字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Does searing meat keep the juices in? 高溫快煎肉類真的能把湯汁鎖在肉裡面嗎? Does the microwave destroy nutrients? 使用微波爐會破壞食物的養分嗎? And, is that chain email grandma sent me actually true? 還有,奶奶寄給我的連環信內容是真的嗎? In a world wrought with misinformation, how do we know what to believe, anymore? 身處一個充滿加工過的假消息的世界,我們怎麼知道該相信什麼呢? Well, as the great Spock once said, "Insufficient facts always invite danger." 就如《星艦迷航記》裡偉大的 Spock 曾經說過—「資訊不足便會招來危險。」 Sometimes, you just don't have it in you to finish that loaf of bread. 有時候你就是不想再吃那條麵包了。 Yet, the persistent voice of the people urges you to store it in the fridge and make it last longer. 但周圍的人卻不斷迫使你把麵包存放在冰箱裡,讓它可以保存久一點。 The thing is, it'll actually do exactly the opposite. 問題是,這樣做其實會有反效果。 Storing bread at a cold temperature that's above freezing will actually cause the starch in the bread to crystallize faster. 把麵包存放在高於冰點的低溫地方,其實會導致麵包裡的澱粉更快結晶。 This means that wrapping it up and keeping it at a room temperature is your best bet, besides freezing it entirely. 這代表把麵包包起來在室溫中存放會比較好,不然就要完全冷凍它。 If you like to cook using alcohol, and no, I don't mean having a fine glass of box wine in a plastic cup, cause that's just fine. 如果你煮飯的時候喜歡用酒,我這邊講的不是用塑膠杯喝高級罐裝紅酒,如果你是這樣做的話完全沒問題。 I'm talking about the myth that alcohol burns off entirely during the cooking process. 我是說煮飯的時候酒會完全蒸發這樣的迷思。 Studies have shown that anywhere from 4 - 78% of alcohol used in cooking still remains after basic recipes. 研究指出,用酒精濃度 4 - 78% 的酒做很基本的料理,其中的酒都不會蒸發掉。 Now, for some, that might be a good thing, but not for those with an opposition to alcohol. 這對一些人而言是個好消息,但對不喜歡酒的人來說就不是了。 So, bear that little fact in mind next time you make vodka sauce. 所以說下次起在做伏特加醬料的時後,要記得這點。 Does adding salt to water actually help it boil faster? 在水中加鹽真的能加速煮沸嗎? Nope. 不。 In fact, it actually increases the temperature needed to achieve a boil. 事實上,它只會讓沸點變高。 We placed two pots of water on the stove right next to each other, one with salt, one without. 我們放了兩鍋水並列在爐子上,一鍋是有鹽巴的,另一鍋沒有。 We clicked them on at the same time and let it rip. 並且同時開瓦斯點火讓實驗開戰。 As you can see, the unsalted water clearly boiled first. 如你所見,無鹽的水很顯然地先煮沸了! So, if you see someone putting salt in the water to make it boil faster, drop some knowledge on 'em, and quit watching that pot, because then it'll never boil. 所以下次如果你看到有人在水裡加鹽想讓水更快煮沸的話,可以讓他們長知識,然後不要再盯著鍋子了,它永遠不會煮沸的! If you have something against frozen vegetables, then it's time to put old beefs aside. 如果你不太喜歡冷凍即食蔬菜,那你該先不管先入為主的成見,好好聽我們說。 Once a vegetable is picked, it immediately begins to decay. 一但蔬菜被採收,它馬上就會開始腐壞。 And if you work in the time it takes to ship, label, and get placed in the store, many of your cherished veggies are already on their way out when you buy them. 如果你去計算它花費在運送、貼標籤、店裡上架的時間,你會發現多數你喜愛的蔬菜在你買下它們的時候都已經快腐壞了。 On the other hand, vegetables that are frozen immediately after being picked, typically measure higher levels of vitamin E, calcium, and many more. 換句話說,在採收後馬上被做成冷凍蔬菜的通常都擁有比較多維生素 E、鈣質、還有很多其他的營養物質。 Another great benefit is not having to worry about your veggies going bad. 另一個好處是不用擔心你的蔬菜腐壞。 You can just pull 'em from the freezer when you're ready to eat 'em. 你想吃的時候隨時都可以從冷凍庫把他們拿出來。 Do you really need a large pot of boiling water just to make a bit of pasta? 煮區區一點義大利麵真的需要用到一整大鍋的沸水嗎? Absolutely not. 當然不用。 You can actually use less water and do away with the whole waiting for a boil thing. 其實你可以用少點水,擺脫等水煮沸的長時間等候。 But, how? 但這該怎麼做? Simple, add enough cold water to cover your pasta, and click the stove up on high. 很簡單,加入的冷水水位只要高於義大利麵,然後用高溫煮沸就好了。 The cold water prevents sticking in the early stages, but you also need to make sure you stir it frequently as it warms up. 冷水可以防止一開始的黏鍋現象,但你也要確保水升溫的時候你有頻繁地攪拌它。 We added pasta to a full pot of boiling water, and then we barely covered another pot with cold water. 我們在一鍋沸水中加入義大利麵,然後用少量冷水煮另一鍋。 We gave both ten minutes to cook. 兩鍋我們都讓它們煮十分鐘。 The results were almost exactly the same in consistency and flavor, so not only did we save time, but we also conserved water. 結果兩鍋義大利麵的味道和濃度幾乎是一樣的,所以我們不只省下了時間,還省了點水。 Just imagine if everyone followed this methodology. 如果大家都照這種做法煮義大利麵的話那該有多好? A huge thanks to all of our subscribers, new and old. 感謝我們所有的訂閱者,舊雨新知都是。 Here's a couple other videos I think you might like, if you enjoyed this one. 如果你喜歡這支影片的話,我覺得你也會喜歡這些影片。 We'll see you next time, on Household Hacker. 我們 Household Hacker 下次再見啦!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 義大利麵 麵包 蔬菜 存放 冷凍 採收 吃剩的麵包到底要不要冰?五大食物迷思!(5 Food Myths Everyone Believes) 14029 503 Ginger Liu 發佈於 2019 年 09 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字