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  • So after my alarm goes off, I might use it a couple of times but I try to get up and

  • not stay in bed too long and

  • Then I always make my bed first thing

  • It just helps me start the day with a clean room and the clean mind

  • And then I'll usually check my phones any text messages from last night that I missed

  • And

  • then I always check the weather because

  • Boston weather is pretty variable and I like to be prepared for the day and pick out my outfit and

  • Then I'll just go to the hallway bathroom and brush my teeth

  • Wash my face to my skincare routine and just get ready for the day

  • and

  • then I don't do this every morning, but I try to

  • do some yoga and stretch a little bit because I'm usually sore right when I wake up and I find that stretching just

  • Helps me prepare for my day better and puts me in a really good mood

  • And I love doing yoga, so I'm working on my practice

  • And

  • Then I do do this every day

  • I like to meditate for like five to ten minutes because I find that it just really helps me clear my mind

  • and get focused and kind of get rid of all of the

  • Noise and the distracting thoughts that I'm always thinking about so it really helps me

  • Just get my brain in a good mood for classes and just for enjoying things

  • And

  • Then I always make sure to take my vitamins every day

  • So the ones that I use are by a company called care of and they're actually partnering with me on today's video

  • so thank you so much care of and

  • The thing I like about carob is that they're all

  • specialized to your needs and

  • They all come in these personalized little packets with your name on them and like a quote or fun fact for the day

  • So they're actually really fun to take

  • and

  • Then it can be kind of difficult to know what you really should be taking and I know I've struggled with this

  • So care of has this online quiz

  • Where they will ask you questions about like your diet your lifestyle

  • Your immune system kind of just your your body's needs and then they will personalize the vitamin recommendations for you

  • So you're really only taking what you need to be taking just for your body

  • So I really like this because everything is customized to my body and my diet and my exercise level

  • So they know that I'm a student. They know that I'm vegan and

  • Then they give recommendations based on that. So everything is specifically for me and like what I need to be taking

  • and then it only takes about five minutes and then at the end you'll have

  • Personalized recommendations for vitamins and for proteins if you need them, so these are mine

  • so I have a veggie Omega because

  • I'm vegan

  • so I can't take fish oil, but I still want to get those omega-3s and then I also have

  • plant protein because I need more protein in my diet and

  • Then every month you'll get delivered to your door your own personalized

  • Recommendation so there's my vitamin pack with my name on it and then protein with my name on it, too

  • It's just really cool

  • and

  • Then there's also these little packets for on-the-go and they also have these little quick stick powders for a little pick-me-up

  • So I got the ones for stress because I'm a student and I'm always stressed. So it really helps

  • So Kara also has an app so you can set reminders to take your vitamins every day

  • And then when you do take them you can work that you did

  • so it's like a little game and you feel very accomplished which I like and

  • Then for 50% off your first order go to take care of comm and enter the promo code Sienna 50

  • Which is just for you guys. So I love taking them and I feel so healthy. So I really hope you guys do too

  • So after I'm ready for the day I have a little bit of studying to do

  • So my first class is Korean and I'm just doing a little bit of homework for that

  • My handwriting is kind of bad don't judge me, but I'm trying to get better

  • And

  • then I just packed my bag for the day and make sure I have everything and

  • Set out for my first class

  • Most days I have time to get breakfast in the D Hall

  • But today I didn't so I just went and picked up a green juice

  • My first class of the day, it's Korean and it's in northwest labs so I had there

  • Oh, that's ok

  • This is my section leader east song singing and she's incredible, I love her I

  • Have Korean every single day and I have so much fun in this class and

  • Then after I'll head to lunch and this is Annenberg the freshman dining hall and this is where we eat all of our meals

  • Thank you

  • And

  • This year they put in a plant-based section, which always makes me so happy

  • I always feel like hugging the dining-hall workers

  • whenever I see the amazing vegan food that they made and

  • Then this is my friend Jonathan and we were just grabbing quick lunch before our classes and he was showing off his tattoo

  • Next I head to my Women and Gender Studies class, which is my favorite class, and I look forward to it every single week

  • And

  • Then after classes are done for the day all head to the Smith Center, which is the Campus Center and

  • I have a job there

  • so I work at one of the desks and

  • just kind of point people in directions and tell them where the bathroom is and I got to do my homework while doing it so

  • It's pretty nice job

  • And I usually sit there for about two or three hours. That's usually the length of one of my shifts

  • After my shift is over

  • I get a text from one of my friends saying we should go study on the lawn in front of Widener Library

  • Because it's such a beautiful day. So we go put out a little blanket and

  • Study, but also just kind of goof off. Ah

  • This is one of my really good friends ma day, and she's a junior

  • So I'm always happy when she wants to hang out with a first-year like me

  • and

  • then after studying of it we had to

  • Tante to get some coffee and like an afternoon pick-me-up and do a little more studying together

  • We were actually doing our taxes together, which was pretty funny

  • We both have no idea how to do taxes and we're helping each other out

  • Just used to let me buy her coffee and then bought mine

  • And

  • Tata is a favorite amongst Harvard students because it has really good food and coffee and it just has such a nice ambiance

  • So I always come here to study

  • and

  • Then after ma day leads I really get to work on a draft for one of my papers for my expose class

  • Which is like our expository writing class, which is a requirement for all freshmen

  • Sometimes if I really need to focus I'll go to a

  • Widener, but I really like coffee shop vibes and the kind of background noise

  • So I really do a lot of my studying in coffee shops

  • and

  • Then it's back to the Berg which is what we call the freshmen dining hall and I'm getting dinner with my really good friend Lucy

  • And

  • Then after dinner we decided to go work out

  • Which I usually like to do before dinner and I was really full so it probably wasn't the best idea

  • But we went and did some cardio

  • So I like to go on the elliptical machines and I'll usually go for like about an hour

  • Maybe 45 minutes if I'm short on time and then I always listen to music because it helps me work out better

  • So I'm listening to BTS, of course and make sure to stream map of the soul persona because it's a really good album

  • And then this is us looking all sweaty, but very happy after an hour-long workout and then we just go to

  • Some ab work together. I

  • try to work out about

  • Five days a week, but it doesn't always happen. So some weeks. It's more like three some weeks if it's really bad

  • It's more like one but I always try to get a workout in because I think it's really important

  • especially as a student you just cope with stress and

  • Work your body break a sweat and it really helps with like my mental health and mental clarity. I think it's really important and

  • Then after I always make sure to stretch

  • and

  • Then straight from the gym. I head to my women and business committee meeting and this is my chair Samantha. She's so cute

  • I love her a lot. I really love my committee. We have a lot of fun

  • And then when I get back it's a little after 9 p.m. So I just shower and get ready for bed

  • That is me goofing off in trying to be cute and

  • Then after I've done my skincare routine, and I'm fully ready for bed. I get in PJs and

  • Do a little bit of reading and this is Virginia walls to the lighthouse

  • So I always like to read before bed because I think it's a lot healthier than being on your phone

  • Even though I'm definitely on my phone, you know, get off your phone

  • at this point it's about

  • Midnight and I just switch off the light and go to bed

  • into it all again the next day I

  • Really? Hope you guys enjoyed seeing a day in my life and make sure to LIKE and subscribe and I'll see you in the next

  • Video. Thanks so much for watching

So after my alarm goes off, I might use it a couple of times but I try to get up and


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A2 初級 美國腔

哈佛學生的一天生活 (A Day in the Life of a Harvard Student)

  • 85 5
    王雲琦 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日