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Robert Downey, Jr. has been a fixture in Hollywood longer than many of his fans have been alive.
While his talent and charisma have always been undeniable, he was long plagued by offscreen troubles that threatened to sink his career.
But over the last decade, he's experienced a personal and professional resurgence that has him on top of the world and Hollywood's A-List.
It's not easy to go from high school dropout to founding member of the Avengers, but showbiz and struggle have been in Downey's blood from the beginning.
Underground Dad
Downey's irreverence, self-deprecating humor, and anti-authoritarian streak make a lot of sense if you're familiar with his father.
Robert Downey, Sr. started writing and directing independent films in the early 1960s.
老勞勃・道尼從 1960 年代初期開始編劇和執導獨立電影。
His first film to receive a wide release was the 1969 satire Putney Swope, the story of a black man accidentally put in charge of an advertising agency.
他第一部獲得普遍播映的電影是 1969 年的諷刺電影 Putney Swope ,故事是關於一位黑人意外成為一間廣告公司的負責人。
Junior made his film debut as a 5-year-old in his dad's 1970 movie Pound, in which all the actors play dogs.
小勞勃・道尼五歲時在他父親 1970 年的電影 Pound 出道,當中所有的演員都飾演狗。
"That tornado scared me so much, it made my hair disappear."
"Have any hair on your ball(s)?"
A year later, Downey, Sr. let his 6-year-old son try marijuana for the first time, which Downey Sr. later came to greatly regret.
When his parents divorced in 1978, a 13-year old Junior followed his dad from New York to L.A.
1978 年當小勞勃的父母離婚後,13 歲的他跟著父親從紐約搬到洛杉磯。
At the age of 16, he dropped out of high school to pursue acting full-time.
16 歲時他從高中退學以追求成為全職演員。
New York Beginnings
Rather than attempt to break into Hollywood, the teenage Downey returned to his mother's in New York.
He landed roles in a couple of small productions, including 1984's Firstborn, a little-remembered drama co-starring an 18-year-old Sarah Jessica Parker.
他獲得一些小製作的角色,包括 1984 年的 Firstborn ,一部與 18 歲的莎拉・潔西卡・帕克共同出演,沒什麼人記得的劇情片。
The two hit it off immediately, beginning a relationship that would last for years even as Downey became a mainstay on the New York party scene.
In 1985, Downey joined the cast of Saturday Night Live.
1985 年,道尼加入週六夜現場的固定班底。
Producer Lorne Michaels had just returned to the show after five years away, and he hired an entirely new cast.
製作人 Lorne Michaels 在離開了五年後重返節目,並僱請了一批全新的演員。
It became painfully apparent that Downey was out of his element.
"That simply represents a dramatic synthesis of the..."
Much of the new cast failed to click with each other, and Downey was among those who were canned at the end of the season.
Professional Success, Personal Troubles
The sacking from SNL was a blessing in disguise, as it coincided with the rise of Downey's film career.
遭到 SNL 開除算是因禍得福,因為道尼的電影事業正巧從那時起上升。
He had small roles in the John Hughes films Weird Science and Pretty in Pink, as well as the Rodney Dangerfield comedy Back to School.
他在 John Hughes 的電影《摩登保姆》和《紅粉佳人》以及 Rodney Dangerfield 的喜劇《大兒子小爸爸》中獲得了一些小角色。
1987 brought two highlights: his first lead role in The Pick-Up Artist, and Less Than Zero, his most critically acclaimed performance to date.
1987 年帶來了兩個高潮:他第一部主演的電影《泡妞專家》,以及至今演技最廣受好評的《零下的激情》。
Less Than Zero featured Downey as the hard-partying cocaine addict Julian Wells.
在《零下的激情》中道尼飾演對古柯鹼成癮的派對玩咖 Julian Wells 。
It earned him recognition as a serious actor, but the experience of making it had some very unfortunate repercussions.
Drugs had virtually always been a part of Downey's life, but he's pointed to Less Than Zero as the time when the troubles really began.
He explained to The Guardian:
"The character was an exaggeration of myself.
Then things changed and, in some ways, I became an exaggeration of the character.
That lasted far longer than it needed to last."
The A-List
The 1992 bio-pic Chaplin cemented Downey's reputation as a critically acclaimed actor.
