字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The Cola Wars have been raging for over a century now, turning soda into a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry. 可樂大戰已經延燒超過一個世紀,讓汽水變成年收數十億的產業。 But just who are the titans of this industry, how did they get to where they are, and which of them reigns supreme? 但誰這產業的巨頭是誰、他們怎麼達到今日的地位,誰又是這個霸業的支配者呢? We thought it would be fun to take a closer look at the two soft drink kings and see how they stack up next to one another in this episode of the Infographics Show, Coke vs Pepsi. 我們認為在今天的 Infographics Show 可口可樂對抗百事可樂這集節目中,研究這兩個軟性飲料巨擘,看看他們如何彼此抗衡會很有趣。 Everyone and their mother knows about Coca-Cola because it's literally everywhere. 每個人都認識可口可樂,因為它可說是無所不在。 Well, except for Cuba and North Korea. 好吧,除了古巴和北韓之外。 But everywhere else, it's a well-known beverage, there is candy flavored like it, there are huge advertisements at the movies, and our favorite YouTubers gets sponsored to use their products. 不過在其他地方,它是著名的飲品。市面上有可樂口味的糖果、電影裡廣告打很大,而走紅的 YouTuber 也會因使用他們的產品而受贊助。 Hell, in the U.S., it's not considered Christmas time until the Coke commercial comes on TV. 天啊,在美國,直到可口可樂的廣告出現在電視上,才等於是聖誕節到來呢。 That said, we've all experienced going to a restaurant and being asked, "We don't have Coke, is Pepsi okay?” 不過,我們都有過到餐廳被問:「我們沒有可口可樂,百事可樂可以嗎?」的經驗。 Most of the time, we say yes without even thinking about it. 我們通常都會不加思索地同意。 But today we're going to think about it: What actually is the difference? 但今天我們要認真思考:兩者差別究竟在哪? Is Pepsi that much less popular? 百事可樂受歡迎程度真的低這麼多嗎? Let's take a closer look. 我們來仔細看一下吧。 Coca-Cola was created in a drugstore in Columbus, Georgia, in 1885. 可口可樂在 1885 年時,在喬治亞州哥倫布市的一間藥局問世。 Injured soldier John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola to help him get over his morphine addiction. 受傷的士兵 John Pemberton 發明了可口可樂,好讓自己戒掉嗎啡癮。 He did this by creating a French Coca Wine, which was made from wine, caffeine, and cocaine, thus giving it its name. 他的做法是創造了一種法式古柯酒,其成分有酒精、咖啡因和古柯鹼,成了這個飲料的名稱由來。 The idea was to lift his spirits and numb the pain with something other than morphine. 他的想法是要用嗎啡以外的東西來提神並減緩疼痛。 It was also sold as a treatment for indigestion, nerve disorders, headaches, and impotence. 它也被當作消化不良、神經失調、頭痛和性無能的療方販賣。 Wine was removed from the product in 1886 to create the first true batch of Coca-Cola. 酒精在 1886 年時被剔除,因而造就了第一批真正的可口可樂。 It should be noted that, yes, the product did contain cocaine well into the early 1900s, until people started fearing that black men were using cocaine to rape white women. 應該注意的是,這項產品直到 1900 年代前期的確包含古柯鹼,直到人們開始擔憂黑人男性會利用古柯鹼強姦白人女性。 You gotta love history, folks. 還真不能不愛歷史呢,各位。 Sadly, Pemberton's attempts to kick his morphine addiction were fruitless, and although he died an addict, he did leave behind a very tasty beverage. 很可惜,Pemberton 對抗嗎啡的企圖失敗了,而雖然他死為癮君子,他仍遺留給世人一種好喝的飲品。 Pepsi was also created for medical purposes, but almost a full decade later in 1893 in a small drug store in New Bern, North Carolina. 百事可樂也是以醫療為目的被創造,但卻是在幾乎整整 10 年後的 1893 年才在北卡羅來納州新伯爾尼鎮的一間小藥局問世。 Pepsi was originally called "Brad's Drink" for the first 5 years after its creator, American Pharmacist Caleb Bradham. 百事可樂在前 5 年被稱為「Brad 的飲料」,這名稱源自於其發明者,美國的藥劑師 Caleb Bradham。 The name was changed to Pepsi in 1898 as a play on the ingredients used in the original recipe, the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts. 它的名稱在 1898 年改為百事可樂,取其原始成分消化胃蛋白酶和可樂樹果子的英文諧音。 The creator of Pepsi also made bold claims about the medicinal properties of his new soft drink, insisting that it could aid digestion and boost energy. 百事可樂的創造者也大膽聲稱,這款新的軟性飲料有幫助消化並增加能量的醫療特性。 A 12-oz can of Coca-Cola contains 39 grams of sugar, which is almost 8 teaspoons, whereas Pepsi contains 41g of sugar, closer to about 8.2 teaspoons. 一罐 12 盎司的可口可樂含有 39 公克的糖,也就是接近 8 茶匙的量,而一罐百事可樂含糖量則有 41 公克,近 8.2 茶匙。 