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  • Hi.

  • Welcome to

  • I'm Adam.

  • In today's video, we're going to talk about: nutrition.

  • So, we're going to get a little introduction into how to maintain a proper diet, what you're eating,

  • what you should eat, what you shouldn't eat, how much you should eat, etc.

  • And we're going to especially look at the different types of nutrients that you should

  • put into your body if you want to grow, if you want to maintain, if you want to lose

  • weight, etc.

  • So, we're going to start with the basic process.

  • Okay?

  • Eating, drinking, all these things.

  • We're going to look at these two verbs: "ingest" and "digest".

  • Okay?

  • So, when we're talking about nutrition, we're talking about what you're taking into your body.

  • So, when you ingest something, when you ingest nutrients, you are swallowing them or absorbing them.

  • So, "swallow" basically means chew and swallow.

  • Right?

  • So, "chew" is break down the food in your mouth, and then you swallow it; you take it in

  • and push it down into your stomach.

  • You can also absorb nutrients.

  • For example, we absorb vitamin D from the sun through our skin.

  • Okay?

  • So, you can absorb or swallow - means you're ingesting your nutrients.

  • In your stomach, your stomach produces juicesthey're mostly acidsthat break down the food and

  • separate it into its different components that can then be absorbed in the intestines.

  • So, the intestines are the long tubes that go back and forth from your stomach until

  • the waste comes out, and inside all the good nutrients get absorbed into the blood, and

  • pushed around to all the parts of the body that need them.

  • So, let's look specifically at the nutrients that you're going to need.

  • Now, first thing you need to know about nutrients are...

  • Is that they are not synthesized naturally by the body.

  • So, the body produces a lot of the things it needs, but some things it just can't synthesize;

  • it can't put together to create a new nutrient.

  • So, these nutrients need to be ingested; they need to be put into your body, basically.

  • Right?

  • And we have: Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

  • And these are considered essential.

  • You can live without carbohydrates, but you can't live without these nutrients.

  • Okay?

  • So, what are these?

  • So, "carbohydrates"-we call them "carbs" for short-these are the nutrients that provide

  • your body energy, especially for your brain.

  • Okay?

  • They come from fruits and vegetables, grains...

  • So, for example, bread, which comes from wheat or whatever other kind of grain, has a lot

  • of carbohydrates.

  • Comes from sugars, and starches, like rice, etc.

  • So, all of these give your body a lot of energy.

  • Now, you also get energy from the other minerals...

  • From the other nutrients as well, but carbohydrates are a very good source.

  • The problem is they can also lead to weight gain, if you don't control the intake.

  • Okay?

  • We can also say: "intake of nutrients".

  • Basically means take in; intake.

  • Okay?

  • So, carbohydrates.

  • Then we have proteins.

  • "Proteins" are the nutrients that help create and build tissues and muscles in your body.

  • So, when a child is growing and getting bigger, it's the proteins that help create that growth.

  • It's good for bones, and muscles, and tissues, etc.

  • Proteins are made of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, and there

  • are many different types of amino acids.

  • And these days you can take pills specifically with the amino acids that you want for specific things.

  • So, nowadays, you see a lot of guys or girls - big, big muscles, and you think: "Oh, steroids."

  • Right?

  • Not necessarily; they could just be taking a lot of amino acids, and exercising a lot,

  • and growing their muscles and looking much bigger.

  • So, proteins are basically the building blocks.

  • "Fats" are the nutrients that store energy.

  • So, if you eat too many carbohydrates, the fats will store that energy as sugar, and

  • that's why you get fat.

  • That's why it's called...

  • When a person is a little bit heavy, we sometimes say: "Fat".

  • It's a bit of a misleading word, but that's what happens - you're storing too much energy.

  • Right?

  • And you have different types of fatty acids.

  • Now, fats, as we said, they're essential; they're necessary nutrients, which means fat

  • is not bad.

  • You should eat fatty foods, but there are different types of fats and some of them you

  • should absolutely avoid.

  • So, when we're talking about fats, we're talking about mono-unsaturated fats or poly-unsaturated

  • fats.

  • These are the healthy fats.

  • Okay?

  • They're in meat, they're in fish, they're in fruits and vegetables - you need these.

  • Okay?

  • But, again, you don't want to overdo anything.

  • Saturated fats...

  • Like, I'm not getting into the medical details of the difference between saturated and unsaturated.

