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*is briefly focused*
Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier
and welcome back to Dark Deception
Now, Dark Deception has been updated to chapter 2
so lets find out exactly what lies in store for us
in the new
*oof effects* Horror World
Chapters—here we go. Chapter 2: Into Madness
HohoHOooh yeaah
Okay, new game
oH *dramatic* GAwd *zoom* NOo
Oh hey, Bierce is that you~?
I've already been through this before
That's whAT they aLL say
I alREady been through that joke before
hUrts just aS much :~:
BIErce's BallROOm
Find them and bring them to me
And you'll get your wish
Thank god I don't have the eye tracker turned on right now
Holy shit
B: Clock's ticking!
M: Ah I do have to go through the first one again
Alright I've done the first chapter already
so it shouldn't be too much of a problem for me to do it again (sure Mark)
Oh godammit damn you damn you to hell
You stupid monkey
This is gonna be slightly boring as I get through everything else
Not completely boring, but slightly boring
No no i'm gonna die
Alright easy peasy, not gonna die ever again
What does the big red shard do
oh thats handy
Oh okay
uh oh
I can make it
(And now we see the majestic markiplier, attempting to find a mate with it's strange breeding call)
(More strange noises)
What? No! AWW!
Resume? Yes please, resume, resume on that one.
Resume. Yeah just RESUME
*hellspawn noises* AH! NO!