字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What's going on guys? 大家最近過得如何? Five things to instantly step up your photo game. 五個技巧讓你快速對拍照上手。 Here we go, let's get rolling, let's get right into it. 我們就直接切入主題吧! Number one, angles. 拍攝技巧一:角度。 No more hip shots or blind fire. 不要再胡亂按下快門! We're gonna think about this. 讓我們先好好的想一想。 Angles are huge. 角度是非常重要的。 Instead of just pulling out your phone, or your camera. 拿出手機或是相機後...... And snapping the subject, be it an object or a person at whatever's the easiest angle. 也不要馬上隨便找個最簡單的角度就按下快門。 Just take 10 extra seconds, and think about where could this look cool from? 多花個十秒鐘好好的思考從什麼角度可以拍得更好看? Objects typically look really, really good or way better, when they're taken from a waist level. 通常從腰部的高度取景可以拍攝出物品最好看的模樣。 So you're at the same perspective of the object. 如此一來,你就和被拍攝物擁有了相同的視野。 Or just put a little thought into it. 或是你可以再多花點心思。 Maybe just move around to the left or move to the right, move to the back. 在目標物的周圍,從左到右再到後方尋找適合的角度。 Just take 10 extra seconds, and think to yourself how can I make this look better. 多花個十秒鐘思考怎麼做可以使得畫面更完美地呈現出來。 Than just snapping it for the sake of just snapping it. 而不要只是隨便按下快門。 'Cause we all know, we get home, people compare photos. 因為我們都知道,當我們一回到家,大家就會開始互相比較照片。 And they always say, "Wow, yours looks a lot better than mine, why is that?" 而他們總是說:「你拍的照片比我的好看太多了吧,你怎麼辦到的?」 'Cause we thought about those angles, that's number one. 因為我們有花心思在拍攝角度上,而以上是重點一。 Tip number two, shoot through something. 拍攝技巧二: 在鏡頭前擺放其他物品當成散景。 Instead of just taking a shot, maybe dangle something in front of the lens a little bit. 也許可以先在鏡頭前垂掛其他東西,而不要只是直接拍下物品。 Maybe if you're outside taking a portrait, instead of shooting the people in the forest, maybe back into the tree a little bit. 假設你正在外頭拍攝人像,可以嘗試稍微退到樹後方,而不要只是拍到人而已。 So you can see those branches and the leaves, hanging down in front of the lens. 如此一來,你就可以看到樹枝和葉子垂掛在鏡頭前。 It gives you bokeh. 這麼做可以讓照片產生散景的效果。 It gives you nice auto-focused elements. 同時也造就了很棒的自動對焦元素。 And it adds that extra...to the photo, that is otherwise missing if you didn't do it. 照片也將多了一份...不一樣的感覺,而如果不這麼做,那份不一樣的感覺就會消失。 Maybe shoot through the handle of the mug. 你可以把馬克杯的把手當成散景素材。 Take two playing cards, hold them up to the lens, shoot through that. 或是也可以拿兩張紙牌放置在鏡頭前景素材。 Essentially, shoot through anything. 基本上,任何東西都可以拿來營造出散景的效果。 Put an object in front of the lens, and just finagle your way through. 把任一個物品放置在鏡頭前,然後想盡辦法找到一個好的角度來拍攝。 So you can see the subject through whatever it is that's blocking the lens. 這樣一來,你就可以順利對焦在拍攝對象上。 That adds a huge dynamic. 拍出來的照片也會增加許多活力。 It frames your shots in a really creative and interesting way. 這個方法使你的拍攝作品變得更加富有想像力和趣味。 Give that one a shot! 還不快嘗試拍一張! Pun intended. 那其實是雙關語。 Number three, think opposite. 拍攝技巧三: 反向思考。 Let's say we're gonna go do a landscape shot. 舉例來說,我們今天準備要拍攝風景照。 We are in front of Lake Louise. 