  • It's something about their bonds and the hydrogen molecules - don't worry about that.

  • If you want to know, you could do some research.

  • For now, things like nuts and certain oils, and fish, and avocado, etc. - these are all

  • good fats that you should take in.

  • Okay?

  • What you should absolutely avoid are trans fats.

  • Now, trans fats are fats that are basically a byproduct of a manufacturing process.

  • Okay?

  • So they're a byproduct.

  • Oops.

  • So, for example, when a company makes margarine or they make baked goods in mass quantities,

  • like cookies, or cakes, and things like that, or chips, or cooking oil...

  • So, if you're eating deep-fried French fries - very, very unhealthy.

  • These trans fats, they basically are the things that clog your arteries.

  • So, the veins, the...

  • Or, sorry.

  • The arteries - the tubes that come out of your heart with the blood, they get full of

  • this...

  • These fats, and then the blood can't flow, and that's why people have a heart attack

  • or other diseases because the blood is not flowing properly.

  • So, these are the ones you have to avoid; these are the ones that you want to get inside

  • of you.

  • Okay?

  • And then there are vitamins and minerals.

  • Basically, these add or aid the functions of the body.

  • They help control chemicals, they help create enzymes, they help different organs work properly.

  • Okay?

  • Vitamins, we usually...

  • When we're talking about vitamins, we're talking about, like, vitamin A, B, C, B12, D5 - all

  • different types of letters and numbers.

  • Minerals are...

  • Have their own names; iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium.

  • Okay?

  • These are all very important.

  • You can easily take supplements...

  • Now, if you don't get enough of these vitamins and minerals through your food, you can take

  • pills or powders and make sure that you get enough of all of these vitamins and minerals

  • to help your body function properly.

  • If you're feeling a little tired, you're missing certain vitamins.

  • If you're feeling a little heavy, you're missing certain minerals.

  • If your bones are weak, you need different minerals, etc.

  • So, all very, very important.

  • Now...

  • So now we know the basic idea of nutrients.

  • Let's look at your diet.

  • Okay?

  • Okay, so now we know what we're taking into our bodies; what we're ingesting, what we're

  • digesting, etc.

  • Now we need to think about the whole process; the whole thing as a big picture thing.

  • Now, before I get into these words, you have to understand the number one rule of gaining

  • weight or losing weight is not exercise.

  • Exercise is very, very important - don't get me wrong, but if you want to lose weight or

  • gain weight, it's all about the diet.

  • It's all about what you take into your body.

  • Right?

  • If you want to lose weight, you can go to the gym every single day, five hours a day,

  • and go on that treadmill and walk, walk, walk, jog, jog, jog - but if you're eating McDonald's

  • right after your workout, you're not going to lose any weight.

  • Diet is more important than exercise if you want to change the way your body looks.

  • Okay?

  • Now, let's talk about diet.

  • What does "diet" mean?

  • Unfortunately, these days the word "diet" means to try to lose weight, but that's not

  • what "diet" actually means.

  • "Diet" means the things that you eat, basically.

  • If you want to gain weight, you go on a diet; if you want to lose weight, you go on a diet.

  • What does it mean: "to go on a diet"?

  • It means to control the food that's coming into your body.

  • Now, more specifically, what are you trying to control?

  • You're trying to control the calories.

  • Okay?

  • Everything you eat has a...

  • Or drink has a number of calories.

  • Now, an average adult should get about 2,000 calories per day.

  • Okay?

  • That's a healthy average calorie count for the day.

  • If you're getting more than that, you risk gaining weight.

  • If you're getting less than that, you're going to lose weight.

  • If you want to lose weight, that's fine; if you want to gain weight, that's fine too.

  • But "diet" is just basically the system of eating that you have, and you can change that,

  • depending what you want from your body.

  • Now, "calories" are basically energy units.

  • You call...

  • It's measured in joules, but nobody actually uses the word "joules", so I'm not going to

  • worry about that now.

  • Now, you should always watch your calorie count; watch the calories you're taking in.

  • Basically it means be aware of.

  • So, some people use a calorie calculator.

  • Okay?

  • A "calorie calculator" means every time they eat something, they punch in the number of

  • calories in that meal, and then at the end of the day they see how many calories they

  • ate or drank.

  • Make sure that you pay attention to food labels.

