字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 And also these snacks are really easy to eat on the go. 此外,這些點心很方便邊走邊吃。 I don't know where I'm going. 其實我不知道我要去哪裡。 So today we're gonna be talking about what I eat in a day. 今天我要分享我一天當中吃了什麼。 I've seen a lot of your comments. 我看了很多你們的留言。 I've seen how excited and interested you are about nutrition. 我知道你們對於均衡飲食非常感興趣。 I'm gonna be showing you exactly what I ate yesterday. 因此,我要跟你們分享我昨天吃了些什麼。 Most of it is not home cooked, it's not fancy, but it is nutritious, and it's food that I genuinely enjoy. 大部分的食物都不是在家烹調的,也不高級,但非常營養,而且全都是我真心所愛的食物。 It's time for me to go into the hospital. 是時候去醫院上班了。 It's gonna be a crazy day 'cause I'm starting super early and I have a really late day. 今天將會是早出晚歸,非常忙碌的一天。 But when it's a gorgeous day like this, it definitely makes it a lot easier. 不過燦爛明朗的天空預示著今天將會是個順利美好的一天。 So for breakfast today, I'm doing one of my favorites, avocado toast with a little smoked salmon. 今天的早餐是我最愛的食物之一,酪梨烤吐司搭配一些煙燻鮭魚。 Get your essential fatty acids there. 從中你可以獲得必需的脂肪酸。 So good! 超好吃! Look at that, you want a bite? 看看它,想吃嗎? You want a bite? 想咬一口嗎? No, it's for me. 才不要,這是我的! Breakfast. 早餐。 It's known as the most important meal of the day but not everybody wakes up with an appetite. 我們都知道是這是一天當中最重要的一餐,但不是每個人剛起床都有胃口吃早餐。 So I understand if breakfast isn't for everyone. 所以我能理解為什麼有些人不吃早餐。 But if you do eat breakfast, you're getting a lot of health benefits throughout the day. 不過,早餐可以提供你一天所需的健康能量。 Not only do you kickstart your metabolism which allows you to burn calories throughout the day, but you're also giving yourself enough energy to get to the gym. 它不只可以啟動新陳代謝,協助你燃燒卡路里,同時也提供你足夠的能量去健身房運動。 First ingredient, very simple, whole wheat bread. 食材一,非常簡單,就是全麥吐司。 I really enjoy whole wheat bread versus white bread. 我愛全麥吐司勝過於白吐司。 Whole wheat bread contains complex carbohydrates versus simple carbohydrates that you find in white bread. 全麥吐司富含複合型碳水化合物,而白吐司則含有簡單型碳水化合物。 What it does is it gives you energy to be utilized throughout the day. 複合型碳水化合物可以為你平均地提供一天所需的能量。 Instead of just giving you one quick peak and then a crash later on, and sometimes get into that "hangry" state that we all know about. 簡單型碳水化合物雖然可以快速地提供能量,但它也會使得你血糖迅速降低,使得你「餓到生氣」。 Ma, the meatloaf! 媽媽,我的肉捲呢? Next, light cream cheese. 食材二,低脂奶油乳酪。 You need saturated fat to make hormones in your body. 你需要飽和脂肪來製造體內的賀爾蒙。 And while it does raises bad cholesterol, it also raises good cholesterol. 雖然它會增加壞膽固醇,但同時它也會增加好膽固醇。 Next ingredient, my favorite ingredient, avocados. 食材三,也是我的最愛,酪梨。 Avocado is actually the Aztec word for testicle because avocados do hang in pairs with one hanging lower than the other. 其實 avocado 在阿茲特克文字當中代表的是「睪丸」,因為酪梨通常都是成雙成對的長在樹上,而且通常其中一顆又會比另外一顆還要低。 So they do resemble testicles. 所以長得和睪丸很像。 Pretty cool fact. 很酷的冷知識。 They contain a lot of antioxidants, and they're rich in fiber. 酪梨具有許多抗氧化物和豐富纖維。 Yes, avocado does contain a lot of fat. 沒錯,酪梨富含脂防。 But it's important to remember that it's unsaturated fat, and that unsaturated fat actually helps increase your good cholesterol, and does not affect your bad cholesterol. 但那些都是不飽和脂肪,可以幫助你提升好的膽固醇,且不會增加壞的膽固醇。 Lastly, we have salmon. 最後一項食材,鮭魚。 It's a great ingredient to add to you meals because it contains proteins, omega 3's, antioxidants. 鮭魚是極佳的膳食來源,它不但含有蛋白質、omega 3 脂肪酸還有抗氧化物。 And on top of everything else, it's delicious. 除此之外,它也非常美味。 It's snack time. 點心時間到了。 I just finished rounds, I have to go to research day. 我剛輪班結束,現在我要去參加研討會。 