字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 If you read enough, there's a similarity between things that make it easy because this thing is like this other thing. 如果你讀的書夠多,你會發現事情之間有一個讓它們變簡單的共通點,因為這件事就像其他事一樣。 If you have a broad framework, then you have a place to put everything. 如果你有一個大的框架,那麼你就有辦法建構每一件事。 If you want to learn science, reading the history of scientists and the story of scientists about when they were confused and what tools or insights allowed them to make the progress they make. 如果你想學習科學,閱讀有關科學家的歷史,有關科學家什麼時候感到困惑及他們使用什麼工具,或抱有什麼視角來讓他們進步的故事。 So you have the timeline, or you have the map, or you have the branches of science and what's known and what's not known. 如此,你就有時間軸的概念,或者說你有個地圖,或是你有科學的各分支及你知道什麼是學過的,什麼是還不知道的。 So, incremental knowledge is so much easier to maintain in a rich way than, you know, the first time somebody is telling you about Rome. 所以,慢慢增進的知識就很多方面比...你知道的,像是第一次有人告訴你有關羅馬的知識,還要更容易記得。 Why am I reading about Rome, I'm reading about Queen Victoria. 為什麼我讀有關羅馬的書,我在讀有關維多利亞女王的故事。 At first it is very daunting. 一開始這的確令人氣餒。 But then as you get the kind of scope, then all these pieces fit in. 但當你大概有個藍圖時,這些細碎的片段就會慢慢填補到正確的位置。 So it's fun to say, okay, this is where this belongs and does this contradict something I knew before? 所以這變得很有趣,好的,你會想這是這件事歸屬的地方嗎,和像是這個有牴觸我之前知道的東西嗎? And I better look that up, I better figure it out. 而我最好查證一下,我最好找出答案。 You know, it really bothers you when you read things, and there's some inconsistency. 你知道,當你在閱讀而產生不一致的狀況時,這真的很令你困擾。 If you take a chessboard and randomly place the pieces and ask a chess person to memorize it, they can't do it, because everything about chess positions is about the logic of how things developed. 如果你拿一個棋盤並隨意地擺放棋子,然後再叫一個棋手去記憶它們的位置,他們辦不到,因為所有有關棋子位置的事情和事情如何發展的邏輯有關。 So if you show them a position that's illogical or incorrect, you would never get to, their encoding system isn't set up to absorb that. 所以假使你給他們看一個不合邏輯或是不正確的位置,你永遠也不會成功,他們的編碼系統還沒有準備好吸收那些。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 閱讀 位置 棋子 羅馬 邏輯 知識 【閱讀素養】想過目不忘嗎?比爾蓋茲教你如何閱讀 (How Bill Gates remembers what he reads) 115083 4077 Julia Kuo 發佈於 2019 年 07 月 22 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字