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  • [Mom] Hi Gabe! What happen in school today?

  • [Gabe] My friend John got in trouble.

  • [Mom] What kind of trouble?

  • [Gabe] The janitor said he was making a mess in the bathroom during lunch hour.

  • It was really stupid!

  • He was just trying to wash his hands and the water wouldn't turn off.

  • When he tried to fix it the handle came off and that’s when the janitor came in.

  • [Mom] SoJohn was trying to fix the water, but the janitor thought he was making a mess.

  • [Gabe] Exactly! It was so stupid that they took the janitor’s word over John’s.

  • [Mom] So youre thinking it wasn’t very fair.

  • I am glad youre talking to me about it.

  • [Daughter] Hi Dad! Sorry, I know I’m late.

  • [Father] Yes, you were supposed to be at home by 4:30 and its 5:00.

  • [Daughter] Something came up at school.

  • [Father] Something came up? That made you late? Couldn't you have called?

  • [Daughter] I was trying to help Lisa.

  • [Father] What where you helping Lisa with?

  • [Daughter] Promise you won’t get mad?

  • [Father] I just want to hear what you were helping your friend Lisa with.

  • [Daughter] Well….. This two girls at school were making fun of her and spreading rumors about her, and

  • Lisa started crying and said she didn't want to come back to school tomorrow.

  • [Father] Well what did you say?

  • [Daughter] I told her that she should go talk to the counselor,

  • but she thought that would make things worse,

  • and I told her I would go with her, and she said ok.

  • And that’s where we were!

  • [Father] Sounds like you were being a good friend, and gave some good advice,

  • but I just would have appreciated knowing where you were.

  • [Daughter] Yes, I know, I am sorry.

  • I just couldn't leave Lisa.

  • [Father] Well I understand how emotional that was,

  • I just would've appreciated a chance for you to check in with me.

[Mom] Hi Gabe! What happen in school today?


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A2 初級

溝通技巧。積極傾聽 (Communication Skills: Active Listening)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日