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Nespresso is the first single-serve coffee company to develop a facility dedicated to recycling their own coffee pods, but why?
Nespresso 是第一個開發回收自家咖啡粉囊的單杯式咖啡公司,但為什麼呢?
Because we have a coffee-pod recycling problem.
Single-serve coffee machines are really popular.
About 1/3 of all American coffee-drinkers own one, and more than 1/2 of Americans say they use single-cup coffee pods.
Single-cup coffee sales increased to almost $4.5 billion in 2017, but those pods aren't easy to recycle.
單杯式咖啡的銷售量在 2017 年成長至將近 45 億,但這些粉囊不容易回收。
They're packed with coffee grounds and can't be reprocessed using conventional methods.
Because of that, there are enough pods buried on the planet to circle the Earth, more than a couple dozen times.
We took a look inside Nespresso's recycling facility to see how they're trying to change that.
我們前往 Nespresso 的回收場,希望了解他們如何試著解決這個問題。
Because Nespresso capsules are made of aluminum, they need to break down in a very specific way.
因為 Nespresso 的膠囊是鋁製成的,需要用特定的方式才能被分解。
So, they partnered with Ag Choice.
因此他們和 Ag Choice 合作。
Ag Choice is the facility that recycles the Nespresso capsules.
Ag Choice 是回收 Nespresso 膠囊的場所。
From there, the grounds are separated from aluminum containers.
The emptied capsules are bailed and melted and the grounds are baked.
Having the facility isn't enough, since the company depends on customers to ship the pods back.
Though Nespresso is taking action, they wouldn't share with us exactly how many capsules are actually being recycled.
雖然 Nespresso 已經採取措施,但他們不願意透露已被回收的膠囊的數量。
Nespresso and Keurig are two of the leading single-serve coffee manufacturers in the world.
Nespresso 和 Keurig 是全球單杯式膠囊咖啡的兩大巨頭。
In 2014, a video titled "Kill the K-Cup" caused an uproar against Keurig.
2014 年,一部叫作 Kill the K-Cup 的影片引發了對 Keurig 的反彈聲浪。
The company received backlash because their pods contained plastic number seven, which is difficult to recycle and could contain toxins.
該公司受到強烈抨擊,因為他們的膠囊含有塑料 7 號,不但難以回收,可能還含有毒素。
Plastic number seven is the catch-all of plastics, making it really difficult to break down.
塑料 7 號是塑料之王,是所有塑膠中最難被分解的。
Keurig's co-inventor John Sylvan even said he regretted inventing the K-Cup, knowing how terrible the pods were for the environment.
Keurig 的共同創造者 John Sylvan 甚至表示在知道粉囊對地球的巨大傷害後,他很後悔發明 K-Cup。
Nespresso's recycling program is in 37 other countries, including Canada, Brazil and New Zealand.
Nespresso 的回收計畫已經在 37 個國家中展開,包括加拿大、巴西和紐西蘭。
Both Keurig & Nespresso have goals to build a more comprehensive and sustainable pod recycling program by 2020.
Keurig 和 Nespresso 都希望能在 2020 年前建立更全面、永續的粉囊回收計畫。
And for Nespresso, they say the core of their focus is all about the long run.
對 Nespresso 來說,他們關注的核心是長期的發展。
The reason we benefit by providing a recycling program is because we're encouraging conscious consumption.
So you know you enjoy a really great cup of coffee with the right amount of coffee, the right amount of water and then that capsule goes on to be recycled and it becomes another product down the line.