字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi everybody, and welcome back to top words. 嗨!大家好,歡迎回到 top words 單元。 My name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about ten words that you can use at a bar. 我是 Alisha ,今天要教大家十個可以在酒吧使用的英文詞組。 Let's go. 事不宜遲,我們馬上開始! To buy a round. 請一輪。 The first expression is to buy a round. 第一個詞組是,請一輪。 To buy a round means to buy a round of drinks essentially. 請一輪基本上就是指請每個人喝一杯酒的意思。 A round of drinks means one drink for everyone in your group, one drink for everyone in your party. 一輪指的是你們這一群人、這一行人。 By the way, the word "party" is used to mean group at a bar or restaurant. Party 在這裡的意思是在酒吧或餐廳裡聚集的一群人。 The number of people in your party is the number of people in your group. 你們這一群人的人數就是你的 party 人數。 So, to buy a round means to buy a drink for everybody. 總之,請一輪就是指買酒給每一個人喝。 In a sentence, "Our boss began the party by buying everyone a round." 在句子裡你可以這麼說:「我們老闆用請所有人喝一輪的方式開始這場派對。」 In a different sentence, "You're buying the next round." 你也可以用這個詞組來凹別人請客,「下一輪你請。」 On the rocks. 加冰塊。 The next expression is on the rocks. 下一個詞組是加冰塊。 On the rocks is a way to order a drink. 加冰塊是一種點飲料的方式。 When you say on the rocks, it means your drink on ice only. 加冰塊,就是往飲料裡加冰塊。 So rocks are the ice in your glass. 石頭(rocks)在這裡是指冰塊。 So you can imagine the ice, the pieces of ice in your glass, the ice cubes, or an ice ball, these are like rocks. 你杯裡的碎冰、冰塊或冰球就是所謂的石頭。 So saying I'd like whisky, for example. 我們來點一杯威士忌。 On the rocks means just whisky served over ice. Whisky on the rocks 就是純威士忌加冰塊。 That's what on the rocks mean. 這就是 on the rocks 的意思。 So in a sentence, "I'd like a gin on the rocks." 你也可以換句話說:「我想要琴酒加冰塊。」 Straight up. 去冰。 The next expression is straight up. 接下來這個詞組是去冰。 So, a straight up drink is different from an on the rocks drink. 一杯去冰的飲料和加冰塊的飲料,想當然爾是不同的。 A straight up drink is chilled with ice but it's strained. 酒保在調製飲料的過程中使用冰塊冰鎮飲料,在飲料裝杯前把冰塊瀝掉,形成一杯去冰飲料。 So there's no ice in the drink, but it has been chilled with ice. 所以就算你的飲料裡面沒有冰塊,但喝起來還是冰冰的。 So, a straight up drink, there's nothing else in the glass, but it is a chilled drink. 一杯去冰的飲料就是杯子裡除了冰過的飲料以外,沒有其他東西。 In a sentence, "I'd like a martini, straight up." 在表達上,你可以試著這麼說「我要一杯去冰的馬丁尼。」 Some people use the word "straight" or "straight up", but they mean "neat", which is the next word we're going to talk about. 有些人會用 straight 或 straight up 這兩個字來表示不冰,但去冰(straight up)和不冰(neat)是不同的東西。 So keep in mind, straight or straight up means chilled. 記住,去冰指的是冰鎮過的飲料,喝起來是冰冰、涼涼的。 That's one of the key points here. 這是這個單字的重點。 So, yeah, a martini straight up is a chilled martini. 一杯去冰的馬丁尼就是冰鎮過的馬丁尼。 Neat. 不冰。 So the next expression is neat. 下一個詞組是不冰。 To order a drink neat means the drink is not chilled, and there is no ice. 一杯不冰的飲料就是常溫的飲料,既沒有被冰鎮過,飲料裡也沒有冰塊。 It's just the the alcohol. 就只有純粹的酒精飲料。 It's just the liquor. 只有單純酒的液體。 There's nothing special about it. 沒有經過任何特殊處理。 A neat drink is only the drink, that's it. 一杯不冰的飲料就是常溫的飲料,就這麼簡單。 Nothing happens to it. 任何額外處理都沒有。 So in a sentence, "I'd like a whiskey neat." 套在句子裡你可以這麼說:「我要一杯不冰的威士忌。」 Pint, half pint. 一品脫、半品脫。 The next expression is really two expressions. 一品脫、半品脫也是兩個不同的東西。 These are words you use when you order beer. 我們點啤酒的時候常用以下兩個單字。 They are pint and half pint. 一品脫和半品脫。 Depending on the country that you live in, pint can be a different size. 根據你所居住的國家不同,一個品脫的實際容量可能不同。 They vary by a few milliliters, depending on the country where you live in. 不過差異大概只有幾毫升,要視你所在的國家而定。 A half pint then is roughly half of the pint size, so a half pint and a pint are two ways, two sizes we use to order beer. 半品脫大概就是一品脫一半的份量,所以半品脫和一品脫就是點啤酒時兩個主要的大小單位。 In a sentence, "Can I have a half pint of this stout?" 你可以這麼說「給我一杯半品脫的司陶特啤酒。」 Chaser. 醒酒水。 The next expression is chaser. 下一個詞組是醒酒水。 So a chaser is something you use to follow an alcoholic drink. 我們通常會在喝完酒精飲料補點醒酒水。 Chasers are often used after shots. 特別是在灌完一口酒(shots)後。 So shots are small drinks that are usually kind of strong and alcohol content. 一口酒(shots)通常是指烈酒。 And they have a very strong taste, so some people like to have something after that. 一口酒的味道比較強烈,所以有一些人喝完之後習慣再喝點什麼來緩和一下感覺。 They call it a chaser. 