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  • Hi.

  • I'm Vanessa from

  • How fast can you speak English?

  • Let's talk about it.

  • Have you ever thought, "Oh my goodness.

  • English speakers speak so fast.

  • How will I ever be able to speak like that?"

  • Well, today I have some good news for you.

  • I'm going to share with you seven important tips that native speakers use when they speak

  • quickly.

  • We're going to talk about reducing sounds, cutting off sounds, and connecting sounds.

  • Then, at the end of this lesson, I have a challenge sentence for you that I want you

  • to be able to say as fast as you possibly can.

  • So, let's get started with the first tip.

  • My first tip for speaking fast English is to use contractions.

  • What are contractions?

  • They're when you put two words together.

  • I'd like to go is I would like to go.

  • He's busy.

  • He is busy.

  • What're you doing?

  • What are you doing?

  • If you'd like some tips about how to pronounce 81 contractions, I made a video about that

  • up here to help your pronunciation.

  • But, this first tip is the most simple.

  • We'll talk about some more difficult tips later.

  • And it's an easy way to speak quickly.

  • I'd like to go.

  • I would like to go.

  • Do you see how we can speak quicker because we're cutting off all the sounds in the word

  • would except for that final D?

  • I'd like to go.

  • Great.

  • Let's go on to the second tip.

  • My second tip for speaking fast English is to reduce these four common verbs.

  • Gonna, wanna, gotta, hafta.

  • I'm gonna study English means I'm going to study English.

  • That word to simply becomes a.

  • I'm gonna study English.

  • Or you might say, "I wanna study English."

  • Here, we're changing want to to wanna.

  • Again, the word to changes to a.

  • I wanna study English.

  • Or maybe you will say, "I gotta study English."

  • Here we have a longer verb.

  • I have got to study English becomes I gotta.

  • I gotta study English.

  • And then you might say, "I hafta study English."

  • Have to, here again, to changes to a.

  • I hafta study English.

  • Can you say these with me?

  • I'm gonna study English.

  • I wanna study English.

  • I gotta study English.

  • I hafta study English.

  • Beautiful sentences, and it's so fast.

  • My third tip for speaking fast English is to reduce the word you when you're asking

  • a question.

  • We're going to talk about three common question words.

  • And unfortunately, the word you reduces in a different way for each question.

  • So, listen carefully, and let's check it out.

  • The first question word is what.

  • How can we reduce the question, "What are you doing?"

  • What are you doing?

  • We could reduce this to say, "Whatcha doin'?"

  • Whatcha, whatcha.

  • It sounds like a CH sound here.

  • Actually, we've cut out completely the word are, and the word you just becomes cha.

  • Whatcha doing?

  • You might notice, too, extra tip that the end of the word doing that G also gets cut

  • out.

  • Whatcha doin'?

  • Whatcha doin'?

  • So, I end that word with an N. Whatcha doin'?

  • Whatcha doin'?

  • Oh, I'm teaching in English lesson.

  • Oh, I'm studying English.

  • I'm going to sleep.

  • Whatcha doin'?

  • Whatcha doin'?

  • Whatcha.

  • Whatcha doin'?

  • Let's talk about the second WH question.

  • Whereya goin'?

  • Whereya goin'?

  • Do you notice the same thing happening here with that ing at the end?

  • Whereya goin'?

  • It ends with an N. What is happening with the word you?

  • Where ya, we just changed it to ya, ya, not you, but Y-A.

  • Whereya goin'?

  • And again, we cut out are.

  • Where are you going?

  • Whereya goin'?

  • Whereya goin'?

  • Whereya goin'?

  • What about if you wanted to ask a polite question?

  • Would you help me?

  • Maybe you need some help in the office.

  • You might ask this lovely question.

  • Would you help me?

  • But if you want to say it fast, you could say, Wouldja help me?

  • Wouldja help me?

  • Wouldja help me?

  • Instead of a ch sound, like we talked about before, whatcha doing, here, instead, we're

  • going to say ja.

  • Wouldja help me?

  • Can you say that with me?

