字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 excerpt from Josephprince.com 請繼續觀看接下來來自Josephprince.com 最新信息的片段 He took your place and my place He who knew no sin, He did no sin 祂代替了你我的位子,祂不知罪,不曾犯罪,在祂裡面沒有罪 In Him is no sin 承受了神所有的震怒 Bore the fullness of God's anger 但這次的獻祭跟舊約中的獻祭有所不同 But this time the sacrifice was unlike the sacrifice of the Old Testament 不過所有獻祭皆指向祂 that all point to Him anyway 舊約裡,有一個關於以利亞的故事 In the Old Testament there's a story of Elijah 他在巴力先知的面前叫火從天降 who called fire down from heaven before the prophets of Baal 他取十二塊代表十二支派的石頭,築造了一個祭壇 and he built an altar of twelve stones representing the twelve tribes 又把他的燔祭放在祭壇上 and he put his sacrifice on top of the altar 然後他告訴眾人 and then he told the people 將三個桶盛滿水 Put barrels of water Three barrels of water in full 倒在燔祭上, 直到水溢出來 was poured on the sacrifice until the water started overflowing 然後他向神祈求 神就降下火 And then he prayed and God sent fire 當神將火從天降, 我的朋友,這火燒光了一切 And when God sent fire my friend, it consumed everything 不僅燒光了燔祭 還燒光了那十二塊石頭 Not just the sacrifice even the twelve stones disappeared 什麼都沒留下 這告訴我們在律法之下 Nothing was left Telling us that under law 審判大過於祭物 the judgement was greater than the sacrifice 但當耶穌被釘在十字架上時 在恩典下,對於你和我 And when Jesus hung on the cross under grace for you and I 朋友聽好了,祂吸收了神一切審判 Listen my friend, He absorbed all the judgement of God 一切咒詛和定罪 All the curse All the condemnation 一鞭接著一鞭 然後祂將這一切吸收進自己裡面 Stroke after stroke and then He absorbed it all in Himself 隨後大喊 成了! and shouted Finished! 一滴也不剩 你知道嗎? Not a drop left And you know what? 祂還活著 但是審判不見了 He was still alive but the judgement was gone 接著,祂抬頭說 and then for the first time He looked up and said 父啊!祂又稱呼神為父了 Father! He called God Father again 父啊!我將我的靈魂交在你手裡 Father! Into Your Hands I commit My Spirit 祂將頭低下 順便一提,說話聲是很大的 He put down His head by the way it was a loud voice 聖經說,祂大聲喊叫 the bible says He cried with a loud voice 祂將頭低下 這是大能 He put down His head That's power 然後祂吐氣 釋放了祂的靈 and then He breathed Dismissed His Spirit 朋友,這次 在承受了審判之後 Friend, this time after consuming the judgement 祭物留下了 The sacrifice remained 在恩典下,祭物大過於神的審判 Under grace, the sacrifice is greater than God's judgement 這麼多年以來, 我將這麼結束 For years now And I'm going to close with this 這麼多年以來,會眾們, For years now church 我在靈裡看見在十字架上發生的事情 I have seen in the Spirit alright What happened at the Cross 沒有什麼比靈更真實 聽好,這是最棒的部分 Nothing is more real than Spirit Listen, this is the best part 多年以來,我在靈裡看見 For years, I saw this in the Spirit 因為靈比任何物質都真實 Because Spirit is more real than material things 神是一個靈,祂帶出一切物質 It's a Spirit, God Himself, that brought out all these material things 沒有什麼比靈更真實 Nothing is more real than Spirit 當你看到耶穌被釘十字架時 When you see Jesus hanging on the cross 你看不見靈裡所發生的事情 You don't see what's happening in the Spirit 但如果你有眼能見 多年前的一天我在禱告時 But you have eyes to see One day I was praying many years ago 我看見一團像旋風 and I saw this Like a whirlwind 一陣龍捲風一樣的雲盤旋在祂的頭頂 A cyclone in the clouds above Him, gathering momentum 這團風暴逐漸變大 隨之在祂頭上爆發 The storm increasing and then it broke over His head 被祂所吸收 我看見 being absorbed in His person and I saw like 罪,我看見定罪, 我看見咒詛,我看見疾病 Sin, I saw condemnation I saw curse, I saw sickness 這一切被祂一人所吸收 all of them just being absorbed into His very person 如同一股旋風 於是我告訴自己 Like a whirlwind and I told myself 有朝一日 我將會有這樣的 One of these days I'm going to have this kind of 視頻 video presentation 呈現給大家 To show the people 我等了又等 等待有個人 So I waited and waited and waited for someone else 能幫我實現 to do it 隨後,電影“The Passion of Christ” Then the movie "The Passion Of The Christ" 一部最棒的電影 我仍然覺得是這是一部最棒的電影 One of