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  • Vanessa: Hi.

  • I'm Vanessa from

  • Let's talk about describing people.

  • Today, I'm going to help you learn 82 expressions for describing people.

  • There are three different ways to describe people.

  • One of them is to describe their appearance.

  • I have brown hair.

  • The second way is to describe their personality or character.

  • I'm optimistic.

  • The third way is to describe their actions or hobbies.

  • I'm a teacher.

  • I like cats.

  • Today, we're going to specifically focus on how to describe someone's or maybe your personality

  • and character.

  • Have you ever taken a personality test?

  • These kind of tests try to tell you something new about your character or maybe put you

  • into a category.

  • You are a comforter.

  • You are enthusiastic.

  • You are a pessimist.

  • Personally, I hate almost every personality test.

  • Why do I need a test to tell me about my personality?

  • I already know my personality.

  • You probably learned a lot about me just from that statement.

  • I don't need a test.

  • I don't need someone else to tell me about my personality.

  • Having said that, sometimes personality tests can be really helpful for expanding your vocabulary

  • so that you can accurately describe people.

  • Maybe you just got a new job and you want to tell your husband about your boss.

  • You want to explain your boss' character or maybe how your boss looks or some things that

  • your boss does or maybe you're on a first date with someone and you want to tell them

  • the wonderful things about your personality.

  • You need to describe yourself.

  • In this lesson, I'm going to give you the vocabulary to accurately describe other people

  • and also yourself.

  • Today, I want to ask you six questions to learn more about your personality.

  • The goal is to choose some of these nouns and adjectives and create a sentence or maybe

  • a couple of sentences describing yourself.

  • If you feel like this is too personal, you can kind of create a list for someone else

  • in your life.

  • At the end of this lesson, I have some extra special material.

  • You're going to see a conversation with five native English speakers where we try to describe

  • each other.

  • Hopefully, this will help to also expand your vocabulary, but you'll have to wait until

  • the end of this lesson.

  • All right.

  • Let's get started with the first question on this personality test.

  • Personality test question number one.

  • Are your travel plans generally organized?

  • What about your home and office?

  • Are they pretty tidy?

  • Tidy means clean.

  • Things are orderly.

  • Think about this for a moment.

  • Organized.

  • Tidy.

  • Does this describe you?

  • Think about this for three seconds.

  • Choose yes or no.

  • Three, two, one.

  • Let's say you decided to say yes.

  • My travel plans are generally organized.

  • My home and office are pretty tidy.

  • Some great adjectives we can use to describe you.

  • I'm organized.

  • I'm put together.

  • I have it together.

  • Here, we're talking about you're life.

  • You have your life together.

  • It is organized.

  • I'm organized.

  • I'm put together.

  • I have it together.

  • Or you might say I'm A Type.

  • A Type is compared to B Type, which we'll talk about in just a moment.

  • A Type means that you are quite orderly.

  • There is a place for everything in your life.

  • You might also a qualifier to some of these expressions.

  • I'm so somewhat A Type.

  • I'm kind of A Type.

  • I'm pretty A Type.

  • Here, we're lessening it a little bit.

  • You're not 100% A Type.

  • You're not 100% organized.

  • I'm somewhat organized.

  • Okay.

  • That's fine.

  • Most of us are kind of in the middle of a lot of these categories, so it's good to use

  • these qualifiers.

  • I'm somewhat organized.

  • You might also say if you said yes to this that your travel plans are generally organized,

  • you might say I'm a doer.

  • Doer.

  • Here the root word is do.

  • You do things.

  • You don't just think about them and wait for something to happen.

  • You do things.

  • You take action.

  • I'm a doer.

  • Or you might say simply I'm clean.

  • Things in my life are clean.

  • I'm a clean person.

  • If you said no to this, no, my travel plans are not orderly.

  • My home and office, they are a wreck.

  • Well, what are some adjectives we can use to describe you?

  • You might be spontaneous or creative.

  • What if you are not A Type, you are B Type?

  • B Type means that you don't always have things orderly.

  • Maybe you tend to be slower at doing things.

  • You think about things a lot.

  • Usually, B Type people might be a little more of the creative, spontaneous type.

  • That's why you're in this list.

  • Then, we have some negative words that we can use to describe these people as well.

  • You might be scatterbrained.

