字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Look out; here come the ten hardest choices you'll ever have to make. 小心了,這裡將帶來:你史上做過最難的十大選擇。 Throughout our lives, we are constantly bombarded with major choices. 在我們的一生當中,我們不斷地被各種重要選擇夾攻。 Which university should I apply to? 我該申請哪所大學? Should I take that higher paid job on the other side of the country? 我該接受那個地球另一端國家的高薪工作嗎? Do I like red M&M's or blue? 我喜歡紅的還是藍的 MM 巧克力? Our decisions not only determine our future but also define us and shape our personalities. 我們的選擇不僅決定了我們的未來,也定義了我們、形塑了我們的性格。 In this video, Bright Side offers you the opportunity to make ten extremely difficult choices. 在本影片中,Bright Side 頻道提供你回答十個超難選擇的機會。 At the end of the video, we'll tell you what kind of person you are. 在影片最後,我們會告訴你你是怎麼樣的人。 There are only two possible answers to each question. 每一題只有兩個選項。 You need to choose between option A and option B. 你需要從選項 A 跟 B 中選一個答案。 So, this is like the Kobayashi Maru test in "Star Trek", huh? 所以這有點像《星際大戰》中的小林丸測試,對吧? As you're taking the test, keep track of how many times you choose A or B. 當你在做本項測驗的時候,紀錄一下你選 A 跟 B 的次數。 Because you'll need these totals at the end of the video to find out your results. 因為你最後會需要這項總計以獲得你的檢測結果。 You'll only have five seconds to think about each question before we give you the explanation. 在我們公佈解釋前,每題你只有 5 秒可以回答。 Don't think too long and go with your gut. 別想太久,跟著感覺走。 You'll get the most accurate results that way. 這樣你將會得到最準確的結果。 Here we go. 我們開始吧。 Counting down from number ten. 從第十題倒著開始。 Would you rather: A, Be the smartest person around, or B, The most charming? 你比較喜歡 A:當群眾中最聰明的人,還是 B:最有魅力的人? How about the one with the most money? 還是當最多錢的那個人? Well, that's not a choice. 嗯,這可不在選項中。 Now, if you chose A, it means you don't really care about what other people think. 現在,如果你選擇了 A,那就表示你其實不太在乎別人怎麼想。 You're just fine on your own. 你一個人可挺好的。 If you'd prefer to be charming, other people's opinions are important to you. 如果你偏好當個迷人的人,那麼他人的意見對你來說是很重要的。 Question nine. 第九題。 Would you rather: A, Always have to tell the truth, or B, Always lie? 你寧願 A:永遠說實話,還是 B:永遠說謊? Can I just take the Fifth Amendment right now? 我能行使美國憲法第五修正案的緘默權嗎? Now this really is a tough choice. 這確實是挺艱難的選擇。 You either can't lie at all or you can never tell the truth. 你要嘛完全不能說謊,要嘛永遠不能講真話。 If you choose truth over lies, it indicates that you're a selfless person. 如果你選擇真相大過謊言,這顯示了你是個無私的人。 Question eight. 第八題。 Would you rather: A, Never have internet access again, or B, Never take an airplane in your life? 你寧願 A: 永遠不再使用網路。還是 B:一輩子永遠不搭飛機。 Or C, Never have to take an enema. 或者是 C:永遠不需要用到灌腸劑。 That's not a choice, come on. 這不是選項之一,拜託。 If you have a fear of flying, the choice might be obvious for you. 如果你害怕搭飛機,那你的選擇結果就很明顯。 But if you're an avid traveler, we feel your pain. 但如果你是個旅行愛好者,我們感受到你的痛苦了。 Choosing the internet over flying could mean that you care a lot about the environment. 選擇網路勝過飛行可能代表你很在乎自然環境。 Or you just really love watching our videos on YouTube. 或者你只是非常愛看我們的 YouTube 影片。 Plus, thanks to the internet, you can visit any country you want without ever leaving your apartment. 再加上由於有了網路,你不用離開你的公寓就能造訪各個國家。 Question seven. 第七題。 Would you rather: A, Find true love, or B, Win a million dollars? 你更希望 A:找到真愛,還是 B:贏得百萬獎金? Can't we just do both? 我們不能兩個都選嗎? If you win for the money, it might be an indication that you don't really believe in such things as "true love". 如果你選擇贏錢,這可能表示你其實不太相信有「真愛」這種東西。 You're probably really practical and unemotional. 你可能非常實際且不情緒化。 Question six. 第六題。 Would you rather: A, Never be able to speak again, or B, Always have to say everything on your mind? 你寧願 A:永遠不能再說話,還是 B:永遠必須說出你所有的心裡話? Oh, I like that one. 噢,我喜歡這題。 Not being able to speak is really hard, but is it worse that you're always saying what you think? 不能說話真的蠻難的,但是會比總得說出你心中想法來得差嗎? Your girlfriend asks you if she looks good, and you are unable to lie and say, "Yes." 你女朋友問你說她看起來好不好看,然後你不能撒謊說:「好看」。 Can you imagine the consequences? 你能想像那些後果? So, maybe silence is golden, or maybe Bitcoin? 所以或許沉默是金,又或許比特幣是金? Question five. 第五題。 Would you rather: A, Have a photographic memory, or B, Be able to forget anything you want? 你寧可 A:有過目不忘的記憶力,還是 B:能忘記任何你想忘記的事? Um... what was the question again? 嗯,能再講一遍問題嗎? Having a photographic memory means that you can learn all kinds of things really easily. 