字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 If you're anything like me, your night goes something like this... 如果你跟我一樣,那麼你的每個夜晚大概都是像這樣子度過...... After an exhausting day, you brush your teeth, get into your Zelda themed pajamas, snuggle up in bed, turn the lights off and then... 經歷了疲憊的一天,你刷刷牙,穿上你的薩爾達睡衣,爬上舒服的床後,你關了燈...... Nothing. 什麼都沒發生。 No, not the good kind of nothing. 不,並不是那種好的「什麼都沒發生」。 The "literally 10 seconds ago I felt like I would die if I didn't get into my bed, and now I'm perfectly awake" kind of nothing. 就在十秒鐘前,我覺得如果我不立刻睡覺,我會死掉,但現在的我卻感受不到任何睡意! So you try to squeeze your eyes tighter, or maybe I'm just not in a comfortable position? 接著,你試著緊閉雙眼,或是......也許我還沒調整到舒服的睡姿? Yeah, that'll solve it! 好,換個姿勢應該就可以了! But no. 但沒用。 The clock ticks, and you become increasingly more aware of every waking second of sleep time that you're losing. 時鐘的滴答聲像是不斷在提醒你,你的睡覺時間正一點一滴流逝。 And how increasingly bad tomorrow will be. 明天的你將會睏到不行。 If only you could have just slept at school or work. 要是可以在上課或工作的時候睡覺該有多好。 It was so easy then, but now in the solitude of night, all you have is your deepest, darkest thoughts and that damn clock that... 在上課或工作時睡覺是那麼的容易,但現在夜深人靜,我滿腦子只有黑暗的想法,還有那惱人的時鐘...... Oh my God, it's been three hours? 我的老天,已經過了三個小時? If this sounds familiar to you, then this video is for you. 如果你覺得以上的情況很熟悉,那麼這部影片是給你的。 Because we've compiled some of the best advice and practices to increase your odds of falling asleep in minutes. 我們蒐集了一些可以協助你快速入睡的方法。 And while we're going to start off with the stuff you should do before hitting your bed. 我們先來談談睡前你應該做的事。 We also have a technique used by the U.S. Navy to fall asleep in two minutes when you're stuck there lying awake. 如果你還是睡不著的話,再跟你分享美國海軍是如何在兩分鐘內入睡的技巧。 So let's start with seven things you should do before you sleep. 首先,我們先從七件睡前該做的事講起。 Number one is to sleep in a colder environment. 第一,在低溫房間睡覺。 Your thermal environment, especially surrounding your head and body, is perhaps the most underappreciated factor determining not only the ease with which you'll fall asleep tonight but also your sleep quality. 你的熱環境,尤其是頭部和身體四周,是最容易被低估的影響因素,影響的不只今晚好不好入睡還有睡眠品質。 Whether you're overheating because of heavy blankets, pajamas or just a hot room, it's been shown to decrease slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. 不論是因為厚毯子、睡衣或高溫的房間使你體溫過高,研究顯示這都會減少慢波睡眠和快速動眼睡眠的時間。 Even just to initiate sleep, your body has to drop 2-3°F or 1.5°C. 光是入睡,你的身體就必須降低華氏二到三度或是攝氏一點五度。 And so being colder actually helps bring your temperature down faster. 因此,低溫的環境確實會幫助你的體溫快速下降。 It might shock you but the recommended temperature is around 65°F or 18.3°C for your room. 你或許會感到非常訝異,最佳的室溫是華氏六十五度或攝氏十八點三度。 Going too cold isn't great either. 不過,溫度太低也不好。 But it doesn't have the same disruptive effects on falling asleep, or your sleep quality as a hot room does. 但低溫並不會像高溫環境那樣破壞你的睡眠品質。 Number two is to take a hot shower or bath before bed. 第二,睡覺前先洗個熱水澡。 You might think being all warm and fuzzy is what makes you sleep, but it's actually kind of the opposite. 你或許認為溫暖的環境會幫助你的睡眠,但其實恰好相反。 When you're exposed to hot temperature, the body can't hold on to the heat, and sends blood to the surface of your skin, giving you that flushed red appearance. 當你曝露在高溫的環境中,由於你的身體無法承受所有的熱,而將血液傳送到皮膚表面,使得你的皮膚通紅。 Once you step out of the warmth, the dilated blood vessels radiate out the inner heat to your environment, and your core body temperature plummets. 一旦你離開了高溫環境,擴張的血管會釋放出身體裡的熱量到外界環境,並使得你的中心體溫急遽下降。 This triggers the body and brain to think it's sleepy time. 這會讓你的身體及大腦以為睡覺時間到了。 Number three is to put away the clock. 第三,把時鐘放遠一點。 Simply having the ability to look at, and see the time, and find out how much you haven't slept is not helpful. 看時鐘、知道現在幾點和失眠了多久,這些對於你的睡眠毫無幫助。 And will honestly only stress you out. 