  • Here, we can imagine in your head things are not orderly.

  • They are scattered.

  • Scattered means unorganized.

  • If you say to someone you are scatterbrained, it is not nice.

  • You could say it about yourself.

  • That's fine.

  • I'm scatterbrained.

  • But, you don't want to say that about someone else.

  • During today's lesson for these words that are definitely rude to say to someone else,

  • I put a little star beside it so that you know I should probably be careful saying this

  • to other people because these are always negative.

  • The final thing you might say if you said no to this question is I'm not clean.

  • I'm messy.

  • My life is messy.

  • My house is messy.

  • Just things are not organized.

  • I'm messy.

  • Did you write down some words that relate to your personality?

  • All right.

  • Let's go on to the personality test question number two.

  • Question number two.

  • Is it easy to stay relaxed even when you have pressure?

  • Do small events not change how you feel about the rest of the day?

  • Maybe a small negative thing happens and how cares.

  • It doesn't bother you.

  • You can just easily forget about it.

  • Think about these questions.

  • Is it true for you?

  • Yes, I can easily stay relaxed even when there's pressure.

  • Yes, I can easily forget about little annoyances during the day.

  • Or no, it's hard for me to feel relaxed even when there's pressure.

  • Think about this for you and let's talk about some words in three, two, one.

  • What if you said yes to this?

  • It's easy for me to feel relaxed even when there's pressure.

  • Yeah.

  • If there's small annoying things that happen during the day, it doesn't bother me.

  • What are some words we can use to describe you?

  • You could say I'm easygoing.

  • Nothing phases me.

  • I'm optimistic.

  • I'm even-keeled.

  • We talked about this word in a previous lesson where Dan and I talked about our relationship,

  • our marriage together.

  • He said that I'm even-keeled.

  • This is a great word.

  • You might say I'm confident.

  • I'm calm.

  • I'm rational.

  • These are all things that you might use to describe you if you said yeah, I can easily

  • stay relaxed even when there's pressure.

  • What about if you said no to this question?

  • What if you said no, I don't easily feel relaxed.

  • I'm often not relaxed.

  • I'm often stressed.

  • What are some words we can use to describe you?

  • We might say I'm sensitive.

  • This means that things affect you easily.

  • It's not always a negative thing.

  • Of course, it depends no the situation.

  • If you're applying for a high stress job, you don't want to say I'm sensitive.

  • It probably means you're not a good fit for the position, but this could be just to describe

  • you personally.

  • I'm sensitive.

  • Or maybe you might say I'm emotional.

  • Your emotions play a big part in your life.

  • Another way to say emotional is moody.

  • Moody is always a negative thing.

  • This means you're in a good mood.

  • You're in a bad mood and you're swinging between those moods and there's no rhyme or reason.

  • That means there's no predictability.

  • One day or one moment you feel like this and the next day or the next moment you feel like

  • this.

  • You're moody.

  • This is stronger than emotional.

  • This is much more negative than emotional, so don't tell someone you're moody.

  • Especially if they are moody, it won't go well.

  • Do you know what the opposite of optimistic is?

  • You might be pessimistic.

  • Pessimistic means that the glass is half empty.

  • The glass is not half full.

  • The glass is half empty.

  • This is an expression that means you always see maybe the negative side or what if this

  • happens.

  • You're always asking what if in kind of that negative way.

  • Of course, it's good to balance being optimistic and pessimistic, but these are the two extremes.

  • The next five words mean something very similar and they're all negative.

  • I don't recommend telling someone else that they are these things.

  • Of course, you can say them about yourself if you would like.

  • You might say I'm uptight.

  • Tight, we can kind of imagine something inside of you is maybe twisted or tight and inside

  • of you, you don't feel relaxed.

  • You're uptight or maybe you're anxious.

  • You can say I'm anxious and that describes your personality, but you might just be anxious

  • about one thing.

  • I'm anxious about my exam tomorrow.

  • Okay.

  • Maybe in general, you're not an anxious person, but you're anxious about that specific activity.

  • That's fine.

  • That's not really describing your personality.

  • Every day I'm often anxious.

  • No, it's just one specific thing or you might be high strung.

  • High strung has that same feeling of uptight, anxious, high strung.

  • Or you might be a worrier.

  • A worrier.

  • She is a worrier.

