字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 You guys had never been in a movie before. 你們以前從來沒有一起演過電影。 No. But we did star on the same television show. 沒有,但我們有一起出演過電視節目。 -"Growing Pains". -'89 and '90. -《歡樂家庭》。 -1989 年到 1990 年 '91 and '92. 1991 年到 1992 年。 I don't know. We're talking decades ago. We were on the same television show. 我不知道。我們講的是好幾十年前。我們當時演同一齣電視劇。 Did you ever do a scene together? 你們有一起演過同一幕嗎? -No. -No, no, no. -沒有。 -沒有,沒有,沒有。 Wait no longer. 不用再等了。 L.A., the summer of 1969, the city of dreams is going through seismic changes. 1969 的夏天,洛杉磯這座夢想之城經歷著劇烈的改變。 For some in Hollywood, modernity means opportunity. -I'm in the movie. 對好萊塢中有些人來說,現代化代表著機會。 -我有演那部電影。 For others, it feels more like the last picture show. 對其他人而言,感覺起來更像最後一部電影。 Cliff here, is meant to help carry the load. 這裡的 Cliff 呢,是為了減輕我的負荷。 Is that how you describe your job, Cliff? Cliff 你會這樣形容你的工作嗎? What, carrying his load? That's about right. 什麼?減輕他的負荷嗎?差不多就是那樣。 "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood" is a buddy movie, a cliffhanger, a horror film, and a Tarantino masterclass in storytelling. 《從前,有個好萊塢》是個友情電影、驚險故事、恐怖片,和昆汀的講故事大師班。 Don't you forget it. 你可別忘了。 Can you give me the elevator pitch? 你能不能簡潔有力地向我推銷一下? I don't know if i can do the elevator pitch for this. 我不知道我會不會推銷這個。 - About anything. - Yeah, about anything. - 推銷任何事情。 - 對,任何事。 Leonardo Dicaprio is the fading TV cowboy actor. 李奧納多狄卡皮歐飾演逐漸過氣的電視牛仔演員。 Brad Pitt, his stunt double. 布萊德彼特則是它的動作替身。 We get into a fight. I accidentally kill you. I go to jail. 我們打架的時候我不小心殺了你的話,我就要去坐牢。 Anybody accidentally kills anybody in fights, they go to jail. 任何人打架的時候殺了人都要去坐牢。 Friends inseparable. 不可分離的摯友。 They're working class guys trying to survive in a changing industry. 他們只是嘗試在變動中的產業生存的勞工。 The guys with the pompadours were sort of fading out, and the hippie revolution was coming into play. 梳油頭漸漸落伍,而嬉皮革命開始壯大。 Did you have these guys in mind when you wrote it? 你在寫劇本的時候有想過要讓這些人來演嗎? - Well, yes. - And a few others. - 嗯,有啊。 - 還有其他人。 Because the thing though is that, the answer is "Yes, I did", but I couldn't be arrogant enough to think I'm going to get them, alright? 因為其實,答案是肯定的,但我不可能自大到覺得我可以請到他們,好嗎? Oh, that's nice. 喔,人好好。 Was there any trepidation whatsoever when, oh, him, you, these? 跟這些大咖合作你們會感到任何不安嗎? You guys are really famous and well regarded but had never worked together before. 你們都很有名、受人敬重,但從來沒有一起合作過。 Was there any trepidation? 會覺得不安嗎? Hell, no, man. You know, you don't have to carry the whole thing. 根本不會。你知道的,你不需要一肩扛下所有重擔。 You got these other great people, too, who are the best of the best and are going to, you know, help carry that load. It's actually a relief. 你有其他這些好人、最棒的演員來減輕你的負荷。其實是鬆了一口氣。 I don't think, I mean, I'm not speaking for you, but I don't think either of us thought about it in that context. 我不知道你怎麼想,但我覺得我們沒有人是那樣想。 It's what's best for the film. 一切以這部電影為優先。 I've admired the choices he's taken through his career. 我很欣賞他在演藝生涯中所做過的選擇。 You know, if you start to think in that realm of big actor, big actor, what is the dynamic? 如果你開始想說,兩個大牌演員會擦出什麼火花? You're trying to create a piece of art here. 你其實只是在嘗試創造出一件藝術品。 You're talking about something from an outside perception. 你只是從外界角度來看。 I mean, just a couple idiots on the couch. 我們其實只是幾個坐在沙發上的白癡。 I had to change my shirt because I got toothpaste on it on the way here. 我剛剛得換件上衣,因為我在來的路上衣服沾到牙膏。 Do you know what i mean? 你懂我的意思嗎? We see it from the inside out. 我們是由裡往外看。 Margot Robbie plays Sharon Tate, a real-life actress who was murdered by the Manson family. 瑪格羅比飾演莎朗·蒂,一個在真實世界中被曼森家族謀殺的女演員。 In the movie, Leo and Margot are next door neighbors. 在這部電影中,李奧納多跟瑪格是隔壁鄰居。 Whenever I heard her name, I really only thought about her death. 每當我聽到莎朗·蒂的名字時,我只想得到她的命案。 I was never really exposed to the parts of her life when she was alive. 我沒什麼接觸到她還在世時的表現及作品。 Tate's sister gave her blessing for the film and even provided Margot with some of Sharon's jewelry. 莎朗·蒂的姊姊祝福了這部電影,甚至還給了瑪格一些莎朗·蒂珠寶首飾。 It was sometimes very sad, to be that closely connected with real life Sharon. 