  • Every time you go to the supermarket, every time you buy a packaged item of food, there's

  • going to be on the side or somewhere on the package a label that tells you the components;

  • what...

  • How much...

  • How many carbohydrates are you getting, in grams; how many proteins; how many...

  • Which vitamins, which minerals - all this stuff.

  • So, make sure you pay attention to the label; it will also tell you how many calories you

  • have in that food item.

  • So, make sure you understand that and you can control your calorie intake.

  • Now, keep in mind some people have faster metabolisms than other people.

  • The "metabolism" is the rate in which you burn energy.

  • Okay?

  • So, if you're taking in all these calories, for some people, they will burn it very fast,

  • so the calories don't stay in the body; they are not stored in the fat.

  • Right?

  • Remember: Fat stores energy.

  • If you have a high rate of metabolism, you're going to burn that energy fat; there's nothing

  • to store - you probably need more food.

  • If you have a slow metabolism, you're going to store more, so you have to control, very

  • carefully, what you eat.

  • Don't forget to exercise; it is important, but also diet is very important.

  • Be careful how much sodium.

  • Now, on these labels...

  • On these food labels, you'll see how much sodium is in your food.

  • "Sodium" is basically salt.

  • Okay?

  • They don't like to write "salt", because then people get scared when they see: "Oh my god,

  • 40% of my daily intake is in this one package."

  • So, on these you'll see "% daily intake", basically: How much should you take in every

  • day?

  • And if your package has 40%, don't buy this item.

  • Don't eat it.

  • It's very bad for you.

  • Okay?

  • Avoid it.

  • Now, another problem with salt is that retains water.

  • The more salt you eat, the more water your body holds onto; and then when you get on

  • a scale, the numbers go up.

  • So, just eat less salt and your numbers will go back down a little bit.

  • Make sure you eat a lot of fiber.

  • Now, fiber, things like celery, or bran, certain grains, what they...

  • What they...

  • What the fiber does is it helps the food pass through your body quicker, so you go to the

  • washroom more regularly; you don't store things inside longer than you need to.

  • Make sure you drink a lot, a lot, a lot of water.

  • A large majority of our body is made of water.

  • Our body always needs water inside; water helps with the digestion, with the metabolism,

  • with everything.

  • Make sure you drink a lot of water; otherwise, you might also dehydrate.

  • If you dehydrate, it means your body doesn't have enough water; sometimes you'll get a

  • headache, sometimes you'll get dizzy and feel like passing out, you won't have enough energy,

  • you'll feel sluggish and tired - be careful about that.

  • And always make sure that you give your body the rest that it needs.

  • If you go to the gym and you're lifting weights, make sure that you give your body recovery

  • time.

  • If you're breaking muscles and tearing tissue because you're lifting weights, let the body

  • fix the muscles, fix the tissues so you always have enough energy and have enough strength

  • to continue on.

  • Now, first of all, before I...

  • I finish this off, let me just say one thing.

  • I am not a licensed nutritionist.

  • Okay?

  • I am giving you an introduction to nutrition, I'm giving you an introduction to the language,

  • the English language of nutrition, but if this is very important to you, and it should

  • be-I want everyone to be healthy, energetic, happy-make sure that you find out about all

  • these things.

  • Make sure you know what your body needs, what your body doesn't need.

  • Maybe make an appointment with a nutritionist, so a person who's studied all of this stuff

  • and who knows exactly what's going on, and can recommend a set diet for you that you

  • can follow.

  • Now, if you want to gain weight, go for it; if you want to lose weight, go for it, too.

  • If you want to gain weight: Lots of carbs, lots of proteins.

  • If you want to lose weight: Less carbs, less proteins; although, proteins you should always

  • have a certain minimum anyway.

  • So, I hope this is helpful.

  • Keep up the hard work.

  • I mean, I go to the gym all the time.

  • I watch what I eat now.

  • You know, as you get older, you need to do these things.

  • It's good for you.

  • Do it.

  • You'll be happy you're doing it.

  • If you have any questions about this, please go to and ask me in the forum

  • there.

  • There's also a quiz; you can check your understanding of the language involved with nutrition.

  • If you like this video, like it on YouTube and subscribe to my channel, and come back

  • soon for some more interesting lessons.

  • See you then.



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提高你的英語詞彙量。飲食、健康和營養 (Improve Your English Vocabulary: Diet, Health, and Nutrition)

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    Eva Liao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日