Pepsi also uses sweeteners, making it the much sweeter beverage. 百事可樂也使用了甜味劑,讓它成為兩者中較甜的飲料。 As far as caffeine goes, a can of Pepsi contains 38mg of it, whereas Coke has 34mg. 至於咖啡因含量,一罐百事可樂含有 38 毫克,而可口可樂則是 34 毫克。 Annually, Coke sells 2.3 billion gallons of Coca-Cola Classic in the U.S. alone, which is about 6.4 million gallons every single day. 可口可樂每年在美國就能賣出 23 億加侖的經典可口可樂,等於每天都能賣出 640 萬加侖。 While Pepsi sells just over half that with 1.2 billion gallons of Pepsi Cola in the U.S., or about 3.4 million gallons a day. 而百事可樂每年只銷售 12 億加侖,剛好超過可口可樂的一半,也就是每天 340 萬加侖。 But enough about drink recipes and cans of soda sold. How do Coke and Pepsi, as companies, compare to one another? 關於飲料成分和銷售量已經講解夠多了。可口可樂和百事可樂兩間公司的比較結果呢? Every company has a market cap, which is basically a fancy way of saying how much the company is worth, and Coca-Cola's market cap is a whopping $180 billion. 每間公司都有其股價市值,也就是說明公司值多少錢,而可口可樂的市值高達 1,800 億。 Pepsi's market cap is $150 billion, which may not seem like a big difference, but $30 billion is a lot of cheddar. 百事可樂的市值則有 1,500 億,這差異看起來可能不大,但 300 億還是不容小覷。 The annual revenues of each company tells a very different story, though. 不過,兩間公司的年營收可能會傳達完全不同的訊息。 In 2015, Coke brought in $43.7 billion in revenue, while Pepsi brought in $63.1 billion. 2015 年時,可口可樂賺進了 437 億的營收,而百事可樂則有 631 億。 So, how do these numbers add up? 那麼,這些數字代表什麼呢? Is it that more people buy Coke but Pepsi is more expensive? 是因為可口可樂比較多人買,但百事可樂比較貴嗎? Not quite. 其實不然。 We mustn't forget that Coca-Cola and Pepsi don't just sell soda. They are huge umbrella companies with quite a collection under their respective belts. 別忘了,可口可樂和百事可樂都不只賣汽水。他們都是很大的傘形公司,品牌下有許多系列產品。 According to recent data, Coca-Cola owns 51% of the soft drink market, whereas Pepsi only owns 22% of it. 根據近期資料顯示,可口可樂占軟性飲料市場的 51% ,而百事可樂只佔 22%。 Coke claims to own a total of 35 different brands, including Fanta, Sprite, Powerade, Vitaminwater, and many others. 可口可樂宣稱其擁有 35 個不同品牌,包括芬達、雪碧、動樂和維他命水等等。 Pepsi owns 22 different brands, including 7up, Gatorade, Mountain Dew, and Doritos. 百事可樂則擁有 22 個不同品牌,包括七喜、佳得樂、激浪和多力多滋。 They even have a deal with Starbucks. 他們甚至與星巴克有合約。 At the end of the day, Coke has a total of 3,500 products under its belt, while Pepsi has an estimated 1,200. 到頭來,可口可樂旗下約有 3,500 種產品,而百事可樂則約有 1,200 種。 Some of you might be wondering, with all those companies and all that money, which company employs more people? 你有些人可能會好奇,他們有這麼多關係企業和資本額,哪一家雇用比較多人呢? Coke employs a total of 130,600 people, and Pepsi employs a grand total of 274,000 people! 可口可樂總共雇用 13 萬 6 百人,而百事可樂則雇用高達 27 萬 4千人! That's more than double. 差距有一倍以上。 This makes sense because Pepsi has greater product variety and higher net revenue, which means they can afford to hire more people. 這很合理,因為百事可樂的產品種類更多,淨利也比較高,表示他們有能力雇用更多人。 So there we have it: 所以結論如下: Coke and Pepsi are far more different than originally thought, but as we suspected, Coca-Cola is a much more popular and successful brand. 可口可樂和百事可樂的差異比我們想的還要大,但如同我們所猜測,可口可樂是較受歡迎也較成功的品牌。 Only time, however, will tell which of these two corporate giants will come out on top in the end. 然而,只有時間才能讓我們知道這兩大巨擘究竟誰會勝出。 So, which do you think is the better soft drink? 那麼,你覺得哪個軟性飲料比較好喝呢? Let us know in the comments! 留言告訴我們吧! Also, if you like our videos and want to help us make more of them, please head on over to Patreon and show your support. 此外,如果你喜歡我們的影片,想要幫助我們製作更多影片的話,請前往 Patreon 給我們支持。 Finally, as always, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share! 最後,一如既往地,別忘了按讚、訂閱並分享! Thanks for watching, and see you next time. 謝謝收看,我們下次見。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 可口可樂 百事 飲料 加侖 雇用 古柯鹼 可口可樂 vs. 百事可樂!你選哪一個? (Coke (Coca Cola) vs Pepsi - Soda Comparison) 10029 368 Angel Hsu 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 29 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字