Need a snack, lunch is still a good three hours away. 還要三個小時才是午餐時間,所以我現在需要吃點點心。 I really like the Perfect Bar because it's made of good quality ingredients. 我非常喜歡吃能量棒,因為它的組成成分相當健康。 I'm not their spokesperson, but I'm definitely a big fan. 我不是這款能量棒的代言人,但我絕對是它的忠實粉絲。 They contain a lot of protein, they're made with good quality ingredients. 能量棒是由許多健康的食材所製成,因此富含蛋白質。 And because they have to be refrigerated, you know there's no preservers. 而且它們必須冷藏保存,代表它們沒有添加防腐劑。 It's lunch time, just got my favorite meal for lunch right here, a little Chipotle action. 午餐時間到了,今天的午餐是我的最愛 Chipotle (一家墨西哥料理快餐店)。 I'm eating with my colleagues here, say hello, colleagues! 我正和我的同事們一起用餐,同事們,打聲招呼吧! They said hi. 他們說嗨。 While some doctors go to the cafeteria, if I'm not on call I like to get out of the hospital for a bit, so I do run out to Chipotle. 有些醫生會選擇去醫院內的自助餐廳用餐,而我則會在沒有值班的時候,離開醫院去 Chipotle 吃午餐。 It's one of my favorite places to get lunch. 我最愛去 Chipotle 吃午餐。 I really like the ingredients that they use. 我非常喜歡他們使用的食材。 I think they're really tasty, and what I really enjoy is that you're in control. 它不但非常美味,你的飲食也能得到良好控制。 You get to chose what ingredients go into your plate. 你可以自行搭配各種食材。 I really like to get a burrito bowl instead of a burrito or a quesadilla. 比起墨西哥捲餅,我更喜歡碗裝的墨西哥捲餅 (沒有餅皮)。 Because it avoids some of the extra carbohydrates that you get from getting a wrap. 因為這樣可以避免攝取額外的碳水化合物。 But the things that I do like to make is to get a burrito bowl with either chicken or steak, both high in protein. 我通常都會選擇香烤雞肉或牛肉作為肉類主食,因為它們富含高蛋白質。 There's been a lot said about eating red meat, and it increases risk of cancer, and while that's true in high amounts. 許多人總說「吃紅肉會增加罹癌風險」,但其實食用過多的份量才會對身體產生影響。 If you eat it in moderate amounts in a good balance, it's obviously not a problem. 如果食用適量的紅肉,則並不會有罹患癌症的問題存在。 We have black beans. 除了肉類外,裡頭還有些黑豆。 They are zero fat, and they're one of the richest foods in fiber which actually allows you to decrease some of the bad cholesterol that you can get through eating an unhealthy diet. 黑豆不但零脂肪,它的纖維含量也極高,可以幫助你降低從不健康飲食所得到的壞膽固醇。 Brown rice. 糙米。 Brown rice is definitely superior to white rice. 糙米的營養價值絕對超過白飯。 It's a complex carbohydrate. 它屬於複合型碳水化合物。 It doesn't peak your sugar level like white rice does. 糙米和白飯不一樣,它並不會使你的血糖急速上升。 Next, I like to go for guacamole. 接著我要介紹「酪梨醬」。 They always say, "Do you know that it's extra?" 他們每次都會問:「你知道酪梨醬要額外加錢嗎?」 And I always say, "Yeah I do, but well worth it." 我都會回答:「我知道啊,但很值得。」 I get the mild salsa because I'm not a fan of my food being too spicy. 因為我不愛吃辣,所以我都會選擇不辣的莎莎醬。 Last but not least, I love cheese. 最後我想說一件也很重要的事,我超愛起司。 It gives you a little bit of calcium, a little bit of vitamin D. 起司提供你鈣質和維生素 D。 Overall, this is a nutritious meal for someone that shares my goals of trying to keep weight on and build muscle. 整體來說,對於那些想要維持體重及增加肌肉量的人而言,這是非常營養的一餐。 You have a good mix of complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fiber, all great nutrients. 它不但含有複合型碳水化合物、蛋白質、維生素、纖維質等營養價值。 But it's important to know that these meals do contain a lot of sodium. 不過,有一點你必須特別注意,那就是它同時也含有很多鈉。 Chipotle is known for that and now they started putting their sodium content on the menus. 當大家開始意識到這件事之後,Chipotle 也開始把鈉含量標示在菜單上。 So keep that in mind because excess sodium can put extra pressure on your heart and kidneys. 記住,過多的鈉攝取量會增加心臟和腎臟的負擔。 I am an athlete, and the rest of my day I don't take in much sodium. 不過因為我是個運動員,而且午餐過後我並不會再攝取更多的鈉。 