字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 We want change! We want change! 我們要求改變!我們要求改變! I don't understand why I could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war. 我無法理解為什麼我走進店裡,還可以買到戰爭用的武器。 There's no better time than now to talk about gun control. 現在就是談槍枝管制的最好時機。 These are calls the American public has heard before. 這是美國大眾過去常聽到的呼籲。 After Orlando — 繼奧蘭多槍殺案後 — Democrats and Republicans we spoke with agree suspected terrorists, like the Orlando shooter, should not be allowed to purchase firearms. 我們訪問到的民主黨與共和黨員同意,像奧蘭多槍手這種恐怖分子不應該被允許擁有槍械。 After Sandy Hook — 繼桑迪·胡克小學槍擊案後 — 90 percent of Americans support universal background checks. 90 % 的美國人支持全國性身分調查。 After each mass shooting, there's a surge of public support for stricter gun control. 在每次大型槍擊案後,大眾支持更嚴格槍枝管制的聲浪便會激增。 A new poll from Quinnipiac University shows record high support for stricter gun laws. 一則來自 Quinnipiac 大學新的調查顯示了對更嚴苛槍枝法案的支持。 So why hasn't Washington put stricter gun laws on the books? 所以為何華府還是沒把更嚴苛的槍枝法案列入法典? There are several factors, ranging from partisan divides to gun owner activism to the N.R.A.'s political clout. 這裡有幾點因素,從黨派分歧,到擁槍者的激進主義,到美國步槍協會的政治影響力。 No. 1: There's broad support, but also big divisions on gun control. 第一:槍枝管制有廣大的支持,但同時也存在很大的分歧。 The most comprehensive data is from 2017. 最完整的資料來自 2017 年。 And it shows that 60 percent of Americans say they want stricter gun laws. 而這項資料顯示 60 % 的美國人想要更嚴格的槍枝管制。 Support is even higher for things like a 30-day waiting period for gun sales and universal background checks. 而針對像槍枝販售需有 30 天的等待期,及全面性的身分調查的支持度甚至更高。 But dig deeper, and you find the devil is in the details and the divides. 但更深層地探究,你會發現藏在細節及分歧間的魔鬼。 Most Democratic voters want stricter gun laws. 多數民主黨選民想要更嚴格的槍枝法案。 But less than 1 in 4 Republicans agree. 但少於四分之一的共和黨支持者同意。 Most Americans who don't own firearms say easy access to legal guns fuels gun violence. 多數沒有槍枝的美國人易認為,是合法槍枝激發了槍枝暴力事件。 Fewer than half of gun owners agree. 少於一半的擁槍者同意這樣的說法。 Non-owners want to ban assault-style weapons, while most gun owners don't. 無槍者希望禁止突擊式武器,然而擁槍者可不這麼想。 The person is the criminal, not the weapon. 人才是犯罪者,不是武器。 Gun owners may be a minority, but they're a very focused and vocal minority. 擁槍者或許是少數,但他們是非常專一且呼聲很高的一群少數。 Only about 3 in 10 Americans own a gun. 10 個美國人大約只有 3 個擁有槍枝。 But to them, gun control is not merely a policy issue. 但對他們來說,槍枝管制不僅僅是政策議題。 It's personal. 它是私人議題。 Nearly 40 percent say they always have a loaded firearm at the ready in their home. 近乎 40 % 的人說他們在家中備有含彈的槍枝。 74 percent say the right to own a gun is "essential" to their freedom. 74 % 的人說擁槍的權利是他們「不可或缺」的自由。 Gun owners are much more likely to contact lawmakers about gun policy, compared to non-owners. 擁槍者更有可能去聯絡法條制定者,相較於無槍者而言。 And far more likely to donate to gun advocacy and policy groups. 他們也更容易捐獻給擁槍提倡者與政治團體。 No. 3: The N.R.A. is a formidable force in politics. 第三:美國全國步槍協會是政界的一股強大勢力。 Less than 20 percent of gun owners in America say they belong to the N.R.A.. 少於 20 % 的美國擁槍者說他們隸屬於美國全國步槍協會。 But it's big enough, and disciplined enough, to turn elections and to end political careers. 但他們已足夠強大、足夠有紀律到能翻轉選舉及結束別人的政治生涯。 Part of what makes the N.R.A. so formidable is the money it spends helping friendly politicians. 部分讓美國全國步槍協會這麼強大的原因在於他們會花錢幫助與他們友好的政客。 And attacking those deemed enemies. 並且攻擊那些異議人士。 Ross voted against your gun rights. Ross 對你的擁槍權力投下了反對票。 The N.R.A.'s vast marketing efforts have helped turn gun ownership into a badge of cultural identity. 美國全國步槍協會在行銷上的不遺餘力幫助將槍枝所有權,轉換成文化認同的一種標誌。 It is not about politics. It is a way of life. 這無關乎政治。這是一種生活方式。 I feel like we should be able to express that. 我認為我們必須能夠表達這點。 And their catchphrases have become ubiquitous. 而他們的名言也已變得眾所皆知。 The guns don't kill people; people kill people. 槍不會殺人;人才會殺人。 No. 4: The N.R.A.'s leaders are more hard-line than its members. 第四:美國全國步槍協會的領導人態度比他的會員來的更強硬。 Polls show the N.R.A. members do support some gun control policies, like outlawing sales to the mentally ill, and people on terror watch lists. 調查顯示該會會員確實支持一些槍枝管制的政策,像是禁止販售槍械給精神疾患者及恐怖份子。 Most also favor universal background checks. 多數甚至偏好全國性身分調查。 But time and time again, N.R.A. leaders in Washington work to kill these proposals. 但一次又一次,美國全國步槍協會在華府的領導人總能封殺這些提議。 After Sandy Hook, N.R.A. leaders flipped the script on mass shootings. 在桑迪·胡克小學槍擊案後,美國全國步槍協會翻轉了大型槍擊案的局面。 Instead of combating calls for new gun control, they actually demanded more gun rights. 他們沒有抵制新槍枝管制的呼聲,反倒要求更多擁槍的權利。 The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. 唯一能阻止擁槍壞人的東西,就是擁有槍的好人。 And finally, no. 5: Are Americans really clamoring for more gun control? 最後,第五點:美國人真的有大聲呼求更多對於槍枝的管制嗎? Maybe not. 或許沒有。 We see spikes and public support for stricter laws in the wake of mass shootings like Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Las Vegas. 隨著科倫拜校園事件、桑迪·胡克小學及拉斯維加斯槍擊案的發生,我們看見為數眾多的人們支持更嚴苛的法律。 But in a matter of weeks, the bumps fade. 但在過了幾週後,這股氣就消了。 In fact, overall Americans have actually grown less supportive of gun control over the past 25 years. 事實上,整體的美國人在過去 25 年間確實變得較不支持槍枝管制。 The shootings, meanwhile, continue. 多起的槍擊案,同時,正持續發生。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 TheNewYorkTimes 槍枝 步槍 槍擊案 協會 美國 美國槍擊案頻傳!為何槍枝管制遲遲無法兌現? (Most Americans Want More Gun Control. Why Doesn't It Happen? | NYT) 17735 611 Joyce Chiou 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字