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Hey guys, Ryan here at Signature Edits and today I'm gonna be sharing my top 10
photography locations with you. You got it. Because when it comes to planning a
photo shoot, finding a great location can be the trickiest part. Especially if
you've kind of used up all the spots around your town. I mean if you're in a
small town it can be even trickier. If you're in a big city maybe have some
more advantages, but there's also disadvantages. For instance, there's no
nature near you. We're gonna look at ten spots that almost every single town will
have that are my go-to is when it comes to planning a portrait or fashion
editorial, or even an engagement or wedding shoot. Let's dive in and I'll
show you how.
Alright, so photoshoot location number one is textured walls. Honestly a boring
old wall can be the perfect background because it doesn't draw attention away
from your subject plus walls reflect and bounce lights, so your subject will
likely get some backlight or wrap around light reflected on the wall. So whether
it's a plain wall or a colored wall to add more interest just keep an eye open
when you pass buildings and you look for interesting textures or colors or even a
plain texture of color or an interesting light. For instance this wall would
actually be pretty ugly by itself but because of the angle of the light coming
down here it looks really great. Photoshoot location number two:
industrial parks. So this is kind of going off of where do I find walls in
the first place industrial parks is a perfect place to find interesting
textures and colors and geometry and leading lines. All sorts of things.
Because there's so much going on in industrial parks and because they're not
kept up to look perfect and pretty. So here we've got... I don't even know, it
might be a trash bin or it might just be a aluminum sided door. Whatever it is
it's very interesting for photos and lends itself greatly. So you can find
different lighting, different textures especially if you can get a big
warehouse you've got some nice depth there to work with. Or even finding
equipment (Obviously without breaking any laws or rules) You want to be careful
about this but it can be a perfect place to find interesting photo shoot
locations. Photo shoot location number three is greenhouses. So if you're in a
small town maybe you don't instantly have a greenhouse in mind that you have
access to, but almost every town I know of has some kind of a grower or a
nursery for plants. Chances are there is one near you you just might not know
about it yet most of these places have public access or if they don't you can
ask and they will gladly let you in their name in exchange for sending a few
photos. You'd be amazed what you can ask get just by asking! And why are
greenhouses great? Because they have so many different colors textures and the
lighting is fantastic because you've got really soft light coming from all angles
because there's so many windows in a greenhouse. Photoshoot location number
four is graffiti. So finding spots with graffiti. If you're
struggling the local skateboard park is pretty much a sure bet. And again it's
just all about color and texture and interest in your photos. Here I really
love this guy because it's color-coordinated so you have that
background assisting in the photo - it's not just random. In the same way these
two are wearing kind of punk s clothing so it really blends with the background
of the graffiti. Number five for photoshoot locations that are my go-to s
is water. Pretty much anywhere with water. If you're by the ocean go to the ocean,
if you're by lake go to the lake, if you're by a river you got it go to the
river because you've got so many reflections coming off the water you've
got different puddles going on you've got textures and there's something about
water that is just vibey so find water and you're pretty much going for a sure
thing if you have an ocean near you maybe you've got a harbor you can go to
or a marina those are fantastic places both for interesting buildings and also
for textures going on in colors with different boats and leading lines
because you've got the symmetry of the docks
same thing if you're even inland and you don't have access to the ocean go to a
little marina somewhere you've got all the boats lined up and perhaps vistas of
the city in the background you don't necessarily even need a lake or a river
just keep your eye open maybe there's a puddle near the spot you're already
shooting and you can get some interesting reflections off of there
photoshoot location number five is rooftops rooftops are pretty much the
sweetest thing ever why well maybe it's just because we
weren't allowed but to get up on them when we were kids but even though access
can sometimes be a little difficult once you find a spot they're pretty much
quiet and private to the extreme you also get a view from above so it doesn't
have to be a rooftop necessarily you can maybe even just use a Ledge or a high
sidewalk whatever it is but basically you just want to get high and no I don't
mean in like the recreational sense I mean high elevation wise photoshoot
location number seven my go-to is find a staircase staircases are absolutely
fantastic spots for portraits because they give lots of natural leading lines
and often have interesting angles and textures going on so sitting standing
walking up walking down it really doesn't matter you have so many
different angles as well as action shots that you can get when you're on a
stairway photos location number eight is parking lots so pretty much every town
in the world has a park if not a parking garage to work with and
those are fantastic places why because they're dry because they tend to be
pretty private and because you have those interesting textures and angles
and an architecture to work with so they combine multiple locations in one really
you're getting a rooftop staircases an industrial setting interesting textures
lots of depth and geometry and as a bonus parking lots are pretty much the
perfect spot if the light outside is terrible because the light inside a
parking lot is most of the time pretty soft photoshoot location number nine is
any place that is broken down pretty much look for old stuff there's
something cool about old stuff that's just cool so hipsters have already
nailed that one as we know old junk shops or even pawn shops are fantastic
places to just find old stuff and go around their photo shoot location number
10 head on in to nature you don't necessarily have to have a cool vibe a
spot to take amazing photos you can head out into what God has already created
for us awesome trees rivers tint bushes whatever you
name it head out into a field and get creative alright so that does it for our
top 10 photography locations that are easily accessible to pretty much
everybody on this planet I hope this was helpful for you and it helps to spark
some ideas when it comes to finding locations of your own just looking for
interesting textures colors locations geometry places that are gonna have
great light and just adding something interesting to tie in your photos and
tell a story whether it's a textured wall industrial parks greenhouses
graffiti water rooftops staircases parking lots
pretty much anything old or broken down or a good old fashioned mother nature
you never have to run out of photoshoot locations again alright if you have a
location that I've missed please leave it in the comments below don't forget to
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