  • That means that she worries a lot.

  • This defines her personality.

  • She's a worrier.

  • Or we might say neurotic.

  • He's neurotic.

  • She's neurotic.

  • I'm neurotic.

  • This is quite strong.

  • You are uptight and a lot of things bother you.

  • Let's go on to personality test question number three.

  • There's actually three questions in one here.

  • They are is it difficult to introduce yourself to new people?

  • Do you feel tired after you spend time with a group of people?

  • Is a good book or a good movie more interesting than a social event?

  • Think about those questions for a moment.

  • Is it difficult to introduce yourself to new people?

  • How do you feel when you get together with a group of people?

  • Do you feel tired?

  • Think about that for a moment.

  • If the answer is yes or no.

  • Three, two, one.

  • Let's imagine that you said yeah, it's difficult to introduce myself to people.

  • I think that when I get together with a group of people, I feel so tired.

  • I would rather read a good book or watch a movie than go to a social event.

  • If you said yes to this, let's talk about some adjectives that can describe you.

  • You could say I'm reserved.

  • I'm shy.

  • I'm timid.

  • I'm introverted.

  • Or just simply I prefer small groups.

  • I know some people are like this.

  • They don't like big groups.

  • They would rather get together with just one other person or maybe two or three other people,

  • not a group of 20 people.

  • I prefer small groups.

  • I'm introverted.

  • I'm reserved.

  • I'm shy.

  • I'm timid.

  • These are all great words.

  • What about if you said no, I feel energetic when I get together with a group of people.

  • I would rather go to a social outing.

  • It's no problem to introduce myself to new people.

  • What are some words we can use to describe you?

  • You could say I'm outgoing.

  • I'm the life of the party.

  • Now for this expression, it's probably better that someone else says this about you just

  • because it's maybe not so humble if you say I'm the life of the party.

  • It means that everybody loves me.

  • People love talking with me.

  • It's probably better if your friend said "Yeah, Vanessa, she's the life of the party," instead

  • of me saying it about myself.

  • But, this might be an expression you can use to talk about someone like this.

  • Or you might be the opposite of introverted, extroverted.

  • You are at ease in social situations.

  • You take initiative.

  • You are social.

  • This word initiative is a beautiful word.

  • We can imagine that when there are are two people maybe in a gathering and they both

  • are kind of looking at each other, but they don't really want to start a conversation,

  • the person who starts the conversation, that person takes initiative.

  • They took that opportunity.

  • If you have no problem introducing yourself to other people or maybe asking questions

  • at a store, you take initiative.

  • Let's go on to question number four of this personality test.

  • Do you often get lost in thought and kind of forget your surroundings?

  • Do you often think about the meaning of life?

  • Do you get lost in thought?

  • Things are going on in your head and you're thinking about those things not the things

  • about you.

  • Do you often think about the meaning of life?

  • What is life?

  • Think about this question.

  • Is it true for you?

  • Is it not true for you?

  • Three, two, one.

  • Let's imagine that you said yeah, I do often kind of get lost in thought.

  • Yeah, I do think about the meaning of life often.

  • What are some words we use to describe you?

  • You might say I'm deep.

  • Now, this is an expression kind of like I'm the life of the party that it's not so humble.

  • If someone is deep, this is a compliment.

  • It means that they have a lot of wisdom.

  • It's probably better for you to say it about someone else.

  • I really like talking to my cousin.

  • He's so deep.

  • He has such interesting thoughts.

  • Instead of saying it about yourself.

  • You may also say I care about finding truth.

  • This another way deep.

  • I care about finding truth.

  • Or you might be the kind of person who is critical.

  • I'm critical of things.

  • If someone tells me something, I often question it.

  • Is it true?

  • Is that real?

  • On the negative side, you might say cynical.

  • Cynical is always a negative word and that just means that yes that person asks questions,

  • but they always doubt.

  • They're not just asking questions, but they're always doubting.

  • Is that true?

  • There's no way that that's true.

  • They're cynical.

  • They're always doubting.

  • If you often get lost in thought, you might say I'm a dreamer.

  • I often like to daydream.

  • I'm lost in my own world.

  • I live in my head.

  • They're not things that you want to say in a job interview, but they're not necessarily

  • bad, so you can say them to your friends or say them about yourself.

