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  • How to make a wealthy man notice you?

  • Ladies, the competition is tough today.

  • And if you ever going to land that affluent man.

  • It's not only being part of high society that is required from you.

  • You also need to beat the competition.

  • How do we beat competition?

  • It all boils down from being first of all noticed because there is an array of women

  • out there that cross the paths with men on a daily basis.

  • But how would you stand out to these men?

  • How would you be the one who's noticed in their eyes?

  • Sadly today there is this trend of thinking that more is more.

  • Thinking that if you apply more makeup.

  • If you put in more hair extensions.

  • If you show more skin, then people think that that's going to get you noticed that everyone

  • in the room will look at you and want you to become their wife or girlfriends.

  • Well, you hear how silly that sounds, right?

  • You won't get the appropriate attention when you take this method.

  • You will only attract guys who are not serious, men who maybe want to have an arrangement

  • with you or maybe just some temporarily fun.

  • There are two different types of women that men want to marry or have a serious relationship

  • with and then you know the type of women who they just want to have for some pleasure seeking.

  • So I'm going to give you three fundamental ways how you can

  • first of all, catch the right attention and of course be noticed at the same time.

  • Number one. Confidence.

  • How confident you look when you enter a room?

  • How confident do you look when you just walk around?

  • How confident do you look when you are just taking a stroll on the street?

  • How confident do you look when you're sitting at a bar hoping to meet somebody?

  • Many things you have to ask yourself when it comes to confidence and you also have to

  • understand that there is a right way of applying confidence.

  • You don't want to have too much confidence because that can make you appear very masculine

  • and you might scare people off.

  • Another way of too much confidence is when you just behave like a diva.

  • And that's not really the direction where we want to go either.

  • And total lack of confidence makes you appear like a grey mouse type of thing.

  • You might also attract the wrong people people who might not have the best agenda or maybe

  • people who would like to use you and so on.

  • So you have to understand that confidence is very important.

  • If you want to be a woman who cares for self where people respect her then you have to

  • use confidence because that's what's going to give you and show people that you

  • are a woman of value.

  • In my online finishing school I talk to

  • my students all the time about the importance

  • of image development,

  • how you really have to have your image all figured out

  • and very much on point but

  • that can only be applied and work if you use confidence

  • because with confidence

  • people believe that message

  • You can wear a beautiful dress.

  • You can wear a beautiful designer bag

  • but nobody's really going to believe that

  • you are an affluent woman.

  • If you don't also carry yourself with that confidence with that belief that you are her,

  • that you are who you claim you are.

  • So going back to how men are going to notice you thanks to confidence.

  • Think about it this way

  • You enter a room and you're walking confidently, not like arrogantly,

  • not like you think you're the best and all that.

  • A little bit of that is good because

  • that is definitely going to boost your confidence level

  • but you want to walk into a room and

  • feel like in the way like you own it but not like you are better than everybody else

  • because that that type of attitude always pushes people away.

  • So when you have this confident walk, this confident posture, body movement, way of speech,

  • everything that has to do really with body language. And add on top of that that you're

  • there beautifully dressed perfectly groomed and then you walk into this room.

  • The man will be like

  • Who is this woman?!

  • Wow, interesting!

  • You see, it's not very hard to be noticed, really, if you just use confidence

  • Even if you look not leveled up at all.

  • If you walk confidently, if you are confident, people are going to notice you

  • men are going to notice you.

  • Men might get so infatuated by you when they see you walking in there, they might say to

  • themselves: "You know what,

  • She might not be exactly the tenor that I

  • wanted my woman to be but wow she fascinates me!

  • Her confidence just radiates.

  • I have to speak to her!"

  • I've seen this happen all the time, ladies.

  • Confidence is something that is free of charge, Okay.

  • You don't need to have money to have confidence.

  • All you need is to start working on it.

  • Once you have confidence, you can convince people to anything.

  • Literally, you will own this space.

  • So make sure you really make use of confidence.

  • Number two. Be elegant.

  • There is a lot of beautiful woman out there today.