  • Wouldja.

  • Wouldja help me?

  • Would you help me becomes would ja.

  • Wouldja help me?

  • Wouldja help me, please?

  • Tips number four, five, and six include cutting off sounds.

  • These are a little bit more tricky, so let's pay attention carefully.

  • Tip number four for speaking fast English is to cut off the T at the end of words.

  • Ooh, what about this sentence?

  • I go out every night.

  • I go out every night.

  • Do you hear I go out every night?

  • No.

  • Instead, your tongue is at the top of your mouth.

  • You're about to make the T sound, but no air goes through, so it's just stopped at the

  • top of your mouth.

  • I go ou' every nigh'.

  • I go ou' every nigh'.

  • If you would like to know some more common sentences and English that use this, we use

  • this all the time, but you can check out this video I made up here about how to pronounce

  • the most common sentences in English.

  • I go ou' every nigh'.

  • Can you say that with me?

  • I go ou' every nigh'.

  • Tip number five for fast English is to cut off the letter D at the end of words.

  • Let's check out this sample sentence.

  • I found a blue and white card.

  • I found a blue and white card.

  • I found a blue and white card.

  • Maybe you found a blue and white card on the street, and it was a birthday card that someone

  • just threw out their window.

  • I found a blue and white card.

  • I foun'.

  • The word ends in the letter N. I foun' a blue an'white ... Here, the word and is

  • being reduced.

  • Just cut off that final D sound.

  • I foun' a blue an' white car', car'.

  • This is a little bit different than the word car.

  • I drive a car, because your mouth is making the shape of that D sound, but it's not making

  • the vibrations happening.

  • You're not actually making a D sound, but your mouth is making that shape car', car'.

  • My tongue is flat against the roof of my mouth to make the D, but it's not coming out car',

  • car'.

  • Can you say that sentence with me?

  • I foun' a blue an' white car'.

  • I foun' a blue an' white car'.

  • I foun' a blue an' white car'.

  • My sixth tip for speaking fast English is quite advanced.

  • It is to cut off the first sounds with a few pronouns: him, his, her, and them.

  • Let's look at a couple of sample sentences.

  • I think he's right.

  • I think he's right.

  • I think he's right?

  • There's no H happening here.

  • I think 'e, think 'e.

  • Kind of sounds like you're saying thinky.

  • I think 'e's right.

  • Do you notice too at the end of the word right there's no T sound?

  • I think 'e's righ'.

  • I think 'e's righ'.

  • I think 'e is righ'.

  • We do this all the time.

  • Let's go on to another pronoun.

  • It's his turn.

  • It's her turn.

  • It's his turn.

  • It's her turn.

  • This one's a little bit weird, isn't it?

  • The H at the beginning of his and her is cut off.

  • We don't do this all the time, but it does happen often enough that you want to make

  • sure you could understand when native English speakers are using it, and also so that you

  • can use it yourself.

  • It's 'er turn.

  • It's 'er turn.

  • It's 'is turn, 'is turn.

  • it's 'is turn.

  • It's 'is turn.

  • We're not saying it's his turn, it's 'is turn.

  • It's 'is turn.

  • It's 'er turn.

  • It's 'er turn.

  • It's 'er turn.

  • Great.

  • What about the word them?

  • I listened to 'em.

  • I listened to 'em.

  • I listen to 'em, 'em.

  • The word them has the TH cut out, and instead you're saying um, um.

  • I listen to 'em.

  • Maybe if someone asks about some music that you like, you might say, "Oh yeah, I listened

  • to 'em.

  • I listen to 'em, 'em.

  • I listen to 'em."

  • This is quite casual, and we use it a lot in daily conversation.

  • I listened to 'em.

  • Can you say that with me?

  • I listened to 'em, 'em.

  • So, we need to reduce some pronouns as we're speaking him, his, her, them.

  • My seventh tip for speaking fast English is specific to American English.

  • It is to change a T sound to a D sound.

  • You might've noticed that we've done a lot with Ts and Ds, cutting them off at the end

  • of words.