So I think it's a great meal for me, but just again, keep that in mind that the sodium content in this meal is high. 所以,我認為這對我來說是很棒的一餐,但再次提醒你,這份餐點的鈉含量是相當高的。 You know what time it is? 你知道現在要做什麼嗎? It's snack time, again. 沒錯,又是吃點心的時間。 Got my carrots and nuts, perfect healthy snack. 紅蘿蔔和堅果是最完美的健康點心。 What's beautiful about these almonds right here is that they contain vitamin E, fiber. 杏仁的益處就在於它含有維他命 E 還有纖維質。 They keep your hair and nails looking fresh. 而這些營養成分可以讓頭髮平順柔滑,指甲平滑有光澤。 The carrots, you know I love carrots. 至於紅蘿蔔......你懂的,我是個紅蘿蔔愛好者。 Carrots are rich in vitamin A, known as beta-keratin. 紅蘿蔔富含維生素 A,又稱之為 β 角蛋白。 Almonds, great, unsaturated fats, vitamin E. 杏仁則有不飽和脂肪和維生素 E。 Great food to eat for healthy hair, nails, and skin. 堅果對毛髮、指甲和皮膚的生長可以產生好的影響。 And in general, I think that they're fun to eat. 總而言之,我覺得其實吃堅果的過程也很有趣。 Oh! 痛死我了! Is there a doctor in the house? 醫生在家嗎? Just ordered some sushi, crazy day in the hospital. 今天是個疲勞炸的一天,我剛剛訂了一些壽司。 But gotta get my protein in, gotta get my omega-3 fatty acids. 我需要補充蛋白質還有 omega 3 脂肪酸。 I like to get a variety of sushi and I get the real sushi. 我喜歡吃各種口味的壽司,而且要是「真正」的壽司。 Not the sushi that people eat with the rolls and all that. 不是那種壽司捲之類的。 Just fish on top of brown rice, very clean. 我要的很簡單,就是那種直接把魚肉放在糙米上的壽司。 It's really my favorite meal to end the day, get ready for the next day without overeating, and feeling fully stuffed when I go to bed. 這是我最喜歡用來結束一天的食物,因為它不至於讓我太飽,讓我可以好好睡覺迎接明日。 This is my go-to dinner meal. 這就是我的理想晚餐。 I love fish, I love the omega-3s that they provide. 我愛吃魚,我愛魚肉中的 omega 3 脂肪酸。 There's not a lot of calories in here. 而且它沒有太多熱量。 I prefer eating my sushi with brown rice, we talked about the benefits earlier. 我喜歡吃糙米壽司,先前我們也討論過糙米所帶來的益處了。 You get complex carbohydrates, you get proteins. 你可以從中獲取複合型碳水化合物還有蛋白質。 It's a clean meal, it fills you up, and really, it does tastes great. 這不但可以讓你產生飽足感,它也相當地健康美味。 Important to know about fish, wild fish is better than farm fish. 補充一個和魚有關的重要知識,野生的魚類比人工飼養的魚來得好。 Because it contains less mercury. 因為野生魚類含有較少的汞。 There's a lot of news going around about how mercury poisoning is bad. 相信大家對於汞對人體所造成的傷害之大也有所聽聞。 So if you are eating farm fish, make sure no more than three to four servings a week. 所以,如果你吃的都是人工飼養魚,一個禮拜盡量不要吃超過三到四次。 So that's what I actually eat in a day, and it's not something that I eat every day. 以上就是我一天中所吃的所有食物,不過我並不是每天都這麼吃。 I know yesterday I consumed probably more sodium than I should have, but in general, it's balanced. 我知道我昨天攝取比正常值多一點的鈉,但整體來說,它達到一個平衡。 It's in moderation, and that's really the smart way to go. 適量攝取是均衡飲食的小撇步。 This diet obviously does not work for everybody and I don't recommend it for everybody. 很顯然地,我的飲食搭配並不適用於每個人,而我也不會把它推薦給所有人。 If you're interested in the calories and all the other nutrients that were in my meals, check out the description down below. 如果你對我飲食中的卡路里或是其他營養素有興趣,你可以參閱以下的資訊欄。 We put all that information there for you. 我把所有資訊都放在那裡了。 And remember, eat in moderation to stay healthy. 還有,記得均衡飲食才能吃得健康。 I hate that you're recording right now! 你現在為什麼要錄影啦! Hey guys, thanks for watching. 謝謝你們的觀看。 If you haven't already, hit that subscribe button now to get new videos every week. 如果你還沒訂閱,請立刻按下訂閱按鈕,才可以接收每週新影片的資訊。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 碳水化合物 食材 飲食 壽司 膽固醇 蛋白質 小鹿亂撞!全球最帥醫生 Dr.Mike 教你健康飲食法! (What I Actually Eat In A Day | Doctor Mike) 37844 1109 Annie Chien 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 18 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字