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  • If you've ever seen a shopping haul or unboxing video, you know that America loves to shop.


  • I did some shopping.


  • You know, I haven't really uploaded a haul on this channel in a really long time, but to be honest, the shopping never stopped.


  • Shopping has never been easier.


  • We no longer have to go to a store during limited hours, stalk the aisles looking for a product, and then wait in check-out lines.


  • Now with the click of a button, we have the freedom to shop for anything, anywhere, and at any time.


  • Every day is Christmas if you buy yourself stuff online.


  • Products are cheaper than ever, despite having to travel across the world to get to us, which means we often buy things without a second thought.


  • These are three dollars. Uno, dos, tres.

    居然只要 3 美元。1、2、3。(西班牙語)

  • I will buy one, because why the hell not.


  • What's the last thing you bought online?


  • The last thing I bought online was a milk frother for my Nespresso coffee machine.


  • I think I bought five pairs of jeans, leggings and sweatpants.


  • Shoes, a pair of shoes.


  • So, you get a dopamine hit when you buy something; it's kind of this pleasure of "oh i'm buying something, that's fun,"


  • but with online shopping you get that dopamine hit when it arrives too, and when you open it, so it's kind of this double benefit.


  • And so it's actually more fun, in some ways, biologically than buying things in the store.


  • This biological compulsion to shop is partly due to the way humans are wired.


  • So, there is an evolutionary aspect to this.

    這方面的進化是這樣的 :

  • The people that had the most stuff were most likely to survive,


  • so you gather a lot of food for the winter, you gather a lot of wood for your shelter, and we still have that innate desire to get enough stuff, to make sure that we're gonna survive.


  • Today, despite being surrounded by abundance, Americans are still collecting ever more stuff.


  • In 2017, we spent 240 billion on goods like jewelry, watches, luggage, books and phones, twice as much as in 2002, even though our population only grew by 13% during that time.

    2017 年,我們在珠寶、手錶、行李箱、書籍和手機等商品上的支出為 2400 億美元,是 2002 年的兩倍,儘管這段期間我們的人口僅增長了 13%。

  • Our spending on personal care items like lotions and makeup also doubled over that time.


  • So we're spending 20% more on clothes than we were in 2000.

    我們花在買衣服的錢比 2000 年多了 20%。

  • The average American buys 66 garments a year, which is insane.

    美國人平均一年要買 66 件衣服,這簡直是瘋了。

  • And we're even spending more on electronics, which is really interesting, because electronics are actually cheaper than they used to be.


  • So the dollar amount that we're spending is going up, even though the cost of things is going down.


  • And now that we do a lot of our shopping online, returning things has become more of a hassle.


  • One survey found that nine out of ten shoppers said they never or rarely return online purchases.


  • And part of this is because things are so cheap, you think, is it really worth 5 dollars of my time to print out the label and go to the post office and send it back when I'm really not gonna get that much money back?


  • Why not just keep this and maybe I'll use it eventually.


  • Have you ever bought anything you didn't end up using?


  • Most things that I buy online I feel like I don't wind up using.


  • A waffle maker, yeah, for college. And I never used it. It's probably still in the box in my basement at home.


  • Yeah, I mean, like lipsticks.


  • I buy clothes a lot, and a lot of times I'm too lazy to return them.


  • So where does all this stuff go?


  • Well, a lot of it just becomes clutter in our ever-expanding homes.


  • The average square footage of houses in the U.S. rose by 23% in the last two decades, while the number of storage facilities doubled.

    在過去二十年中,美國房屋的平均面積增加了 23%,而儲藏空間卻增加了一倍。

  • It's become very easy to donate our unwanted goods to thrift stores, which makes us feel better about getting rid of our stuff.


  • But it's estimated that most of the clothes we donate actually end up in landfills.


  • The average American throws away an estimated 81 pounds of clothes and textiles each year, nearly five times more than in 1980.

    美國人平均每年扔掉 81 磅的衣服和紡織品,比 1980 年增加近 5 倍。

  • We collectively threw away 26 million tons of plastics in 2015, and only 9% got recycled.

    2015 年,我們總共丟棄了 2600 萬噸塑料,但只有 9% 被回收利用。

  • Consumers continue to want cheaper goods.


  • This means that manufacturers have to cut costs and create lower quality products.


  • So you know, you'll buy cheap clothes from H&M and they'll lose their shape after a wash or two, or you'll even buy appliances and where they used to last for 10 years, they last for 3 years.

    所以你會去 H&M 買便宜的衣服,但是洗一兩次就變形了,或你買的電器產品,過去可以用到 10 年,現在用 3 年就掛了。

  • This can't continue.


  • In 20 years, the global middle class is expected to grow by 3 billion people.

    20 年後,全球中產階級人口預計將成長 30 億。

  • And we're on track to double the material resources we use by 2060.

    我們使用的物資將在 2060 年增加一倍。

  • We're running out of places to put all this trash.


  • By the middle of this century, the amount of plastic items in our oceans will be greater than the number of fish.


  • And this is actually becoming a problem because China is starting to say "we're not gonna take your junk anymore."


  • So all these landfills across America are gonna have to figure out what they're going to do with all this stuff that people are throwing away.


  • Where does that leave us?


  • The movie "Wall-E" predicted a bleak future where humans filled their planet with so much trash that they had to abandon it for another one.

    電影《 瓦力》預測了一個黯淡的未來,人類在他們的星球上製造出滿山滿谷的垃圾,以至於他們不得不放棄地球,移民至其他星球。

  • Some consumers are trying to reverse this trend, taking part in growing movements like zero-waste households.


  • To me, living zero-waste means that I don't make any trash.


  • Or capsule wardrobes.


  • The rule of thumb is to go down to about 36 items in your closet.

    一般來說是將衣櫥裡的衣物減量,只保留約 36 件左右。

  • Or doing a "year-of-no-shopping."


  • It was just about not buying things, unless I absolutely needed it.


  • Or minimalism.


  • Some consumers are using their buying power to encourage companies to create more sustainable products.


  • I should pay people a fair wage, and support companies that I Iike.


  • But beyond individual choices we could look for a more encompassing solution.


  • Right now we make, use and then trash all of our materials, which can take a thousand years to biodegrade.


  • Companies could design all of our goods for re-use and to have multiple life-cycles before finally composting back into the earth.


  • We could start with clothing: nearly 100% of our fabrics could be recycled into pulp and turned into new textiles.

    我們可以從服裝開始:幾乎 100% 的布料都可以回收做成紙漿,再製成新的紡織品。

  • Otherwise, if nothing changes, let's hope we can make it to Mars in time.


If you've ever seen a shopping haul or unboxing video, you know that America loves to shop.



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