而這就是醒酒水。 So the image is that the second drink is chasing the first drink into your body. 喝醒酒水的概念就是緩和你喝完烈酒之後,口腔產生的刺激感。 You can think of it that way. 你可以這樣記。 The chaser is a non-alcoholic drink, so it could be water, it could be soda, it could be something like that, juice maybe. 醒酒水是無酒精飲料,它可以是純水、蘇打水或任何類似的東西,也可以是果汁。 So, chaser. 醒酒水。 In a sentence, "Shots of tequila are often followed with chasers." 套在句子裡,你可以這樣用:「人們通常會在喝完龍舌蘭一口酒後來一杯醒酒水。」 To be tipsy. 喝茫。 The next word is to be tipsy. 下一個詞組是喝茫。 To be tipsy is a way to describe your feeling when you're drinking. 喝茫是形容一個人喝酒時的感覺。 So if you can imagine when you're standing straight up, when you're standing it's regular, you're very like confident and tall, and you don't move very much. 正常的情況下,人可以站的很直,不會晃來晃去。 But, if you feel tipsy, this comes from the verb, to tip, like this. tipsy 這個字從 tip 衍生而來,tip 的意思是傾斜,像這樣。 So something tips to one side or another, think of your body in this way. 當你喝茫的時候,身體會有所傾斜,這就是 tip。 So we use the word, tipsy, the adjective, tipsy, to describe this feeling. 所以我們用 tip 衍生的形容詞 tipsy 來表達茫這個感覺。 Maybe you're not so steady on your feet, you could tip over at anytime. 也許你雙腳站不太穩,隨時都會跌倒。 That's called being tipsy from alcohol. 這就叫做喝茫了。 So in a sentence, let's see, "I'm a little tipsy. I need some water." 在句子的應用上,我們可以這麼說:「我現在有點小茫,我需要喝點水。」 To be drunk. 喝醉。 The next expression is to be drunk. 下一個詞組是喝醉。 So we talked about the word, tipsy. 我們剛剛談到了喝茫這個字。 So tipsy is a little bit like a little unsteady, but drunk is just a mess. 喝茫是身體有一點點不穩,但喝醉就是一團亂。 You're just a disaster. 你會變成一個災難。 You're being noisy, you're being loud. 你講話會變得很大聲、很吵。 It's difficult to control your body or your friend's body, whatever. 而且喝醉的人會失去對身體的控制能力。 So drunk is usually seen as a negative thing. 喝醉通常都被視為負面的行為。 So, drunk expresses, yeah, it's just not pretty sometimes. 有時候人喝醉看起來真的不太好看。 So in a sentence, "Your friend is drunk. Let's take him home." 套用在句子上:「你的朋友喝醉了,我們帶他回家吧!」 To call it a night. 今晚就到此為止。 The next expression is to call it a night. 接下來這個詞組是,今晚就到此為止吧! To call it a night means to decide, to finish at the bar, to go home. 今晚就到此為止是指大家結束在酒吧的行程,各自回家的意思。 You're ready to be done, so here I'm going to call it, I'm going to say, "This is tonight." 當我覺得差不多該結束時就會說「今晚就到此為止。」 Tonight is finished. 今晚已經結束了。 So, in a sentence, "It's been a long evening. I'm gonna call it a night." mean I'm going to go home, I'm done. 你可以這樣造句:「我們今晚待得夠久了,就先到此為止吧。」表示夠了,我要回家了。 It's a casual expression. 這是一個比較不正式、比較隨性的說法。 Hangover. 宿醉。 And then one more that you can use maybe the day after you visit a bar is hangover. 還有一個很常見的單字,就是你去酒吧後隔天會碰到的狀況——宿醉(hangover)。 So a hangover is a noun. 宿醉是一個名詞。 Hangover is the word we use to describe the feelings after drinking too much. 當你喝太多,隔天就會產生宿醉的狀況。 So maybe you feel sick to your stomach, you have a headache, your body is sore. 這個狀況可能是胃痛、頭痛,或者身體酸痛。 There are a number of different feelings you might have when you feel hangover. 在感到宿醉時,你可能會有許多不同的、不舒服的感受。 To be hangover is another way to say it. Hungover 是宿醉的另一種說法。你可以任意使用 hangover 或 hungover 都沒問題。 But when you have a hangover, it usually doesn't feel very good. 一個人出現宿醉時,通常都感覺不太好。 In a sentence, "I have a hangover today. I'm not going drinking tonight" 套用在句子裡,你可以說「我今天宿醉,我今晚不喝了。」 Alright, so that's the end. 好的,我們的節目也差不多來到了尾聲。 Those are ten words that you can use at the bar. 以上是十個你可以在酒吧使用的英語詞組。 If you have any questions or if there are other words that you like to use when you go out for drinks, let us know in the comments. 如果你有任何的問題或想建議其他上酒吧時自己常用的詞彙,在影片下方留言告訴我們。 Please be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel if you haven't already. 記得按贊我們的影片、訂閱我們的頻道! And make sure to check us out at englishclass101.com for more good stuff. 也歡迎到我們的官網 englishclass101.com 獲取更多實用資訊。 Thanks very much for watching this episode of top words and we will see you again soon, bye. 感謝你們的收看,下次見。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 飲料 冰塊 宿醉 酒吧 句子 威士忌 外國酒吧新手攻略!十個英文道地酒吧用語 (10 English Phrases You Can Use at a Bar) 58015 2233 Lian 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 11 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字