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  • In this American English pronunciation video,

  • we're going to learn how to pronounce the CH and JJ consonants.

  • The CH and JJ consonants are paired together because they take the same mouth position.

  • CH is unvoiced, meaning only air passes through the mouth,

  • and JJ is voiced, meaning, you make a sound with the vocal cords, jj--

  • These consonants have a stop consonant component,

  • but unlike stop consonants, they're always released.

  • They each contain two sounds for the CH,

  • we're combining the T, tt, and the SH, sh, to make ch.

  • For the J sound, we're combining dd and zh to make jj.

  • The teeth come together and the lips flair, just like in the sh and zh sounds.

  • But the tongue position is like the tt and dd sounds.

  • The tongue lifts so the front, flat part of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth.

  • We stop the air in our throat, and then we release everything, ch, jj.

  • We release the air at the vocal cords, release the tongue down from the roof of the mouth,

  • release the teeth so they part a little, and release the lips by relaxing them.

  • Ch, jj.

  • Let's look at these sounds up close and in slow motion.

  • The lips flare and the teeth come together.

  • Then the release.

  • The word 'jar'.

  • The lips flare and the teeth come together, then release into the AH as in FATHER vowel.

  • The word 'chart'.

  • The lips flare and the teeth come together,

  • then release into the AH as in FATHER vowel.

  • The word 'batch'. The lips flare and the teeth come together, then release.

  • The CH and JJ consonants.

  • Jar,

  • chart,

  • batch.

  • Example words.

  • Practice with me.

  • Chase, ch-- chase.

  • Attach, ch-- attach.

  • Teacher, ch-- teacher.

  • Danger, jj-- danger.

  • Just, jj-- just.

  • General, jj-- general.

  • I hope this video helps you understand these sounds.

  • That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

In this American English pronunciation video,


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A2 初級 美國腔

英語語音 - CH和JJ輔音 - 如何發出CH和JJ輔音? (English Sounds - CH and JJ Consonants - How to make the CH and JJ Consonants)

  • 16 2
    Luke 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日