甚至只會讓你壓力更大。 In fact, time monitoring is strongly linked to stress and waking arousal. 事實上,一直注意著時間只會使你焦慮和更加清醒。 Four, you should minimize or avoid caffeine and nicotine. 第四,你應該降低或避免攝取咖啡因和尼古丁。 Coffee, colas, some tea and even chocolate can take as long as eight hours to wear out fully, and nicotine is a stimulant. 咖啡、可樂、茶飲還有巧克力所含的咖啡因需要整整八小時才會完全代謝,而尼古丁是興奮劑。 So avoid them too late in the day. 所以,請不要在深夜時刻食用以上東西。 It's also worth avoiding eating too close to bed. 也請避免在睡覺前吃東西。 While some studies show avoiding diets that are excessively biased towards carbs will help. 部分研究顯示避免過度攝取碳水化合物有助於睡眠。 It's better to just avoid being too hungry or too full before bed. 睡前過度飢餓或是太飽都不太好。 Number five, exercising and being physically tired can help you fall asleep faster. 第五,運動可以幫助你快點入睡。 But working out 2-3 hours before bed can keep you up longer. 但睡覺前,如果運動兩到三個小時只會讓你更晚睡著。 So earlier in the day is better. 所以,早點開始做運動比較好。 And same goes with naps actually. 同理,睡午覺也是一樣的。 They're great but don't take them after 3 p.m. or it'll be harder to fall asleep at night. 睡午覺很棒,但不要在下午三點過後睡,否則晚上時你會更難以入睡。 Number six, is to make sure you're actually relaxing before bed. 第六,睡覺前確定身心靈都已經放鬆。 If you try to sleep and you're wired or on, your brain just won't be ready. 當你準備要睡覺時,發覺你正處於亢奮的狀態,表示你的大腦尚未準備好入睡。 A relaxing activity within the hour before bed like reading, is the perfect ritual to put you in the right mindset. 約一小時內的舒壓活動,好比閱讀,能讓你進入準備睡覺的狀態。 And finally, number seven is to make sure you're getting sun exposure during the day, and minimizing your light exposure during the evening. 最後,第七,確保自己在白天時有接受足夠的日照;晚上時減少在日光燈下曝曬的時間。 You've probably been told not to use your screen before bed, which is true. 你或許曾經被告知睡前不要使用電子螢幕,而那是真的! But it's equally as important to get natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes a day. 每天接受三十分鐘的陽光曝曬也一樣地重要。 If you have problems falling asleep, this helps to condition your body's schedule and trigger tiredness at the right times. 如果你有失眠的困擾,它可以幫助你調整生理作息和促使你的身體在對的時間感到疲憊。 So now that we've set up some conditions for optimizing your experience of falling asleep. 以上我們提供了一些提升你睡眠的方法。 You're still awake. 但,你還是睡不著。 In fact, maybe you've already done those things. 你也許已經做了所有上述的方法。 And you're lying in bed right now desperately looking up how to fall asleep faster on YouTube which led you to this very video. 但你依舊躺在床上,生無可戀地在 YouTube 上查詢如何快速入睡的影片,這大概也是為什麼你正在觀看這部影片的原因。 Don't lie. 別說謊。 In which case you have broken rule seven of not looking at your phone! 如果真的被我說中,那你已經打破了第七個規則:不要在睡前使用手機! But I'll forgive you if it was in pure desperation. 如果你真的是逼不得已,我就原諒你吧! I mean, I won't complain about the extra view. 我當然不會嫌棄有更多的影片觀看次數。 But in all seriousness, if you're laying in bed after all that, there's a technique that the Navy "allegedly" used. 但說真的,如果你試了所有上述的方法還是睡不著,我再介紹一個「據說」是美國海軍對付失眠的方法。 That if practiced, can literally have you falling asleep in 2 minutes, no matter where you are. 如果你使用了這方法,無論你身在何處都可以在兩分鐘內入睡。 I say "allegedly" because the studies are not publicly available. 我特別強調是「據說」,因為這項研究還沒有正式公開地對外公布。 But they claim they were used on fighter pilots who would often make avoidable mistakes as a result of stress and ultimately sleeplessness. 但他們宣稱已經實行這個方法在飛行員身上,飛行員常常因為失眠和壓力而使他們犯下可以避免的錯誤。 In fact, they were designed to allow them to fall asleep, even while sitting up. 事實上,這個方法就是設計為了讓他們即使連坐著都能睡著。 And after 6 weeks, they claim that 96% of the pilots could fall asleep in less than 2 minutes. 六個星期之後,他們宣稱百分之九十六的飛行員已經可以在兩分鐘內入睡。 It goes like this. 睡眠的方法如下。 First, you need to systematically relax each part of your body. 首先,你需要有系統性地放鬆身體的各個部位。 Take a deep breath. 深呼吸。 Close your eyes and begin to focus on your face. 閉上眼睛然後全神貫注在你的臉上。 Picture every muscle slowly relaxing. 想像所有肌肉正慢慢地放鬆。 If you need help, squish and squint your face first, and then let it relax. 