字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Times of vulnerability will inevitably show up to balance out the good times in life. 人生不會總是一帆風順,脆弱易受傷的玻璃心,也是不可避免會存在的。 And as humans, we've evolved some pretty unhealthy ways of dealing with them. 作為人類,我們已經進化出一些非常不健康的方式來面對脆弱的心靈。 We may mask our vulnerability beneath other negative emotions like anger and jealousy, 我們可能會把自已的脆弱,隱藏在憤怒和嫉妒等其他負面情緒之下 deny it in order to convince ourselves and others that we are okay, or even blame our 而否認玻璃心存在的事實,目的是為了說服自己和他人相信,我們是沒問題的,甚至將我們的問題 problems entirely on external sources. 完全歸咎於外來因素所造成。 These walls we built around our weak spots can protect us from being badly hurt, but 我們在自己最脆弱之處,築起一道心靈的圍牆來避免受到傷害 the longer we work to hold them up, the more we allow our vulnerabilities to grow within 但我們越是努力支撑這面牆,我們的脆弱就越發在體內滋長 us, snowballing into something more sinister like feelings of self-hatred, despair and 像滾雪球般變成某種更惡劣的感覺,像是自我仇恨,絕望 even apathy, which can leave us prone to depression. 甚至冷漠無情,這將導致我們陷入沮喪、抑鬱的情境。 But believe it or not, there are ways to transform vulnerability into something that gives us 但不管你信不信,總有些方法能將脆弱轉化為向上提昇 strength to go forward instead of holding us back. 而不是阻礙我們的力量。 Here are three steps to turning vulnerability into a superpower. 以下是將脆弱轉為剛強的三個步驟。 One; change your mindset. 第一,改變你的心態。 That means stop playing the victim. 這意味著停止扮演悲情的角色。 It's tough love but only when you stop using vulnerability as an excuse to feel sorry for 這是愛之深責之切,但惟有當你停止用悲情作為自己難過的 yourself. 藉口。 Can you take responsibility for your situation and change it. 你才能為自己負責並做出改變。 Instead of ruminating on your misfortune, move towards the mindset of acceptance. 與其陷在不幸的遭遇中無法自拔,不如接受事實走出悲傷。 That means deeply acknowledging a painful situation and your personal role in bringing 這意味著你深切地認知你在某一個痛苦的處境,以及你在其中扮演的角色 it about without allowing these things to define your identity. 但你不會因這樣而失去自我。 Sure, a bad thing may be happening to you now, but it is not characteristic of you. 當然,現在你可能正面臨一件糟糕的事,但這不是只有你會碰到。 When you identify your own self harming behavior, you acknowledge that you have the power to 當你可以辨別自我傷害的行為時, 你就會知道你有能力改變它 change it, and that's when you start to take control as a superhero rather than a damsel 那時候你就可以從一個脆弱的玻璃心,蛻變成一個 in distress. 超級英雄。 Two; tear down those walls. 第二, 拆掉你心靈周圍的牆。 Reach out to others and share your story. 走向人群並分享你的故事。 When you stop playing the victim, you stop looking to others for consolation, and as 當你停止扮演悲情的角色時,你就不會再想去尋求他人的安慰 a result, people will feel safer sharing their ideas because they won't feel responsible 结果就是,大家會更樂意告訴你他們的想法,因為他們不必擔負 for fixing you. 療癒你的責任。 So stop expecting others to swoop in and save you, and instead, use them as a source of inspiration. 因此,不要期待別人來拯救你,而是將周遭的人作為靈感來源。 You'll find that more people can relate to you than you think. 你會發現可以與你連結的人,比你想像的還要更多。 And once you realize that you're not the only one carrying this burden, you'll fill its 一旦你意識到背負這樣重擔的人,並不是只有你一個,你就能 weight lift from your shoulders and a sudden sort of power that allows you to move forward. 卸下肩頭重擔,並感受到一種使你前進的力量。 That's the moment your vulnerability turns into a superpower. 從那一刻起,你就開始從脆弱變為剛強了。 Three; commits to the new mindset. 第三, 要有新的思維。 You might expect your brand-new superpower to make you positively unstoppable, but think 你可能會期待,全新而剛強的你將勢不可擋,但是請再 again. 想一想。 As any comic book will tell you, even being a superhero requires hard work and maintenance. 任何一本漫畫書都會告訴你,即使是超級英雄,也需要努力的來維持他的狀態。 Small continuous efforts are required to prevent negative feelings from snowballing again, 你需要持續不斷的努力,以防止負面情緒的發酵 especially if you're prone to mental illness. 特別是當你感到精神脆弱的時候。 A good mindfulness routine is the perfect countermeasure. 最好的對策就是持續保持一顆警醒的心。 When you feel that victim mentality creeping up again, try doing some stream-of-consciousness 當你感覺悲情的心態又悄悄地爬上了心頭時,嘗試寫一些有意義的日記 journaling, gratitude journaling, meditation and track your sleep to ensure you get those 感恩日記,或是冥想,留心你的睡眠,以確保你獲得 eight hours. 八個小時良好的休息。 These strategies lead to a heightened awareness of the good things in life that when recognized 這樣可以使我們更能意識到生活中的美好事物 on a daily basis can stop you from falling victim to vulnerability. 當我們每天都體認到這些美好事物時,就不會有悲情的心態了。 Hey Psych2Goers, don't forget that you're not alone on your self-improvement journey. 嗨,收看 Psych2Go 視頻的粉絲們,別忘了,在自我成長的旅途中,你並不孤單。 Christine is an up-and-coming freelance blogger, documenting her struggles through life and 克麗斯汀是一位自由部落客的明日之星,她將生活中所經歷的困難 the strategies she's learned to get through them. 以及她從中學會如何克服这些困難的策略,都記錄下來。 This video is one of those stories. 這部影片就是其中之一。 Feel free to check out her wordpress site link below, we're sure it will help you fill 隨時歡迎到她的網頁來看看,網站鏈接在下方,我們相信它對我們 us along. 都有幫助。 Thanks for watching! 謝謝收看!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 脆弱 心態 心靈 扮演 日記 角色 如何將脆弱性轉化為一種超級力量? (How to Turn Vulnerability into a Superpower) 138 12 Sophie 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字