  • If you want to say this in a negative way, you could say I'm a million miles away or

  • she's a million miles away.

  • She's not paying attention.

  • She is a million miles away.

  • That's pretty negative.

  • Then if you want to be really negative, you could say I'm an airhead.

  • We can imagine your head is filled with nothing but air.

  • I'm often lost in thought and I forget the things around me.

  • I am an airhead.

  • This is a similar category as someone who often thinks about things, but it's quite

  • different from being deep.

  • If you're deep, your head is filled with a lot of thoughts.

  • But then on the negative side, you might say airhead for having no thoughts.

  • Your often lost in your own world.

  • You're often in your head, but you're not thinking about anything.

  • Just an airhead.

  • What if you said no, I'm not often lost in thought.

  • I don't really think about the meaning of life that often.

  • Life is life.

  • No, why would I care what the meaning of life is?

  • What would you say on the other side?

  • You could say I'm alert.

  • You don't often get lost in your thoughts because you're looking around.

  • You are alert to the things going on around you.

  • You notice little details.

  • Maybe people who are lost in thought, they're not thinking about the physical details around

  • them.

  • They don't realize there's a cup over there, my friend just walked by.

  • If you are alert, you're noticing those things.

  • You might also I'm detail-oriented.

  • You notice lots of little details or you might say I'm astute.

  • These are great things for a job interview.

  • I'm detail-oriented.

  • I'm alert and astute.

  • This means that you will not forget little things because you are organized.

  • You are able to keep track of physical details.

  • Similar to alert, you might say aware.

  • I'm aware of my surroundings.

  • You're not lost in your head.

  • You are aware.

  • Or you might be a realist.

  • A realist.

  • This is quite the opposite of somebody who's thinking about the meaning of life.

  • Well, if I think about the meaning of life, I'm never going to really find out, so why

  • would I waste my time?

  • A realist would say that.

  • If you think, you might be a realist or you might just be practical.

  • Practical and a realist are both quite similar.

  • You are practical.

  • You're not going to waste your time if you know that something won't be profitable or

  • won't be helpful.

  • I don't think it's really helpful to contemplate the meaning of life.

  • I'm just practical.

  • This might be something you can use to describe you.

  • Let's go on to the next question.

  • Personality test question number five.

  • When you want something, do you often not change your mind?

  • When you want something, do you often not change your mind?

  • Think about this.

  • Is that true for you?

  • You don't change your mind or I'll say I change my mind.

  • Well, it's not so serious for me.

  • Think about this.

  • Three, two, one.

  • Let's imagine that you said yes, it is true for me.

  • When I want something, I don't often change my mind.

  • What are some words we can use to describe you?

  • We could say you are diligent.

  • You're motivated.

  • I want to study English.

  • I'm going to become fluid in English.

  • I'm going to feel more confident in English and I will be diligent.

  • I will study every day.

  • I'm motivated.

  • I will study every day.

  • You want something and you are not going to be distracted.

  • These are positive expressions.

  • They're great for job interviews.

  • They're great general personality traits.

  • There are some negative ways to describe this as well though.

  • You might be stubborn.

  • We have a lovely idiom, stubborn as a mule.

  • Or we might say you are headstrong.

  • Headstrong, this means stubborn.

  • When you want something, you often refuse to think about other options.

  • I want this.

  • I want this.

  • I want this.

  • I'm not going to think about other things.

  • I'm stubborn.

  • Or you might be adamant.

  • Adamant, this means that you stick with your opinion.

  • Let's imagine that you're a teenager and your mom says "I heard that you were drinking beer

  • with some friends behind the school."

  • You say "No, Mom, I wasn't doing that.

  • I don't know who you were talking with, but it wasn't me behind the school doing that."

  • She says "Well, I heard from this person that you were doing it."

  • You stick with your opinion.

  • "No, it wasn't me.

  • It wasn't me.

  • There's no way that was me."

  • You are adamant that that person was not you.

  • You are adamant about something.

  • This means that you refuse to change your story about something.

  • You are adamant.

  • You also might be opinionated.

  • You have opinions and you're not really afraid to share them.

  • This isn't necessarily a negative thing to be opinionated.

  • Of course if you are opinionated, if you have strong opinions, especially if these are opinions

  • that are not shared with a lot of other people, it's great to be careful about how you present

  • them, about how you share them with other people so that they don't think that you are

  • pushy.

