字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello it's Ray 哈囉我是阿滴 Today let's talk about gerunds! 今天讓我們來搞懂動名詞! Hmm~ gerunds are mysterious creatures 嗯~動名詞是一個奇怪的生物 They resemble verbs, but they're nouns 它明明長得像動詞,卻是名詞 and they even look the same as so many adjectives 然後長得又跟一大堆形容詞一模一樣 What the...? 到底是什麼? And their English name is "gerund" 而且它的英文名字是 gerund Gerund? Gerund? Sounds like a virus' name 怎麼好像病毒的名字阿? The Gerund Virus The Gerund Virus 之類的 Anyway today we're going to learn about gerunds, which are everywhere in our life 不過呢我們今天就是要來搞懂這個非常非常常見的動名詞 What's the definition of a gerund? 那動名詞的定義是什麼呢? First, a gerund is a verb plus "ing" 首先,動名詞就是動詞後面加上 ing For example, add "ing" to "swim", then we have "swimming" 比如說 swim 這個動詞後面加上 ing 變成是 swimming This is a gerund 這個就是一個動名詞 Teacher teacher, why does a verb become a noun after we add "ing" to it? 老私老私,為什麼動詞後面加上 ing 會變名詞? For example, I am swimming 像是 I am swimming Mom told me this is a progressive tense 媽媽跟我說這是動詞進行式 You liar! 老師你騙人! Uh lil Ray, don't lose control 額小瑞,你不要失控 Indeed, gerunds are sometimes mixed up with other identical words 的確,動名詞會跟其他長得一模一樣的字搞混 Take your question for example 就以你剛剛提出的問題為例好了 The "swimming" in "I am swimming" I am swimming. 這裡面的 swimming is a progressive tense indeed 的確它是進行式 It's a genuine verb! 是一個貨真價實的動詞! Teacher teacher, how do I know when it's a verb 老私老私,那我什麼時候知道它是動詞 when it's a noun? 什麼時候知道它是名詞阿? They look exactly the same! 它們長得一模一樣啊! Lil Ray, it's easy 小瑞啊,這個很簡單 If it's a progressive tense 如果是進行式的話 there must be a be verb in front as an auxiliary verb 在前面一定會有一個 be 動詞當作助動詞 such as "is, are, am" 就像是 is, are, am 等 So "I am swimming" is a progressive tense 所以呢 I am swimming 這個就是一個進行式的動詞 Teacher, what about swimming pool? 老私,那 swimming pool 呢? Is it also a gerund? 也是動名詞嗎? Hey lil Ray you really have so many questions 欸小瑞你的問題真的很多 but you still asked a good one 不過你也問得很好 The "swimming" in "swimming pool" is neither a noun nor a verb Swimming pool 這裡的 swimming 它不是名詞也不是動詞 It's an 它是: adjective 什麼! What! 以上這麼多問題其實都是來自於詞性以及一個字在句子裡面的角色是什麼 All the questions above are related to the part of speech and a word's role in a sentence 我們看 swimming pool,swimming 在 pool 的前面 Take a look at "swimming pool." "Swimming" is before "pool" 它在這裡呢叫做「現在分詞」 It's called a "present participle" 這個聽不懂沒有關係 You don't have to understand this 不過基本上呢 But basically 它就是作為一個形容詞在補充說明它後面的 pool 名詞 It serves as an adjective to further explain the noun after it, pool 動名詞顧名思義就是在句子裡面扮演「名詞」的角色 Gerunds, as the name implies, serve as "nouns" in a sentence 所以基本上呢,可以放名詞的地方就可以放動名詞 So basically, the positions for nouns can be filled in with gerunds 所以說今天我們就要來介紹 So today I'm gonna introduce 動名詞在句子裡面可以擺的3個位置 the 3 positions of a sentence you can put a gerund in 也就是主詞、受詞、補語 that is, the subject, the object, and the complement 首先,舉一個滴妹最常講的話 First, take what Crown usually says for example 「我餓了」 "I'm hungry" 我餓了 (欸~哪有!) (Hey~ I did not!) 那這裡的話呢, I 是名詞嘛,在句子裡面作為主詞 So here, "I" is a noun, serving as the subject of the sentence 那我們就來看一下動名詞在句子裡面作為主詞的例子 Let's take a look at an example when a gerund serves as the subject of the sentence 這裡的動名詞 smoking 就是這句話的主詞 The "smoking" here is the subject of the sentence 這裡的 eating too much The "eating too much" here 就是動名詞形成一個動名詞片語,作為這個句子的主詞 is a gerund phrase, serving as the subject of the sentence 再來我們看一下受詞 Then let's take a look at the object position 我們舉一個我最常說的話 Take what I usually say for example 「我的妹妹把食物都吃完了」 "My sister ate all the food" 我的妹妹把食物都吃光了 (哈哈哈!我哪有阿!) (Hahaha! I DID NOT!) I’m hungry too! She always eats all the food! I'm hungry too! She always eats all the food! 