1992 年的傳記電影《卓別林與他的情人》鞏固了道尼作為一個廣受歡迎演員的地位。
His performance as screen legend Charlie Chaplin made him one of the most in-demand stars in Hollywood and earned him a Best Actor Oscar nomination.
He followed that up with acclaimed turns in Robert Altman's Short Cuts in 1993 and Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers in 1994.
緊接著他以在 Robert Altman 1993 年的《銀色.性.男女》以及 Oliver Stone 1994 年的《閃靈殺手》中的轉變獲得了喝采。
His personal life was also looking up, as he married actress Deborah Falconer in 1992, and they had a son two years later.
他的私生活也逐漸改善。 1992 年與演員 Deborah Falconer 成婚,並且在兩年後有了一個兒子。
But his troubles with addiction would soon boil over.
Nearly Losing It All
In June 1996, Downey was arrested for felony cocaine and heroin possession after being pulled over for driving while completely naked in Malibu.
1996 年六月,道尼因為在馬里布裸體開車而被攔下後,隨即因持有古柯鹼及海洛因的重罪而遭到逮補。
A few weeks later, an extremely confused neighbor found the actor cozily tucked into bed in one of his guest rooms.
Numerous trips to rehab seemed to do nothing to quell his habit, and his film roles diminished in size and frequency as the arrests piled up.
A brief comeback on the hit TV series Ally McBeal was derailed by more drug charges in 2001.
以熱門電視劇《艾莉的異想世界》帶來的短暫回歸也因 2001 年更多的毒品官司受到阻撓。
He appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2004 and spoke about his struggles:
2004 年他在歐普拉・溫芙蕾秀上談到自己的掙扎:
"It's not that difficult to overcome these seemingly ghastly problems."
“You are saying that it's not that difficult?”
What's hard is to decide.”
Cleaning Up His Act
Downey's marriage to Falconer ended in divorce in 2004, but he had just met producer Susan Levin the year before on the set of Gothika, and things turned serious pretty quickly.
道尼與 Falconer 的婚姻在 2004 年以離婚收場,不過在前一年他在《鬼影人》的劇組認識了製作人 Susan Levin,而他們之間的感情很快變得認真起來。
But Levin let it be known that she wouldn't marry Downey unless he gave up drugs completely.
但是 Levin 明確地表示,除非道尼完全戒掉毒品,否則她不會與他結婚。
This was the final nail in the coffin for his old life, and the two married in 2005.
這件事促使他下定決心終結過去的荒唐,兩人在 2005 年完婚。
With a newfound focus and sobriety came an uptick in the number of interesting roles offered to Downey.
Well-received turns in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Good Night and Good Luck, and A Scanner Darkly culminated in a supporting role in the 2007 thriller Zodiac, one of the most acclaimed films of that year.
在《吻兩下打兩槍》、《晚安,祝你好運》和《心機掃描》中廣受好評的轉變,以及在驚悚片《索命黃道帶》中飾演的配角使他達到巔峰,該電影同時也是 2007 年最受歡迎的電影之一。
The Role Of A Lifetime
2008's Iron Man has been called, in retrospect, the riskiest film in history.
回顧 2008 年,《鋼鐵人》被稱為影史上最冒險的作品。
By the time of its release, Marvel had been planning that all of its future films would take place in the same shared universe, with characters crossing over between films.
Iron Man set the tone for this universe, essentially selling the whole concept of the MCU to filmgoers.
《鋼鐵人》為這個宇宙打響了第一槍,成功使電影愛好者們接受 MCU (漫威電影宇宙) 的概念。
Much of this depended upon its leading man, and if the film had flopped, Downey's career might have recovered, but Marvel likely never would have.
But of course, the film was a smash hit with critics and audiences alike, and among all of the praise, Downey was singled out for inhabiting his character in a way that few superhero movie leads have done before or since.
The MCU has gone on to become the highest-grossing film franchise of all time, and Downey has been its face from the very beginning.
MCU 成為了史上獲利最高的系列電影,而道尼從最開始就一直是他們的門面。
While he's also continued to snag an Oscar nomination for 2008's Tropic Thunder and to create a popular new spin on Sherlock Holmes, it's become increasingly difficult to tell where Downey ends and Stark begins.
儘管 2008 年他以《開麥拉驚魂》 再次入圍奧斯卡,並且為夏洛克・福爾摩斯刮起一股新的旋風,但是我們已經愈來愈難分辨出道尼與史塔克的差別。
"The truth is...I am Iron Man."