  • Beauty is extremely accessible today even in the lower classes.

  • Surgery, fillers, beauty treatments.

  • It's not anymore just something for the rich.

  • It's not something for those who have a good financial situation.

  • Anyone can actually become more beautiful than how it was back in the days.

  • So beauty is accessible and that's why competition is tough.

  • OK.

  • However I'm going to share with you a secret and that is

  • there are many beautiful women out there.

  • There are many sexy women out there but you know what there's not many of today?

  • That's elegant women. Elegant women are a rarity.

  • And especially with how the whole kind of Kim Kardashian era.

  • And you know the current trends right now.

  • Elegance is not on top of people's minds.

  • Now it's all about kind of looking casual, and 90s, and all kinds of different trends.

  • If you on the other hand, you behave elegantly, you dress elegant,

  • you have an elegant body language,

  • you are like an entire elegant package,

  • you are going to stand out.

  • You don't have to be on the level of the royal house.

  • You don't have to be Kate Middleton or Meghan Markle

  • but you have to have some form of elegance

  • because it is a rarity.

  • And you'd be surprised how much men in high society appreciate elegance.

  • And I'm sure they will appreciate because it is a rarity.

  • So what can you do to be more elegant?

  • Obviously, the whole theme of my online finishing school

  • is teaching women elegance.

  • So if you do want to learn more on that,

  • go to

  • and find out.

  • You can also watch more of my videos on this channel go and have a browse after this video

  • because I have plenty of free content that at least can give you a kickstart on how to

  • level up and how to become more elegant in your everyday life.

  • So having said that, elegance is important but we still have one more

  • Number three. Be feminine.

  • Like I said in the previous point

  • there is already an abundance of sexy women

  • sex is everywhere today.

  • Unfortunately sex sells, which is why everybody in today's society have just taking it and

  • overusing it.

  • Sex has become boring at the same time.

  • We've seen it. We understand. OK.

  • Been there done that.

  • Now let's find something more interesting.

  • So that's a little bit how men think.

  • Men are not really impressed by sexuality as much as they

  • were maybe before when it was more restricted.

  • So they need something that will really catch their eye for attention

  • plus also I feel like you know dressing sexy it is so unoriginal.

  • It really does not make a person stand out today.

  • School of Affluence is about elegance.

  • It's about being a high value woman.

  • We would not want to sell ourselves short this way

  • We wouldn't want to sell our soul just

  • so that we can get noticed.

  • We are not desperate for men on this channel.

  • We want to catch attention of serious men, of men with potential, of men of high caliber,

  • and such men tend not to seek out the skimpy looking girls.

  • So what you must do for that reason ladies is focus on femininity.

  • Again it's a mantra in School of Affluence but this is what hooks a man.

  • This is what will make a man notice you.

  • Who do you think men would rather approach in a room?

  • Do you think that would approach Kim Kardashian?

  • Or do you think they would approach Monica Bellucci?

  • Because I think a comparison between these two is very very good.

  • You will notice the difference between sexy and feminine.

  • They're more or less similar looking but totally different styles.

  • And I can promise you, I've heard a million times more men raving about Monica Bellucci.

  • How attractive, how sexy, how everything she is.

  • Sexy is of course their way of describing

  • how she attracts them because of this feminine power that she has.

  • While how many men do I show say that

  • "Oh my God. Kim Kardashian.

  • I love her, she's so sexy, she's so attractive."

  • I think you know the answer to this one.

  • Femininity is something that I talk so much

  • more about in my course.

  • But I want you to think more how you can implement it in your life.

  • Think about maybe if you can do it through body language, how you dress, or so and so on.

  • Seek out some feminine role models perhaps.

  • By the way if you still haven't watched my video

  • "6 things that turn rich men off" then I really recommend you to watch it now.

  • That was it for me, ladies!

  • Go now and watch my next video.

How to make a wealthy man notice you?


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3種簡單的方法讓富人注意到你--富人學校。 (3 Simple Ways to Get Noticed by Rich Men - School Of Affluence)

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    Caurora 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日