  • And here we're changing them for each other.

  • So when we say a word, like the word better, water, do you hear better, water?

  • No.

  • In American English, a T that's between two vowel sounds ... It doesn't always have to

  • be a vowel, but between two vowel sounds is going to change to a D, better, water.

  • Let's look at a sample sentence.

  • The sweater is better.

  • I like water.

  • Sweater, notice that T, it's between two vowels.

  • Is better, it's between two vowel sounds.

  • I like water, also between two vowels.

  • But, what if we take it up a notch?

  • These Ts in the next sample sentence are also between vowel sounds, but it's not so clear.

  • Put it in the desk.

  • Put it in the desk.

  • We have a lot of D sounds.

  • Put it in.

  • Put it in.

  • What's happening with that T at the end of the word put?

  • Well, it's a T between two vowels, even though there's two separate words.

  • Put it in.

  • And the word it is between two vowels, even though it's two separate words.

  • So, I know this can be a little bit tricky, but you're going to hear native speakers use

  • this all the time, so make sure you can do it, too.

  • Can you say it with me?

  • Put it in.

  • Put it in.

  • Put it in the desk.

  • Put it in the desk.

  • Put it in the desk.

  • Put it in the desk.

  • Do you see how that makes it much faster?

  • Because instead of spending the time to let the air come out of your mouth, your tongue

  • is just tapping the top of your mouth to make a D. Put it in.

  • Put it in, instead of put it in.

  • It makes it a lot faster.

  • Are you ready for a final challenge sentence?

  • It's going to combine so many of these seven tips, and it's going to challenge your mind

  • and your pronunciation muscles.

  • Our sentence is, I'm gonna to eat his food, and it'll taste great.

  • Phew, pretty fast.

  • Let's break it down.

  • I'm gonna.

  • I'm gonna.

  • Remember those reductions we talked about at the beginning of this lesson?

  • We have a contraction, I am, and then we're reducing going to to become gonna.

  • I'm gonna.

  • I'm gonna eat his, eat his.

  • Here, the final T is changing to a D. But, why is it changing to a D if the next word

  • doesn't start with a vowel?

  • Well do you remember that we need to cut off the H for the word his?

  • So instead, it sounds like a vowel, 'is, eat 'is.

  • So, let's change that T to a D and make sure that you cut off the H. Eat 'is.

  • Can you say that with me?

  • Eat 'is, eat 'is food.

  • Foo'.

  • What happens to that final D?

  • We just cut it off, foo', and we're cutting off the next D. It'll tastes great.

  • It'll.

  • What is happening with this contraction?

  • Well, when we say the contraction it will, we kind of add a little U sound before the

  • L. It kind of sounds like U-L-L, It'll.

  • So, here we have two vowel sounds, even though we don't see them, similar to before, eat

  • his.

  • So, here we have it'll.

  • It'll tas'e.

  • Here we're cutting off the T. Grea', and we're cutting off the T again.

  • It'll tas'e grea'.

  • Can we go back and say this full challenge sentence together?

  • Let's give it a try.

  • I'm gonna eat his food, and it'll tastes great.

  • So much going on here.

  • Let's try to say it fast.

  • I'm gonna eat his food, and it'll taste great.

  • I'm gonna eat his food, and it'll taste great.

  • I'm gonna eat his food, and it'll taste great.

  • Phew.

  • Great.

  • I hope you can say this and by yourself.

  • Use those pronunciation muscles and challenge yourself.

  • Thanks so much for learning English with me.

  • I want to know in the comments which one of these fast English chips was new for you.

  • Can you make a sentence with one of these fast tips?

  • Try to speak it quickly.

  • And if you see other comments, you can try to say them fast as well.

  • Thanks so much for learning with me, and I'll see you again next Friday for a new lesson

  • here on my YouTube channel.

  • Bye.

  • The next step is to download my free eBook, Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English

  • Speaker.

  • You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons.

  • Thanks so much.

  • Bye.



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如何說FAST英語 (How to Speak FAST English)

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    Win Chiu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日