the best movies ever done and I still think it's the best 不過,可惜的是,這部電影之後 But unfortunately right after the movie 我遇到一些人,他們告訴我 “這群人對耶穌所做的一切 I met some people who said "Terrible, what those people 太可怕了" did to Jesus" 他們不明白在靈裡到底發生了什麼 They didn't understand what happened in the Spirit 並不是這群人對耶穌做了什麼 It wasn't what those people did 而是我們的罪 It was our sins 這無關於生猶太人的氣 It's not a matter of getting angry with the Jews 不論猶太人或是外邦人 我們都是罪人 Whether Jew or Gentile we are all sinners 祂是為我們而來的 He came for us 是我們的罪把祂釘在十字架上 It was our sins that put Him on the Cross 人們並不理解 So people didn't understand 有的人說 “哇,羅馬人對祂所作的一切太殘忍了” Some people said "Wah terrible What the Romans did to Him" 但他們沒看到祂背負了我們的罪 Except to see He carried our sins 所以,我發覺單有一部 So I realised that It's not enough just to have a 關於耶穌的電影是不夠的 portrayal, a movie about Jesus 所以,有一天,我將此事告訴神 So one day, I told God about this and I felt like 我覺得神告訴我 “我把這件事交給你 God telling me, "I put it on you to 你來製作這支視頻“ produce this video presentation" 我說“神啊,祢給我所需的資源,然後我來完成” I said, "God, You give me the resources and I'll do it" 那已經是許多年前了 That's been a number of years ago 猜猜看發生了什麼 Guess what? 我請我的創意團隊來製作這支視頻 I've asked my creative team to come up with the video presentation 他們全力以赴地將我在靈裡所見的 and they tried their best to translate on video 轉變成視頻 在此過程中,我不斷把視屏退回去 What I saw in the Spirit So I kept on sending them back 退回製圖組 to the drawing board 因為我覺得不夠滿意 Because it wasn't satisfying to me 我不斷地退回給他們 我相信我從來沒有 I kept on sending them and in fact I think I've never send 這麼頻繁地退給他們 them back so often 因為它必須跟我所見的一模一樣 Because it must be exactly what I saw 即使是音樂,即使是特效 Even the music Even the special effects 是在耶穌在世時發生的 that would have taken place during the time of Jesus 我要這些和我在靈裡所見的一模一樣 於是,他們在多次被退稿後 I want it to be exact the way I saw it in the spirit So finally they came back to me 終於來見我了 after being sent back to the drawing board 這一次我看了 And this time I looked at it 我甚至亲自挑选音乐 因为我在灵里听过那种音乐 I even picked the music because I heard that kind of music 親自挑選雲朵的樣式,諸如此類 in the Spirit and even the clouds and all that 然後,他們問我 “牧師,這次怎麼樣?” and they tell me, "Pastor, how is it Pastor?" 有幾處小細節可以改進 但是你必須要仁慈 Just a few more things that can be improved but I... you must be merciful 所以無論如何,我們終於製作出 一支視頻,非常接近於我在靈裡所見到的 So anyway, we came up finally with something that came really close 我們第一次把它準備好 to what I saw in the Spirit and we have it ready for the first time 史無前例 ever. 今天,你們是首批觀看它的人 You're the... You people are the first today, to watch it 在任何人觀看它之前 Before anyone else watches it 請坐好,讓我們回到從前 Sit back church, let's go back in time 回到耶穌被釘十字架的那天 to that day when Jesus hung on the cross 從神而來,充滿了愛 From God, with love 父啊,赦免他们 Father, Forgive them 因為他們所做的,他們不曉得 For they know not what they do (罪) (SIN) (定罪) (CONDEMNATION) (咒詛) (CURSE) (疾病) (SICKNESS) (死亡) (DEATH) 我的神,我的神,為什麼離棄了我? My God, My God Why have You forsaken Me? 成了! Finished! 父啊,我將我的靈魂 Father, Into Your Hands 交在你手裡 I commit My Spirit 讚美神 Praise God 我的夢想完成了 My dream fulfilled 我要世界看到 I want the world to see 不僅僅是一個人在講道 Instead of someone just preaching 而是看到在靈裡發生了什麼 See what happened in the Spirit 朋友,祂所做的一切 Friend all that He did 都是因為祂對我們的愛 is because of His love for us 魔鬼希望神 The devil out there wants God 出現在一個宗教性的佈景下 to appear in a religious setting 但是基督教不是一個宗教 But Christianity is not a religion 耶穌沒說過“我來是要給你們宗教” Jesus didn't say "I come to give you religion" “我來是要給你們更多的條規” I come to give you rules and more rules 祂說“我來是要叫你們得生命,並且得的更豐盛” He said, "I came to give you life and life more abundantly" 阿門 Amen 有些人,他們會因為你沒有佩戴十字架 或沒有穿上白色的長袍 Some people, they are not happy when