  • Pushy is always a negative thing.

  • If you are opinionated, you need to talk about it in a specific way so that you don't become

  • pushy, pushing your opinions on people.

  • You might be persistent.

  • This is similar to adamant, but it's in a negative way.

  • You are persistent.

  • "I wasn't drinking behind the school.

  • That wasn't me."

  • You are persistently keeping with the same opinion.

  • Persistent.

  • Or maybe you have a three-year-old and that three-year-old is asking for candy.

  • "I want candy.

  • Mom, I want candy.

  • I want candy."

  • That three-year-old is persistent.

  • They are wanting it and they're telling you again and again and again.

  • You might hear the word bossy.

  • I'm bossy.

  • She's so bossy.

  • He's bossy.

  • This is similar to persistent.

  • Adamant, you're telling someone "You should do this.

  • You should do this.

  • You do this.

  • You do this."

  • Like a boss, but usually if you're a good boss, you don't act like that.

  • You're much kinder.

  • But, we use the term bossy for people who have an opinion and they're not really to

  • change it in this negative way.

  • What if you said the opposite thing to this question?

  • What if you said actually sometimes I do change my mind.

  • I don't always stick with exactly what I say I want every single time.

  • What are some other words we can use?

  • You could say I'm flexible.

  • I'm compliant.

  • I'm reasonable.

  • I'm open minded.

  • I'm agreeable.

  • These are all positive things, but what if we take this to an extreme?

  • You might say I'm submissive.

  • This means that you never stand up for yourself.

  • To stand up for yourself means that you have something you want and you never tell other

  • people.

  • You are submissive, maybe too submissive.

  • Or we can use a great expression I often get walked on.

  • Get walked on.

  • If you have an opinion and you always change it depending on what other people want, we

  • can imagine that you are like a doormat.

  • This is the thing that you walk on to enter a house.

  • This is you.

  • People are always walking on you.

  • I often get walked on.

  • Your desires, your needs often get forgotten because you don't stand up for yourself.

  • I often get walked on.

  • You could say that about someone else.

  • Yeah, he often gets walked on because he doesn't feel comfortable standing up for what he wants.

  • He doesn't feel comfortable pushing what he wants, so he just gets walked on.

  • Let's go to the next question.

  • Question number six.

  • This is our final personality test question.

  • When people come over to your house, when guest come to your house, do they feel comfortable?

  • Do you go above and beyond what is necessary to take care of them?

  • This is a great expression.

  • Go above and beyond.

  • Maybe it's necessary to give them a glass of water.

  • When a guest comes to your house, you say "Sit on the couch.

  • Here's a glass of water."

  • But maybe you go above and beyond.

  • You do more than that so that your guests feel comfortable.

  • Is that true for you?

  • Do your guests feel comfortable?

  • Do you do more than is necessary?

  • Think about that for a moment.

  • Is it true or not true for you?

  • Three, two, one.

  • Let's say that this is true for you, that you make your guests feel comfortable and

  • you do more than is necessary.

  • Let's talk about a lot of adjectives that we could use to describe you.

  • You are hospitable, nice, friendly.

  • But here is a big warning.

  • If you come from France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Portugal, these romantic language countries

  • do not ... Warning, warning, warning.

  • Do not say sympathetic.

  • You do not say he is sympathetic.

  • She is sympathetic.

  • This does not mean nice in English.

  • This a false friend and I hear a lot of people say this.

  • Instead, in English, we do have the word sympathetic.

  • This means that maybe your brother lost his job and when you go over to his house, you

  • bring him some flowers and you bring him a meal and you sit down and talk with him.

  • You talk about that difficult hard time in his life because you are sympathetic to his

  • difficulty.

  • We usually have a difficult situation happening and you didn't personally experience that

  • difficult thing, but you feel his difficulty.

  • You feel his pain.

  • You are sympathetic.

  • Here, we're using it in a completely difference sense than friendly.

  • Friendly just means you're nice.

  • But if someone has a difficult situation, you are sympathetic to their problem.

  • You understand I think my brother is really sad right now.

  • He's probably worried about the future.

  • You are understanding his difficult times.

  • I hope I explained this word sympathetic so that you do not use it and say "Vanessa, you're

  • so sympathetic."