擁有過目不忘的記憶力意味著你能輕鬆地學會各種事物。 But, you know, this can be a curse. 但你知道這也可能是個禍害。 You remember all the bad things that people normally forget. 你會記得人們一般會遺忘的所有壞事。 So, forgetting anything that you want at any time now sounds pretty tempting, right? 所以忘記一切你想忘掉的現在聽起來挺吸引人的,對吧? However, choosing a photographic memory means that you are a strong person. 不過,選擇有驚人記憶力意味著你是個堅強的人。 Number four. 第四題。 Would you rather: A, Never have sex again, or B, Never eat your favorite food? 你寧願 A:永遠沒有性生活,還是 B:永遠不能再吃你最愛的食物? Ooooh, that's a tough one. 噢,這題真棘手。 Choosing to never have sex probably means that you prefer to be alone. 選擇永遠沒有性生活可能代表你偏好獨處。 And if you opted for food, well, you must really love food. I do. 而如果你以食物為優先,嗯...你想必非常愛吃。我也是。 Number three. 第三題。 Would you rather: A, Be the only person in the world to live a happy life, or B, Be the only person in the world to live an unhappy life? 你寧願 A:當世界上唯一活得快樂的人。還是 B:當世界上唯一活得不快樂的人? I'm confused. 我搞糊塗了。 Now, think about it for a second. 現在,思考一下。 This one is extremely hard, too. 這題也非常困難。 Can you really be happy in a world where there are only unhappy people? 在一個只有哀傷人的世界,你真有辦法活得快樂嗎? Your friends, your family all having hardships except lucky you? 你的朋友、家人全都過著苦味人生,唯獨你一個人中樂透? Yeah, I could give it a shot. 沒錯,這題我秒解答。 No, not really. 不,不一定啦。 Question two. 第二題。 Would you rather: A, Be the first person to discover an inhabitable planet, or B, Be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease? 你更喜歡 A:當第一個發現適合人居住星球的人。還是 B:當一個發明治絕症靈丹的發明家? Ooooh, that's a tricky one. 噢嗚,這可難對付了。 Both of these things are so important for humanity. 兩者對人類來說都非常重要。 But curing a disease means that you can save a lot of people right now. 但醫治一項疾病表示你能馬上救許多人。 Well, discovering a planet would be a huge leap in technology, but only in the long term. 嗯,發現宜居星球將會是科技的一大步,但那只能從長計議。 So, you'd probably never be able to see it in person anyway. 所以無論如何,你大概永遠也無法親自見到那一天。 And question one. 再來是第一題。 Would you rather: A, Be poor but be able to help people, or B, Get incredibly rich by hurting other people? 你寧可 A:很窮但有能力幫助他人。還是 B:靠著傷害他人來變得超級有錢? Well, this seems obvious, but hmm... 嗯,這答案看起來呼之欲出,不過... If you chose option A, it means you're someone who cares about other people more than yourself. 如果你選擇了A:那就表示你是個比起在乎自己,更在乎他人的人。 As for choosing B, well, it's pretty much the opposite. 至於選擇 B 的人,嗯,則幾乎完全相反。 Okay, now it's time to see the final results. 好的,現在到了公佈最後結果的時候。 Surprise! This was a test of how selfish you are. 想不到吧!這是個測你究竟有多自私的測驗。 Oh, how sneaky! 噢,好陰險。 If you chose A, from one to three times, you're a pretty selfish person. 如果你選了 1 到 3 次的 A,你是個非常自私的人。 Very few people would like to work with you in a team. 很少人團隊合作會想跟你一組。 It's not that bad, though. 但也沒那麼糟啦。 It just means that you prefer fighting for yourself to get exactly what you want. 這只代表你更著重在為自己奮鬥以得到你所想要的東西。 But would you really step on other people to get there? 但你是否會為達目的而不擇手段? If you chose option A from four to six times, that means you're moderately selfish. 如果你選了 4 到 6 次的 A 選項,代表你的自私度適中。 You're like the Goldilocks of this list: Not too much, not too little, just right. 你就像童話故事《三隻小熊》裡金髮女孩的挑選法則:不會太多、不會太少,嘟嘟好。 Who's been eating my porridge? 誰吃了我的燕麥粥? Pretty much most people would fall into this category. 大概多數人都會落在這個範圍內。 You can be selfish when you need to be. 當你必須自私時,自私一下是可以的。 Now, if you chose option A from seven to ten times, you're the type of person who is always ready to sacrifice your own interests for someone else. 現在,如果你選 A 選項達 7 到 10 次,你則屬於那種,總準備為別人而犧牲自己利益的類型。 But will you ever get what you want in life if you easily give it up for others? 但如果你輕易為了別人而放棄,你能得到你想要的東西嗎? Mother Teresa! She's back! 德雷莎修女,妳回來啦! So, what were your results? Do you agree with them? 所以你的結果是什麼呢?你同意這項結果嗎? Tell us in the comments section below. 在下方留言告訴我們你的想法。 Like this video and share it with your friends to learn what kind of people you're surrounding yourself with. 按讚這個影片並分享給你的朋友,了解一下你周遭圍繞的都是怎樣的人。 Don't forget to click the subscribe button to join us on the Bright Side of life! 別忘了按下《亮生活》頻道的訂閱鍵,點亮你的生活!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 BRIGHTSIDE 選擇 選項 自私 記憶力 真愛 有障礙者障礙?10 題測你的人格特質! (10 Hardest Choices Ever (Personality Test)) 16067 809 Joyce Chiou 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字