我們來到了路易斯湖畔前。 Everyone is taking the same photo. 每個人都拍攝了一樣的照片。 If there are a hundred people there, your photo might be better. 你的照片或許將在百人之中脫穎而出。 It might be better lit. 你的照片或許會成為所有人中最讚的。 But for the most part the composition of Lake Louise from those hundred people isn't gonna differ very much. 而其餘的人拍攝路易斯湖的照片構圖差別都不大。 And this doesn't just have to do with landscape photos. 不只風景照會產生這樣的問題。 It can do with... 其他像是... Let's say you're taking a picture of a deck of cards, or maybe you're shooting a smartphone,maybe a book, maybe a pair of boots. 假設你正打算要拍攝一副紙牌好了,或是智慧型手、一本書,甚至是一雙靴子。 It doesn't matter. 無論拍攝對象是什麼都沒關係。 It could be a living room. 你也可以拍家中的客廳。 Try to think what the most common typical place the photo will be taken from. 先試著去思考哪一個定點是大家常常會選擇為拍攝地。 So everyone stands in front of the mountain here. 在這一座山前,如果每一個人都站在這個定點拍攝。 Everyone places the deck here. 每個人都把這副牌放在固定的地方。 Get that in your head and then completely cut it off. 把這些別人會如何拍攝的想法通通逐出你的腦外。 Think... 你可以想著... okay, I'm gonna shoot it from the back forward. 好,大家都從正面拍攝的話,那我就要從反面拍攝。 I'm gonna shoot it upside down. 甚至顛倒著拍攝。 I'm gonna shoot it from the left, from the right, from above. 從左邊、右邊、或是從上方拍攝都可以。 It's these little things, it's these little tips that end up producing huge results. 這些小訣竅將為你帶來意想不到的結果。 So just by taking 10 seconds ahead of time, and saying to yourself, "this is what everybody does right here?" 所以在拍攝前先花個十秒鐘的時間思考並捫心自問:「大家都會用這個方式拍攝嗎?」 What is completely opposite from what everybody does? 什麼拍攝方法才是恰好和大家完全不同的呢? And I'm gonna do that. 而我會這麼做。 You might surprise yourself. 這麼做你也許會有想不到的驚喜。 Hell, it could be shit too. 當然也有可能拍出很糟糕的照片。 Talk about lighting. 接下來,我們來談談光線和照明。 Lighting is huge. 光線和照明可以說是非常重要。 If your stuff isn't lit well... 如果拍攝時的光線不足,將會面臨以下情況... A: no one can see it; B: it just looks like shit. 第一,看不見任何東西;第二,你的拍攝成品將會看起來像坨屎。 C: there's no reason it has to look bad! 第三,根本毫無理由拍出這樣糟糕的照片啊! Lighting scares a lot of people. 很多人都非常害怕任何關於燈光的問題。 People are thinking, "oh I don't know how to set up lights ,or I don't own lights!" 大家總會想:「我不知道要怎麼調整光線,或是我沒有照明器材啊!」 The solution is very easy. 解決方法非常地簡單。 I'm probably gonna do an entire video on this subject itself. 我或許整部影片都會拿來討論燈光的問題。 Just move to a window. 你只需要將拍攝對象移到窗邊。 That's it. 就是這麼簡單。 Just stand in front of a window. 你只要站在窗戶前。 If you're shooting an object, just move to a window, find the light. 當你在拍攝時,你只要移到窗邊,並找到適當的光源就好。 Essentially, if it's dark outside, maybe don't take the photo unless you're trying to go for night photography. 基本上如果天黑了,除非你想要進行夜間拍攝,否則就別拍了。 If you're trying to take a picture of something in a restaurant, and the lighting is poor, just wait. 假設你今天打算在一家餐廳裡進行拍攝,而裡頭的燈光不是那麼理想的話,那麼就先緩緩吧! Just do it tomorrow. 等到明天再拍。 If it's grainy, and it looks bad, and you can't figure out the light. 如果你拍攝出來的照片看起來很糟且有顆粒感,而你也無法解決燈光的問題的話。 There is probably a reason. 那麼事出必有因。 You shouldn't be taking the photo right now. 