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  • As Trump stokes tensions around the world, he's adding fuel to the fire by demanding

  • even more Pentagon spending.

  • It's a dangerous military buildup intended to underwrite endless wars and enrich defense contractors

  • while draining money from investments in the American people.

  • President Dwight D. Eisenhower once noted, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched,

  • every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are

  • not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

  • Eisenhower was a Republican and a former general who helped win World War II for the Allies,

  • and yet, he understood America's true priorities.

  • But Washingtonand especially Trumphave lost sight of these basic trade-offs.

  • Since 2001, the Pentagon budget has soared from $456 billionin today's dollarsto

  • $700 billion, including the costs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other national

  • security expenses.

  • All told, when you include spending on the military and war, veterans' benefits, and

  • homeland security, military-related spending now eats up 67% of all federal discretionary

  • spending.

  • According to the 2018 Military Balance report by the International Institute of Strategic Studies,

  • the United States already spends more on the military than the next 10 nations

  • combined.

  • Even if the Pentagon budget were cut in half, the United States would still outspend China,

  • Russia, Iran, and North Korea combined.

  • The military budget has become bloated with waste and abuse.

  • According to the Pentagon's own internal figures, the department could save at least $125 billion

  • by reducing operational overhead.

  • Out-of-control defense contractors also drive up spending.

  • In coming years, cost overruns alone are projected to reach an estimated $484 billion.

  • Despite all this, some still argue that military spending is necessary to support good-paying

  • jobs and economic growth in America.

  • Baloney.

  • America would be much better served by a jobs program that invested in things we really

  • needlike modern roads and highways, better school facilities, public parks, water and

  • sewer systems, and clean energynot weapons systems.

  • The biggest reason for increases in Pentagon spending is the incredible clout of the

  • military-industrial-complexEisenhower's term.

  • Every year, defense contractors spend millions of dollars on lobbying and campaign contributions

  • to keep federal dollars flowing their way.

  • More than 80% of top Pentagon officials have worked for the defense industry at

  • some point in their careers, and many who are in government now

  • will go back to work in the defense industry.

  • Since taking office, Trump has increased military spending by more than $200 billion.

  • Let's take a second to look at how else that $200 billion could be spent.

  • We could, for example,

  • offer free public colleges and universities, as proposed by Bernie Sanders,

  • AND fund the Children's Health Insurance Program

  • AND expand broadband internet access to rural America,

  • AND meet the growing needs for low-income housing, providing safe living conditions

  • for families and the elderly,

  • AND help repair the physical devastation in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

  • Spending more on bombs and military machinery funnels money away from the American people

  • and into wars.

  • It's time to rein in Pentagon spending and Trump's endless war machine and demand investment

  • in America.

As Trump stokes tensions around the world, he's adding fuel to the fire by demanding


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B2 中高級 美國腔

羅伯特-賴克。軍事-工業流失 (Robert Reich: The Military-Industrial Drain)

  • 39 1
    葉品銳 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日