,並丟進數條毛巾幫助清洗。 Run a cycle on hot and then do the same in the dryer. 用熱水模式清洗一輪後,再丟進烘衣機裡烘乾。 When you're done you should have some fresh smelling sneakers. 然後,你將會擁有一雙散發清新氣味的運動鞋。 Extreme smells call for extreme measures. 終極的臭味就必須採取終極手段。 Fill a bucket up with water, leaving some room at the top. 先將水裝進一個大水桶中,記得不要把水倒滿。 Now go and raid grandma's medicine cabinet and get some denture sanitizer. 然後,突襲奶奶的醫藥櫃,拿取一些假牙清潔劑。 Unwrap the tablets until you have a nice big pile on hand. 打開包裝後,抓取一大把假牙清潔劑。 Submerge your shoes into the bucket and toss the tablets in. 將你的鞋子浸泡至大水桶中,然後丟入假牙清潔劑。 Let the tablets dissolve and fizz while they kill bacteria and the odor in your shoes. 假牙清潔劑在水中融化冒泡的同時,代表它正在殺菌和除去鞋子裡的惡臭。 After about 10 minutes, remove them and let them dry on a towel. 十分鐘過後,把鞋子拿出來,放在一條毛巾上晾乾。 After a couple hours, you should have the mintiest shoes around. 幾小時後,你將會擁有一雙帶有薄荷清香的鞋子。 Now let's talk preventive care. 最後,我們來聊聊預防鞋臭的措施。 Clean your feet! 好好做腳部的清潔! If the problem keeps persisting, you might be forgetting to soap up your feet in the shower. 如果你的鞋臭問題遲遲無法根除,也許是因為你在洗澡的時候忘記清洗雙腳了。 This is key and many people forget this simple thing. 這是件很重要但很多人常常忘記的小事。 Awesome! 太棒了! Change your socks daily or perhaps go see a podiatrist. 每天都要更換你的襪子,或是你可以去看足科醫生。 Now what if absolutely none of these things are working for you? 如果上述所有辦法都無法去除你的鞋子臭味該怎麼辦? Well, this isn't a tip as much as it is a suggestion. 我接下來要說的也許比較像個建議而不是什麼訣竅。 Go buy new shoes! 買一雙新鞋吧! Technically, this is a way to get rid of stinkiness and start fresh. 事實上,這可以說是個完全遠離臭味,一切重新開始的好方法。 Sometimes old shoes just need to go. 有時候,勢必要狠下心丟掉太舊的鞋子。 Well, I hope you found these tips useful. 我希望以上去除鞋臭的方法有幫助到你。 Feel free to tell us about your own methods in the comments. 歡迎你在底下留言區告訴我們你去除鞋臭的小密技。 We'll see you next time. 我們下次再見。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 鞋子 去除 假牙 茶包 襪子 清潔劑 鞋子臭爆怎麼辦?教你十招輕鬆跟鞋臭說掰掰! (10 Ways to Stop Shoe Odor!) 7961 315 Annie Chien 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字