如果你需要幫助,你可以擠壓並皺起你的臉,然後放輕鬆。 Breathe out as you feel your cheeks, tongue, mouth and jaw relax. 吐氣時感受一下你的臉夾、舌頭、嘴巴還有下巴都已完全放鬆。 Even imagining your eyes sinking into their sockets. 可以再進一步想像,你的眼球稍微陷入眼窩。 Then, slowly make your way down your body, and do the same thing to each muscle group. 接著,慢慢地放鬆從頭到腳的所有肌肉。 Tighten and then relax your shoulders, then arms, from forearms to fingers, chest and legs and finally your feet. 先繃緊你的肩膀,接著是手臂,從上臂一直到手指,依序從胸部、大腿,最後到腳。 All while breathing deeply, and focusing on the relaxation. 記得要不斷地深呼吸並專注在放鬆肌肉上。 Once you've gone through the whole body, focus on clearing your mind into a meditative state. 當全身肌肉都放鬆了,試著專注在放空心靈,進入到冥想狀態。 As thoughts about your day or images pop into your mind, try not to dwell on them and let them pass. 當心中出現任何雜念時,不要一直想著它們,要試著排除它們。 Simply thinking through motions can stimulate your muscles to involuntarily contract. 想著一些簡單的手勢可以刺激的你肌肉在不知不覺之中收縮。 Much like meditation, don't let the thoughts consume you. 跟冥想一樣,不要讓思緒佔據你。 Try to focus on breathing in and out. 試著專注在吸氣吐氣。 Or you can visualize yourself in a calming location, like on a warm summer's day in a hammock swaying slowly back and forth. 或是,幻想自己身處在一個平靜的地方,譬如在一個風和日麗的夏日,躺在緩慢地前後搖晃的吊床上。 If you can't stop your thoughts, they suggest repeating "don't think, don't think, don't think..." for 10 seconds. 如果你無法排除雜念,建議你可以反覆在腦海中默念「不思考、不思考、不思考......」,持續個十秒。 It may sound silly or fairly simple, but it's the practice that makes perfect. 這或許聽起來有點愚蠢且相當簡單,但熟能生巧。 And anecdotally online, people have found it to work after dedicating time to it. 網路上有傳言說有人付出時間實踐後發現是真的有效。 But the key, like most things, is to consistently practice each night. 不過重點是,每個晚上你都必須不斷地練習。 It won't be a simple solution on your first night. 第一次實行時或許會覺得不簡單。 But weeks in, you'll be much more likely to fall asleep instantly, assuming you don't have a sleep disorder or other condition. 但幾週過後,你將更有機會快速入睡,前提是你沒有睡眠紊亂或是其他健康問題。 Now, there is one more suggestion. 還有一個建議。 That is considered the single most important tip to falling asleep immediately. 這個建議被認為是快速入睡最重要的訣竅。 And if you can't follow any others, follow this. 如果你辦不到以上的方法,試試看這個。 Go to bed and wake up at the same time of day no matter what, even the weekends. 無論如何,即使是假日,每天都要在一樣的時間就寢和起床。 I know it sucks, but we're creatures of habit . 我知道這聽起來很糟,但我們都是受習慣支配的人。 And if you want to be able to fall asleep immediately, getting in a good routine will set up your body to literally work like clockwork. 如果你想要迅速入睡,規律的作息可以讓你的身體在對的時間做對的事。 And after all that, if you still can't fall asleep, don't lie awake in bed. 如果你依舊無法入睡,也不要一直躺在床上。 Studies show that not falling asleep for an extended period of time causes anxiety, and only makes things worse. 研究顯示,躺在床上翻來覆去的時間只會增加焦慮感,讓一切變得更糟。 So just get up, and do a relaxing or slightly boring activity until you feel sleepy. 所以,建議你離開床舖,然後做一些放鬆的活動直到感覺到睡意。 Thank you guys for watching. 感謝你的收看。 We played around with the animation style a little bit in this video. 我們在這部影片採用了一點動畫的風格。 It's a little longer, so let us know in the comments what you thought of it. 影片有點長,所以在底下留言讓我們知道你對這部影片的想法。 And we're gonna make a playlist of a lot more sleep videos over there. 我們預計會增設一個列表,收錄更多的睡眠影片。 Because it's a common theme, so it's very important. 因為這是個很常見的主題,所以很重要。 Make sure you're subscribed for more and click that bell. 確定你已經訂閱頻道並按下小鈴鐺。 Oh, yeah, click the bell, that matters apparently. 沒錯,按下小鈴鐺非常重要。 Click the bell if you want to see more of our videos, and otherwise, we'll see you next time. 如果你想觀看更多我們的影片,記得按下小鈴鐺,我們下次再見。 See you later! 大家再見囉!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 入睡 睡眠 睡覺 失眠 放鬆 方法 總是失眠睡不著嗎?教你兩分鐘快速進入夢鄉! (How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes) 32301 1380 Annie Chien 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字