字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 A psychologist walked into a room while teaching stress management to an audience. 一位心理學家走進房間並準備教觀眾如何管理壓力。 As she raised the glass of water, everyone expected that they'd be asked, "Is this glass half empty or half full?" 當她拿起一杯水,所有人都以為她會問:「這杯水是半滿,還是半空呢?」 But instead, with a smile on her face, she asked, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?" 但她沒有,只是微笑地問:「你們覺得這杯水有多重?」 People called out, "eight ounces, sixteen ounces, twenty ounces." 觀眾們開始喊:「 8 盎司 、16 盎司、 20 盎司」。 And she replied, "The weight of this glass doesn't matter." 她回答:「其實這個杯子的重量一點都不重要。」 It all depends on how long I hold it. 重點是我拿這杯水的時間。 If I hold it for just a minute, it's not a problem. 如果我只拿著一分鐘,這沒有什麼問題。 The glass still feels light. 我會覺得杯子是輕的。 If I hold it for an hour, I'll probably have an ache in my arm. 如果我拿了一個小時,我可能會覺得手臂有點痠。 The glass would feel heavy. 那我就會覺得杯子是重的。 But if I hold it for an entire day, my arm would start to feel numb and paralyzed. 但如果我拿了一整天,我的手臂就會開始麻痺、癱軟。 The glass would feel unbearable. 此時我會覺得杯子重到無法負荷。 The weight of the glass never changes, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. See... 實際上杯子的重量沒有變,但你拿得越久、感覺就越重。事實是...... The stresses and worries in life are like a glass of water. 生活中的壓力和擔憂就像這一杯水。 If you think about them for just a while, nothing happens. 如果你只是偶爾想到這些壓力和擔憂,沒什麼問題。 If you think about them for a bit longer they begin to hurt. 如果你再想久一點點,頭可能就會開始有一點痛。 And if you think about them all day long, then you will feel paralyzed, incapable of doing anything. 而如果你整天都在想這些事,你可能甚至會感到癱軟無力、無法做任何事情。 "So remember to put the glass down." -- Jimmy Harmon. 吉米漢默說:「記得把水杯放下。 」 This is a very powerful story with a very important lesson. 這是一個富含重要意涵的有力故事。 See, most of the personal issues that you're facing, such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem come about because of the types of thoughts that you have in your head. 你要知道,大部分你面對的個人問題,像是焦慮、沮喪、自信心低落等等,其實都源自於你心中的想法。 If you're someone who thinks to themselves, "I'm not good enough" over and over again throughout the day without even noticing it, that's when you start to develop problems like low self-esteem and anxiety. 如果你是整天下意識地一直想「我不夠好 」的人,那麼你就會開始有自卑和焦慮之類的問題。 And it's not that these thoughts appear just a couple dozen times throughout the day. 這些想法並非一天只出現數十次。 The truth of the matter is you're probably thinking these thoughts hundreds of times over and over again, all day long without even noticing it. 事實上,你可能一天到晚都無意識地反覆想著這些負面的事情。 You need to learn to control how long you think about these thoughts. 你必須學會控制你腦中浮現這些負面想法的時間。 You need to learn to put the glass of water down. 你得學習把水杯放下。 And this is a skill set that can be largely acquired by meditating, which I highly suggest you really consider doing because it's actually going to help out a lot. 透過冥想你可以有效地學到如何管理壓力,我也非常推薦你試看看,因為這真的能夠幫上你的忙。 I will link to a playlist in the description box below that will teach you more about how to meditate and its other benefits. 在下方的資訊欄我會附上一個連結,裡面有更多關於如何冥想和它其他優點的介紹。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 杯子 壓力 冥想 放下 手臂 重量 一杯水的啟發!人生好難,但也不難 (A Glass Of Water (Animated Story Time)) 111346 4205 Lian 發佈於 2019 年 08 月 10 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字