你根本不應該選擇此時此刻進行拍攝。 Unless that's your job, and that's a whole other story. 除非那是你的工作,這就另當別論。 We're just talking about regular people taking photos on a regular basis, and we wanna up that quality. 我們現在討論的是一般大眾想要拍出普通水準的照片,而且想要進一步提升照片的品質。 You're not gonna die, there's no fire, wait til tomorrow. 你不會怎樣,先別急,等到明天再找尋適當時機進行拍攝。 Wait for golden hour! 靜待魔幻時刻! And if you don't know when golden hour is, you can google it. 如果你不知道什麼是魔幻時刻,你可以上網查一查。 There's an app to show it. 有一個 app 可以告訴你什麼時候是魔幻時刻。 You can ask Siri, "hey Siri, when's golden hour?" 或是你也可以問 Siri:「嘿 Siri,什麼時候是魔幻時刻?」 Window light is naturally diffused, especially, if you're on a cloudy day. 特別在陰天的時候,室外的光線會是非常柔和的散射光。 That cloud cover provides like a big giant soft box, if you will. 天空中的雲就好比是巨大版的柔光箱。 So your photo's probably gonna end up looking a hundred times better. 可想而知,在這情況下所拍攝出來的照片將會比原先好看一百倍。 And you're gonna say to yourself, "Damn, this actually looks incredible!" 你也會忍不住對自己說:「我的老天,這也太美了吧!」 You're welcome. 不客氣。 Number five, placing objects into the frame. 拍攝技巧五:在拍攝畫面中增加裝飾物。 That help tell the story. 這有助於營造出一張帶有故事性的照片。 Maybe it's people, maybe it's something, maybe it's different objects. 裝飾物可以是人物,或是任何各式各樣的物品。 Let's say we're gonna take a picture of a deck of cards. 譬如我們現在要拍攝一副紙牌好了。 We're putting it on a table. 我們把它放置在桌子上。 It's kinda boring by itself. 這麼做會讓整個畫面顯得有點無趣。 So maybe we add a laptop, now we're gonna add a cell phone. 我們可以嘗試在畫面中加入一台筆記型電腦和手機。 Maybe we'll throw a sweater in there and a mug. 或是放置一件毛衣和馬克杯。 Those things are just creeping into the corners but that provides an atmosphere now. 雖然這些裝飾物都只是放置在畫面的角落,但它們卻可以讓整體營造出不一樣的氛圍。 The picture is much more interesting. 這麼做所拍出來的照片也將更加有趣。 It's not focused on just the laptop. 筆記型電腦並不是拍攝重點。 It's not focused on the sweater. 毛衣也不是。 And we've made that very clear by keeping those things to the edges, they're not the focus points. 它們都不是拍攝的重點,所以我們才把它擺放於畫面的邊邊角角。 The deck of cards is the focus point. 那一副紙牌才是我們的拍攝目標。 But we've added these extra elements to just create more of a mood, more feeling,more of a story in this photograph. 我們額外增加的裝飾品只是為了營造出更多的氛圍、情感和故事性。 And it took an extra 10 seconds to just drop these things in. 而把這些裝飾品置入畫面中只需要多花個十秒鐘。 You'll notice that a lot of these tips, all these things are very, very basic tips. 你會發現這些拍攝技巧都非常簡單基礎。 But it will elevate your photography be it with an iPhone, be it with a DSLR, be it with an Instax camera, whatever. 當你無論是用 iPhone 、數位單眼相機或是立可拍進行拍攝,這些技巧都有助於提升你的照片品質。 They'll make your photos better. 它們會使你的照片看起來更棒。 Try them out! 試試看吧! I think you're gonna get some mileage out of it. 你將會受益良多。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 拍攝 照片 畫面 角度 技巧 光線 總是被嫌拍照技術不好?學會這五招秒變拍照達人!(5 tips to INSTANTLY up your PHOTO GAME) 26641 1237 Amy.Lin 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 08 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字