you don't 而感到不高興 have a cross or you don't wear a robe 或因你沒有被宗教束縛 or you don't have the trappings of religion 但是耶穌來不是要叫我們專注在這些事情上 but Jesus didn't come to focus on all these things 祂來叫我們成為義人 He came to make us righteous 你能因著耶穌的寶血稱義 You can be righteous by the blood of Jesus 即便你只穿著一件T恤衫 wearing just a T-shirt 朋友,祂愛你 Friend He loved you 那是神對你的愛的表示 And that was a demonstration of God's love for you 祂所做的一切 All that He has done 如果你不領受的話 就都白費了 will be in vain if you don't receive it 神絕不會把祂的赦免強加在你身上 See God will never force on you His forgiveness 神絕不會把祂的愛強加在你身上 God will never force on you His love 神絕不會把對死亡的勝利強加在你身上 God will never force on you victory over death 祂不會把這些事強加在你身上 He won't force these things on you 雖然祂愛你 但是祂也尊重你自由選擇的權利 even though He loves you He respects your free choice 但祂愛你 並且祂說 But He loves you and He is saying 回家吧, 回到充滿愛的家 Come home, come home to love 回到充滿饒恕的家 回到充滿勝利的家 Come home to forgiveness Come home to victory 如果這就是你 不論你在何處觀看這支視頻 If that is you wherever you are that's watching this 你要信靠耶穌 You're going to put your trust in Christ 以及祂為你所作的一切 and all that He has done for you 那麼現在跟我一起做這個禱告 Then pray this prayer with me right now 所有人低頭,閉上眼睛 Every head bowed every eyes closed 在觀看這個視頻的所有地方 Everywhere that's watching this 打從心裡說 Say this from your heart “天父 Say, "Heavenly Father 我相信祢對我的愛 I believe in Your love for me 我相信祢對我的愛在我叛逆時 你愛我 You loved me even when I rebelled 在我步入歧途時 在我不在乎祢時 When I went astray and I didn't care about you 祢仍然愛我 You loved me still 感謝祢給我祢的兒子作為禮物 Thank you for the gift of your Son 我的救主耶穌基督 My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 祂為我的罪死在十字架上 He died on the cross for my sins 祂替代了我 承擔了屬於我的審判 He took my place bore my judgement 替我死了 And died instead of me 父,我感謝你 我的罪被赦免了 And Father I thank you My sins are forgiven 律法被完全 也被成全 The law is fully completed and fulfilled 魔鬼被打敗了 The devil is defeated 父,祢被榮耀了 And Father You are glorified 耶穌祢是我的主 從今到永遠 You are my Lord Jesus now and forever more 奉主耶穌的名 阿門 In Jesus' name Amen 這段信息是由 Josephprince.com帶給您的 This excerpt is brought to you by Josephprince.com 請前往 Josephprince.com 以獲取完整信息 To get the full message, visit Josephprince.com 關於今年年度主題 神告訴我 In the theme of the year This is what God said to me 今年將會是更大榮耀的一年 It's going to be the year of Greater Glory 這是在我準備這個信息時 And that's what the Lord impressed on me really strong 神讓我深深感知到的 As I was preparing this 叫我告訴你們所有人 to tell you all 是的,你們所有人都有榮耀, 但是這一個榮耀展現的一年 All of you have glory, alright but it's a year of manifested glory 更大的榮耀意味著 人們將會看到 Greater glory means people are going to see 你生命中的榮耀 the glory in your life 所有人都犯了罪並且 喪失了榮耀 All have sinned and forfeited the glory 意思就是我們都不配這榮耀 which means we come short of the glory 我们不配这荣耀,我们都缺乏这荣耀 We fall short, we are lacking of the glory 但是耶穌來叫我們再得著這榮耀 But Jesus came to give us back the glory 我說,耶穌來叫我們再得著這榮耀 I said Jesus came to give us back the glory 而且今年時榮耀更大的一年 And its the year of greater glory 哇!讚美主 Wow! Praise the Lord 所以聖經說 當黑暗遮蓋大地 So when darkness comes the bible says 祂的榮耀將現在你身上 His glory will be seen upon you 直接的結果 你的家庭被祝福 The first result Your family is blessed 其次的結果 祝福將全部向你湧來 The second result They will all come, alright, 它們將全部向你湧來 They will all come to you 你聽到了嗎? 今年你是蒙福的 Did you hear that? You are blessed this year 没人能扭转这祝福! No man can reverse it! Stay tuned for the latest message
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 耶穌 榮耀 十字架 審判 視頻 看見 約瑟夫-普林斯--髑髏地動畫視頻(十字架上發生的事)---------。 (Joseph Prince - Calvary Animation Video (What Happened At The Cross)) 118 3 Naphtali 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字