和真正的莎朗感到如此親密的連結有時候讓我很難過。 Yeah, it hit you at moments. 有時後會感慨萬分。 Suddenly, the tragedy of it all would hit you, and you'd be tremendously sad. 這個悲劇有時會席捲而來,就會感到非常非常難過。 Other times, it made me feel so happy. 其他時候,能飾演莎朗·蒂又讓我很開心。 But yes, there were moments it was very sad. 不過沒錯,拍攝中是有些傷心時刻。 An eerie reality in a story from Tarantino's imagination. 故事背景來自昆汀想像中的怪誕實境。 Both Pitt and Dicaprio have some stunning scenes. 布萊德彼特跟李奧納多兩人都使出了驚人的演技。 Embarrass yourself like that in front of all the god damn people! 竟然在他媽所有人面前丟臉丟成這樣! The scene where he is in his trailer, the jump cutting scene and everything, that was all improvised and wasn't written in the script. 他在拖車休息室裡的那一幕,包括跳接剪輯什麼的,都是沒寫在劇本上的即興發揮。 I will go on record as it is one of the best meltdowns laid on film. 我要公開宣布這是我在所有電影中看過最厲害的崩潰演出之一。 Tarantino's films are idiosyncratic and often spectacularly violent. 昆汀的電影通常很古怪而且驚人地暴力。 Anybody order fried sauerkraut? 有人要吃德國酸菜嗎? You guys have worked with this guy before. 你們有跟昆汀合作過。 Was there ever a moment in the films you've worked on, or this one, where you said, "you want me to do what?" 你們跟他合作拍片時有沒有想過說:「蛤?你叫我做什麼鬼?」 No. No. You know what you're getting into. 不會,不會。你知道你淌的是哪灘混水。 Yeah, the "Hullabaloo" scene. 有啊,演電視劇《Hullabaloo》的那幕。 That is true. 是真的。 The film tells us fame is a capricious mistress. 這部電影告訴我們,名氣就像個善變的情婦。 She can be cruel and unfair. 她相當冷酷不公。 It's official, old buddy. I'm a has-been. 老朋友,我已經是個正式的過氣演員了。 Have either of you ever had that sense, where either the train has stopped or maybe I want to get off? 你們有沒有曾感覺到,自己事業停擺或是想要退出這個產業? I've always, you know, look at the trajectory and the careers of some of the greatest actors that I've admired. 我一直都有關注我欣賞的厲害演員們的事業軌跡。 They ebb and flow. 他們起起落落。 There's good times and there's bad times. 他們的演藝身涯時好時壞。 Hopefully, you can just be in the race as a long distance runner, is the only hope. 只能希望可以在事業跑道中做個長跑選手。 Precisely that. 就是那樣沒錯。 We're all aware there is a shelf life on this. 我們都明白演藝生涯是有保存期限的。 You know, it's really important to me, you know, the people I spend my time with, and the artists I respect. 這對我欣賞的演員、和我一起度過時光的人跟我自己都非常重要。 So i don't know what went wrong on this one but... 所以我不知道這傢伙到底出了什麼問題... Would you do it again? Would you want to work together again? 你們會想要再次合作嗎? We talked about doing Jerry Lee Lewis and Dean Martin's stories. 我們討論過要一起演搞笑團體「馬丁和路易斯」的故事。 He wants to do a Christmas album. 他想要合作一張聖誕專輯。 I want to do a Christmas album. 對我想合作一張聖誕專輯。 I'm here for it. 我等不及了。 No fun hanging around with those guys. 跟那些傢伙在一起一點也不好玩。 - You saw the movie. - Yeah. -What'd you think? - I want to see it again. - Really!? - 你先看了那部電影。 - 沒錯。 - 你覺得呢? - 我想要再看一次。 - 真的喔!? Oh, talk about secrecy about this film. 說到這部電影的保密性。 You almost had to sign a non-disclosure agreement to say, there's a big secret in it. 你幾乎連只告訴別人電影裡藏著秘密都要簽保密協議。 I can't talk about it. 我不能談論電影內容。 Okay. 好吧。 But it's 1969, the year I graduated from high school. 但電影背景設於 1969 年,是我高中畢業那年。 There's a lot of scenes with guys in cars with their windows down, and the music is playing KHJ from Los Angeles. 有很多場景是車子裡的人窗戶捲下來,放著洛杉磯 KHJ 電台的音樂。 You were like, whoa! 感覺就是,哇! Harry, this is a '60s re-trip for you. Harry ,這部電影對你來說就像是個 60 年代回憶之旅。 Exactly. And there's no stone unturned because it is all authentic. There is no CGI. 沒錯。而且這部電影盡心盡力拍到最好,因為所有場景都是真實的,不是 CGI 動畫。 What he did to make this authentic was L.A. becomes a huge character. 昆汀讓場景如此真實的關鍵是,他把洛杉磯塑造成一個鮮明的角色。 Which what's so amazing. So much of that time in L.A. still is there. 那個年代的洛杉磯還歷歷在目真的很令人驚奇。 It's rusty and rotting. Sorry. 當時正腐朽潰爛中。抱歉。 They seem to have a lot of chemistry, Brad and Leo. 布萊德彼特跟李奧納多似乎很來電。 "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood" is coming out next Friday, July 26th. 《從前,有個好萊塢》下星期五七月二十六號上映。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 電影 演員 合作 布萊德彼特 好萊塢 洛杉磯 《從前,有個好萊塢》:超強卡司導演座談 (Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Robbie And Tarantino Talk 'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood' ) 10663 355 Estelle 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字