  • No, no, no, no, no, don't use that.

  • What are some other words we can use?

  • You could say I'm compassionate.

  • I'm considerate.

  • I'm generous.

  • This means you give maybe your time or your money to other people.

  • You could say I'm warm.

  • I'm warmhearted.

  • This means that people feel this warm feeling when they're with you.

  • They feel like you're such a friendly person.

  • You could say I'm helpful.

  • I'm down to earth.

  • Down to earth is an expression that we used to mean you are relatable.

  • People feel like your life is not so different from theirs.

  • You often hear this word described with celebrities.

  • Celebrities, movie stars, they have lives that are much different than our own, so they

  • seem kind of untouchable, so different, but maybe there is one celebrity who relates to

  • the problems of normal people.

  • Someone might say yeah, she's really down to earth.

  • She's down to earth.

  • Her feet are on the earth.

  • She's down to earth.

  • Or you might say she's sincere.

  • She's genuine.

  • She's really herself.

  • She's not faking it.

  • She's dependable or I'm dependable.

  • Your friends know that they can depend on you.

  • What if you said no to this?

  • I imagine that you probably didn't say no to this about yourself, but you probably know

  • somebody like this.

  • Let's talk about the opposite.

  • Someone who is maybe not so generous, not so considerate or so friendly.

  • Let's talk about the opposite.

  • Maybe you know someone who is unpleasant.

  • This is a little bit of a nicer way to say they're so annoying.

  • They're such a terrible person.

  • You could just say yeah, he's kind of unpleasant.

  • I don't really like working with him.

  • Unpleasant.

  • Or someone might because selfish.

  • They're not generous.

  • They don't like to go above and beyond.

  • They're kind of selfish.

  • Or maybe you know someone who is self centered.

  • The world revolves around their life.

  • They are self centered.

  • Their self is the center of the universe.

  • They're self centered.

  • How did you do?

  • How did you answer all of these six personality test questions?

  • I hope you wrote down some adjectives that you can use to describe yourself.

  • Write that sentence down in the comments.

  • But before we go, I'd like to share some extra material with today.

  • You're going to see five native speakers.

  • They are three friends, plus my husband, plus me.

  • We are attempting to describe each other.

  • I sat down with each of my friends individually and asked "How would you describe this person?

  • How would you describe that person?"

  • I didn't tell them specifically to describe their personality or their character, but

  • you'll see that a lot of these people, they did describe their physical appearance a little

  • bit.

  • But, most of these descriptions had to do with their personality or character.

  • You're going to hear some of the words that we just talked about and maybe you'll hear

  • some new words as well.

  • Let's start with my friend Liz.

  • You're going to meet Liz, Heather, Lauren, and Dan.

  • They're going to be describing each other.

  • Let's see what everyone has to say about Liz.

  • How do they describe Liz?

  • Let's watch.

  • Liz: Hi.

  • I'm Liz. Heather: Gosh, Liz is witty and sarcastic

  • to a fault.

  • Vanessa: I'd say so.

  • Heather: She's super inquisitive and very literate.

  • I'd say that's very good description of her.

  • Vanessa: For sure.

  • That's something that I first recognized about Liz is she's really inquisitive.

  • She asks great questions.

  • Heather: She's curious about life.

  • Yeah.

  • I'd say she's adventurous for some things, like travel or things like that.

  • Not so much food.

  • She's very loyal.

  • Very loyal friend.

  • Lauren: Liz is very sarcastic and smart, quick witted.

  • She's funny and she has nice pretty long brown hair.

  • Vanessa: That's true.

  • Dan: I would describe Liz as very curious.

  • Out of many people I know, not many people will ask you questions a lot.

  • When Liz asks you a question, she'll ask more and more questions, which I'm not hating on.

  • I think it's great.

  • She's also very assertive.

  • Whenever she has an opinion, she usually makes it very clear.

  • It's not hidden in any way.

  • She's also very friendly though, so the assertiveness doesn't get in the way of her friendliness.

  • Her friendliness shines through.

  • Vanessa: You just heard some amazing adjectives to describe the wonderful person of Liz.

  • Let's go on to the second person.

  • You're going to meet Heather and let's see how everyone describes Heather.

  • Heather: Hi.

  • I'm Heather.

