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Hi this is Tutor Nick P this is Quotes 241. Today we have another one by
Shakespeare. We haven't done one by him in a while. But I have done several by
him before in the past. So if you like this one go back and check out those.
Okay. Anyway, let's take a look at the quote. "Have more than thou showest, speak
less then thou knowest, lend less than thou owest. Okay. So again you know,
remember, this is a little bit of middle English here. So have more than
that showest than you show. Than you show to other people. Speak less than
thou knowest. Don't let everybody know everything that you know or don't let
everybody know you know about you or your personal life . Lend less than thou
owest. Okay. So lend either maybe literally lend out money or maybe invest money you
know have it going out or spending more than actually you , you have. Yes.
So lend less than thou owest. Okay. So let's , uh let's take a look the note here.
This quote is life advice. The first part of this quote is basically telling
someone not to have a big mouth about one's finances or possessions. Yeah. So
have more than thou showest. Don't let people know that you have so much. Even
if you think you can trust a particular person. You never know if your
relationship may change. You know , maybe you're good friends now. Maybe you'll
like them. But maybe in the future. Maybe something
could happen and you know, hopefully they will never use this against you. Also
there is a chance you may have and if you do have a lot. It can spark jealousy
from others too. It;s another thing. So be careful. It's better to keep a low profile.
It's better not say too much, especially about your financial situation. Okay number two
here. You know, the second part . Remember the second part, speak less than thou
knowest. So the second part of the quote relates
to not revealing too much. You know , about about you about your personal life.
Whether it is in regard to one's personal life. Just like we said, business
or expertise. Yeah. Even your expertise sometimes if you're very smart at
something , you know with others though. Maybe somebody might feel like you're
showing off or you try to be too much of an expert. Yes. So anyway let's continue.
etc with your personal life it may be better not to reveal any
weaknesses or flaws. Yeah. Sometimes, even speaking too much. Maybe let out too much.
You let people know that you do have weaknesses.You may make people realize
that you do have flaws. And you know, this you never know what they may think about
you or that you never know that they may keep that ... you know, information stored or
maybe they may tell it to other people. Any previous bad behavior. Yeah. Maybe not
a good idea to always mention about that or even ones strategies. Yes. Maybe you
never know what others may repeat about you. And it may fall on ears that you
prefer they don't know. So people may hear it that you know maybe you compete
with or that is your competition. Or maybe even your enemies. It may come it
may come back to haunt you. So again be careful. With business you may also let
your competitor know your weaknesses . Or anticipate your strategies. Even if he
knows the type of strategies you use, this gives him an advantage. Good and the last
part of the quote is warning you to stay out of financial trouble. Remember the
last part is lend less than thou owest. I remember a long time ago, I did a video
about you know, neither a borrower nor a lender be. So Shakespeare in general was
you know, maybe not really keen on the idea about lending out money.
He got burned before. He lent out money that he didn't get back. Or in this case
you know, again be careful with your finances. Avoid debt you know, he might
mean also investing or getting money out at this time or avoid in investing or
you know ... avoid going over your head . Just in case you do invest in something and
and it flops. You know don't borrow money to invest in something. I've seen
people do this before. They think it's such a sure thing. They'll borrow money
to invest and then if it fails. If your investment fails then you could really
be burned big time. So or giving out more than you can afford. So that's what they
mean. Lend less than thou owest and then just willing to put out. Okay. Anyway, I
hope you got it. I hope it's clear. I hope it was food for thought. Thank you for
your time. Bye-bye.