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  • Released exclusively in the United Kingdom in 2009, this intriguing thriller film writer,

  • directed, and produced by Stuart Hazeldine may not very widely known, but it does pack

  • a punch. Staged entirely within a unique, and window-less room, this 101-minute film

  • unfolds in real-time, and presents the story of an utterly bizarre, and intense job interview

  • process. Set in the not-too distant future, eight candidates from varying backgrounds

  • must cooperate to figure out the complex, and confusing exam before them -- each is

  • given only a pencil, and a blank piece of paper - and a very strict set of rules. One

  • by one, the candidates, known only by their self-assigned nicknames like "black", "white",

  • "blonde", or "dark" attempt to interact with their environment to discover the question

  • they're supposed to answer, and risk getting

  • disqualified in the process. As the field dwindles, the stakes increase, and the intensity is continuously

  • ratcheted up a level - culminating in a fast-paced, and exciting final act, made all the more

  • impressive by the story's limited setting. The thought-process behind each of the characters

  • is fascinating and incredibly intriguing. The puzzling plot twists and turns it's way

  • quickly through each phase of the story, which rewards it's most observant and quick-thinking

  • viewers with excellent pay-offs and surprises. Although few of them are well-known Stateside,

  • the 10-person cast is populated with talented and attractive British actors who do a terrific

  • job carrying this interesting, and sometimes violent movie. Moving along at a contemporary

  • pace with some superb editing, and quick uses of flashback throughout, "Exam" is also one

  • that functions just as well on repeat viewing -- as additional details, to minute to be

  • picked up the first time, fit nicely into the fabric of the film's mysterious narrative.

  • A few moments of unrealistic character motivation, and some sizable plot-holes late in the film

  • unfortunately stain what is otherwise a perfectly written study of human psychology in some

  • of the most stressful and demanding situations. This is a wonderfully entertaining and original

  • film that thankfully is beginning to reach new viewers, thanks to a long-stay on Netflix's

  • Instant Watch collection. "Exam" is a "Thrilling mind-bender that excites". Now that you've

  • heard my review, let's check out the YouTube comments to read some of yours.

  • To score 2009's "Exam", here's the Rate-o-Matic... and eight and an eight. You applauded this

  • film's originality and environment, but weren't as convinced by the less-than-stellar execution,

  • scoring it a Great. I agreed - this was a very enjoyable film that had me guessing the

  • entire time, but ultimately, it failed to really impress in a few other areas... I thought

  • it was great as well.

Released exclusively in the United Kingdom in 2009, this intriguing thriller film writer,


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考試--電影評論 (Exam -- Film Review)

  • 675 25
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日