這裡的 food 是名詞,在句子裡面叫做受詞,因為接受這個動作 The "food" here is a noun, also called the object, because in this sentence it receives the action 那我們接下來就來看一下動名詞在句子裡面作為受詞的例子 Next let's take a look at some examples where a gerund serves as the object of the sentence 這裡的動名詞 teaching English 就是句子裡面的受詞 The gerund "teaching English" here is the object of the sentence 這裡的動名詞 waking up early 就是句子裡面的受詞 The gerund "waking up early" is the object of the sentence 再來還有另外一種受詞叫做介系詞受詞 Next we have another kind of object, which is called the object of the preposition 基本上就是放在介系詞後面的一個名詞 Basically it's a noun after the preposition 比如說呢 in this house 的 house 就是介系詞受詞 Like "in this house," the "house" here is the object of the preposition 不管它名字有多複雜 No matter how complicated its name seems 它只要角色是一個名詞,就可以替換成動名詞 as long as it's a noun, it can be replaced by a gerund 所以現在我們就來看一下動名詞作為介系詞受詞的例子 So now let's take a look at an example where a gerund serves as the object of the preposition 拜託不要在留言區吐槽我,我會流淚 Please don't roast me. I'll cry 這裡的 making you laugh 就是介系詞 at 的受詞 The "making you laugh" here is the object of the preposition, at 好啦開玩笑的不用付錢 Just kidding, you don't have to pay 不過呢這一邊的動名詞 watching my videos 就是介系詞 for 的受詞 The gerund "watching my videos" here is the object of the preposition, for 最後來講比較困難的,也就是名詞作為補語 The last one is more difficult, nouns serving as the complement 補語是什麼呢? What is a complement? 補語就是一個補充說明的詞 A complement further explains other words 它有可能是名詞或者是形容詞 It can be a noun or an adjective 不過今天我們就 focus 來講名詞 But today we'll focus on the noun form 舉個簡單的例子 Here's a simple example Ray 是一個... Ray is a... YouTuber 中文是什麼? How do we say "YouTuber" in Mandarin? 你...你管人,你管人 你...你管人,你管人 Ray 是個你管人 Ray is a "你管人" 好,這一邊的 YouTuber 是名詞,作為補語修飾前面的主詞 Ray Alright, the "YouTuber" here is a noun, serving as a complement to modify the subject in front, Ray 在表示呢 Ray 等於是 YouTuber 這一件事情 which means Ray is equal to a YouTuber 那既然補語可以放名詞,那當然就可以放動名詞 Since a complement can be a noun, it can also be a gerund 我們來看一些例子 Here are some examples 這邊的動名詞 interacting with my fans 就是補語 The gerund "interacting with my fans" here is a complement 來去修飾主詞 What I like as a YouTuber modifying the subject, "what I like as a YouTuber" 這裡插播一下 As a side note 雖然 interacting 的前面有 be 動詞 is Although there is a be verb "is" before "interacting" 不過它不是進行式喔! it's not a progressive tense! 這邊的 is 它不是助動詞,而是動詞 The "is" here is not an auxiliary verb. It's a verb 再者,interacting 也不是一個進行的動作而是指這一件事情 Also, "interacting" isn't a progressive action. It just means this matter 再來看一些例子 Here are some examples (亂講 XD!!!) (Bullsh*t XD !!!) 這邊的動名詞 eating my food 就是作為補語修飾受詞 Crown The gerund "eating my food" here is a complement modifying the object, Crown 她吃我東西 She ate my food 這裡面的動名詞 being with you 就是作為補語在修飾形容詞 happy The gerund "being with you" here is a complement modifying the adjective, happy 以上就是動名詞完整觀察日誌 The above is the entire observation journal of gerunds 這個生物真的是非常複雜啊! This creature is extremely complex! 不過呢希望大家在看完這個影片之後,對動名詞有更進一步的了解 Hope you guys have a better understanding of gerunds after watching this video 最後,有兩個重點跟大家做提醒 Last, I have 2 tips for you 首先,只要是可以放名詞的地方基本上就可以放動名詞 First, basically we can put a gerund where we put a noun 也就是主詞、受詞、補語位置 namely the subject, the object, and the complement positions 第二,動名詞、進行式動詞、現在分詞 Second, gerunds, progressive verb forms, present participles 因為長得會有時候一樣,所以記得不要搞混喔! sometimes look the same, so don't be mixed up 老私,我剛剛睡著了,可以再說一遍嗎? Teacher, I just fell asleep. Can you explain it again? 把影片重看一次 Watch the video one more time 如果你喜歡這個影片,請幫我按個讚! If you like this video, please give me a thumbs up! 如果你想要看到更多的影片 If you want to see more videos 可以點這一邊的按鈕,訂閱我的頻道! you can click the subscribe button here to subscribe to my channel! 每個禮拜一跟四的晚上九點,都會有新的影片! We have new videos up every Mon and Thurs at 9 PM 不知道大家有沒有看到上個禮拜四滴妹的影片呢? Have you watched Crown's video last Thursday? 沒有錯,我們現在新的格式呢 That's right. Our new policy is 禮拜一是阿滴的影片 Ray will host the videos on Mondays 禮拜四就是我的妹妹!滴妹主持的影片~ and my sister, Crown, will host the videos on Thursdays 相信大家都非常的喜歡 I believe you guys all love it 不過我知道大家還是比較期待禮拜一阿滴的正式的影片 But I know you'd prefer Ray's videos on Mondays (阿哈哈 沒有喔~) 是吧?是吧!? (Ahaha of course not~) Right? Right!? 不過呢,就算是這樣子 Either way 大家還是可以在禮拜四呢回來看一下滴妹的新影片喔! you can still see Crown's new video on Thursday 那我也有臉書 跟 Instagram 的帳號 I also have Facebook and Instagram accounts 可以用阿滴英文或者是 Ray Du English 來搜尋到我 You can find me by typing in 阿滴英文 or Ray Du English And that is a wrap, thank you guys for watching, as always And that is a wrap, thank you guys for watching, as always and I’ll catch you guys next time! See ya! and I'll catch you guys next time! See ya!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 阿滴英文 受詞 名詞 動詞 主詞 句子 // 理解Gerunds v-ing (// Understanding Gerunds v-ing) 526 18 Joane 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字