  • Liz: Heather is a short little person and she has brown hair and amazing freckles and

  • she's very creative.

  • She's an introvert.

  • She's a good painter.

  • She's very smart.

  • She's well traveled.

  • Vanessa: Those are all true things.

  • Lauren: Heather is short like me and she's kind of got some ... She's dry humored, so

  • very subtle, also very smart, and well traveled.

  • She's live in lots of different places.

  • Dan: Heather.

  • Heather is very reserved.

  • Yet when you get to know her, she's very fun loving.

  • She's also very curious.

  • She's kind of geeky.

  • She likes Harry Potter and Star Wars and stuff like that.

  • Yeah, she's very fun and if you get together with her at a party, you're going to have

  • a good time.

  • Vanessa: I hope you enjoyed those adjectives to describe Heather.

  • Let's go on to Lauren.

  • How does everyone describe Lauren?

  • Lauren: Hi.

  • I'm Lauren.

  • Liz: Lauren is also a short little person.

  • She's got sort of blondish brown hair, sort of a darker shade of blond.

  • She has glasses.

  • She to me is very businesslike and she likes to tell stories with a lot of detail, which

  • are always interesting.

  • Heather: Lauren is short, with short hair, glasses, and I think she's a geek.

  • Vanessa: Could you explain what you mean by geek?

  • Is that her interests?

  • Heather: Yes.

  • A little bit about her interests.

  • She's, like Liz, curious about different knowledge and stuff.

  • She loves Star Wars, Harry Potter.

  • Vanessa: Exactly.

  • That kind of stuff.

  • Heather: Harry Potter.

  • Movies.

  • She's definitely a movie buff.

  • She can remember almost everything.

  • All these weird random details.

  • Vanessa: Her mind is like steel trap.

  • Heather: Yes.

  • Vanessa: She knows everything.

  • Heather: Yeah.

  • I think she's also a very loyal friend and very caring.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • I've been friends with her for 10 years and I feel like she is that kind of person.

  • Heather: She makes an effort.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Heather: She makes an effort in her relationships, I think.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • That's a great quality.

  • Heather: Yeah.

  • Very much.

  • Dan: Lauren.

  • Lauren.

  • Lauren is very loyal, I would say.

  • When she's your friend, she's your friend for life.

  • She'll remember you and she's very detail-oriented.

  • She'll remember all the details of your relationship.

  • I don't mean this in a bad way.

  • I just mean there's always somebody in your life who gives all those details about your

  • life.

  • She also knows a lot about from my perspective, a lot about pop culture.

  • She's always filing me in on the details and maybe I understand something that she also

  • understands and we can have a funny conversation about that.

  • Usually, Vanessa doesn't understand.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • I don't much about pop culture, so Lauren is my window into this world.

  • She allows me to learn that stuff.

  • I hope you learn some great words with those explanations.

  • Let's go on to my husband, Dan, and see what everyone else has to say about Dan.

  • Dan: Hi.

  • I'm Dan.

  • Liz: Dan.

  • Dan is so fun.

  • Dan is this tall, skinny ginger.

  • He's got very great amazing red hair.

  • He always has a lot of energy.

  • I think he's always like "I'm Dan."

  • Vanessa: He does have a lot of energy.

  • Liz: He, I feel like, has a lot of strong opinions about things, which I really like.

  • He's married to you and has a baby.

  • Vanessa: That is true.

  • Those are all true facts.

  • Liz: I think he's very relaxed in some ways, but also cares about details in other ways.

  • Which is kind of hard to describe, but it's true.

  • Vanessa: That is true.

  • Heather: Dan is a tall, skinny redhead.

  • Vanessa: That is the first thing Liz said, too.

  • Heather: I think he is very creative.

  • I would probably describe him as adventurous, not afraid to take risks, inquisitive, opinionated.

  • I think he has opinions and he's set in his way, but I think he's also open for discussion.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Heather: Yeah.

  • Lauren: Dan.

  • Oh, Dan.

  • Vanessa: Other people said that too.

  • Dan.

  • Oh, Dan.

  • Lauren: Dan is thin and he has red hair, very red hair.

  • He can be kind of loud and enthusiastic.

  • That's a good word for Dan.

  • Vanessa: Enthusiastic.

  • Lauren: He's very intelligent too and adventurous.

  • He's into lots of different things and learning.

  • He likes to learn.

  • Vanessa: Those were some great adjectives to describe Dan.

  • Oops, I forgot to say that my friends are also going to describe me.

  • Here we go.

  • Liz: You.

  • You're just so delightful.

  • That was my first word for you.

  • Not just because you're in the room, but because you are just delightful.

  • Vanessa: That's so nice.

  • Liz: You have effervescent personality.

  • I feel like you're very uplifting for other people.

  • You bring a lot of joy to people.

  • I feel like you always seem like you have it together.

  • That's definitely my most overarching impression of you is you have it together.

  • You're also a very good host.

  • You're excellent with hospitality.

  • Vanessa: Thank you.

  • Liz: Obviously we share a love of reading, so I know that you're very well read.

  • I like that you get very interested in specific topics.

  • Vanessa: Whenever the topic ... Liz: Whenever we read a book, she's like,

  • I went and did research and I found this out and this and this.

  • It was just very interesting.

  • Vanessa: I think that's quite true that when I'm interested in something, I'm really interested.

  • Liz: You go all the way.

  • Vanessa: Just go into it.

  • Yeah.

  • Well, thank you for your kind words.

  • Liz: Yes.

  • Heather: Vanessa.

  • Vanessa: Tell me what you think.

  • Heather: I think you're probably one of the kindest people I've ever met.

  • I think you're just very genuinely nice.

  • Vanessa: Thanks.

  • That's really sweet.

  • Heather: I could be wrong.

  • Vanessa: You know when you're not around, Heather, I'm evil.

  • Heather: I think you're also very inquisitive and very literate.

  • Vanessa: I like to read.

  • Heather: I think you are very curious about the world and people like this.

  • Heather: I think where you and Dan fit well together he seems super creative, comes up

  • with ideas, but you're very good at implementing ideas.

  • I think you're good at keeping people on task.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Focusing on the point.

  • Heather: Yes.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Heather: I think you need that.

  • You run your own business, so I think that is a good quality.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Got to be able to focus.

  • Heather: Yes.

  • Exactly.

  • Vanessa: That's great.

  • Heather: I think you are very good at having fun, but also getting the work done.

  • Vanessa: Being serious when I need to be serious.

  • Heather: Exactly.

  • Lauren: Vanessa is kind and warm and likes to learn as well, well traveled also, and

  • you have pretty brown hair too.

  • Vanessa: Thank you.

  • Dan: Vanessa.

  • Vanessa: No pressure.

  • I'm your wife.

  • I'm sitting right here.

  • Dan: Number on adjective is wonderful.

  • Vanessa: Thank you.

  • Dan: Vanessa is probably the nicest person on Earth.

  • By nicest, I mean almost just like sincere.

  • She's always very sincere, very caring, very curious, always sincerely interested in most

  • people's topics, like I'll hear even a boring person say something and she'll be like "Oh

  • well, very interesting."

  • I don't think she's making it up either.

  • I think she's seriously very interested.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Life is interesting.

  • Everyone has something interesting if you listen close enough.

  • Dan: Yes.

  • She's also very fun, very fun loving.

  • You can do a lot with her.

  • Obviously, I like Vanessa a lot because I decided to marry her.

  • Vanessa: I'm glad you like me a lot.

  • Dan: We get along very well and I like yeah about 99% of Vanessa.

  • Vanessa: Thank you.

  • I won't ask about the 1% yet.

  • I hope you've enjoyed today's long, intense, English vocabulary lesson.

  • Now, I have a challenge for you.

  • In the comments below this video, I want you to try to write a sentence or two or three

  • describing yourself or maybe describing someone else in your life.

  • Try to fill it with these wonderful adjectives, some of these are nouns as well, to describe

  • yourself.

  • It's a great way to remember them.

  • Try to ingrain them in your memory.

  • Thanks so much for learning English with me and I'll see you again next Friday for a new

  • lesson here on my YouTube channel.

  • Bye.

  • The next step is to download my free e-book Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English

  • Speaker.

  • You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons.

  • Thanks so much.

  • Bye.

Vanessa: Hi.


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何用英語*描述人*。高級詞彙課 (How to *Describe People* in English: Advanced Vocabulary Lesson)

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    Amanda Chang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日