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Halfway between the sun-lit shores of the
Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea,
and just a stone's throw from the snow-capped Pyrenees,
白雪覆頂的庇里牛斯山 就近在咫尺
is the Southern French city of Toulouse.
While most major French cities are proudly hewn from stone,
多數法國大城市 擁有傲人的石材建築
Toulouse is built from bricks,
These humble bricks, once considered a sign of poverty,
這些不起眼的磚塊 一度是貧窮的象徵
are now a source of pride.
Throughout the day their colors change, from red, to orange, to pink,
磚牆從早到晚隨著時間變換顏色 由紅轉橘再變成粉紅
earning Toulouse the name “la ville rose”, the pink city.
土魯斯因此有了一個美麗的稱號 「粉紅玫瑰城」
Much of Toulouse's finest brickwork is found in its holy places.
土魯斯最美的磚砌建築 莫過於其宗教聖地
Step into the rose-coloured light of the Church of the Jacobins
走進沉浸在粉紅玫瑰光中的 雅各賓教堂裡
and gaze up at the incredible vaulted palm
that rises over the final resting place of Thomas Aquinas.
長眠在教堂裡的 是神學家阿奎那
Then, climb the bell tower for views across a
sea of terracotta and a maze of medieval lanes below.
成片的陶瓦屋頂 迷宮般的中世紀小徑盡收眼底
Follow the footsteps of centuries of pilgrims to The Basilica of Saint-Sernin,
跟隨數世紀以來朝聖者的腳步 來到聖塞寧教堂
a hallowed stop for those who walk the Camino de Santiago to Spain.
這裡是朝聖之路的中繼站 終點則是西班牙聖雅各
From a fragment of the true cross to the bones of over 100 saints,
相傳真正十字架的碎片 和超過百位聖人的遺骸
these vaults house the world's largest collection
都保存在教堂裡 全世界除了梵蒂岡之外
of holy relics outside the Vatican.
Wander down Rue Croix Baragnon to one of the France's most beloved churches,
沿著十字巴拉格農街 來到法國人最喜愛的教堂
Toulouse Cathedral.
Although the design changed course many times
大教堂共耗時 500 多年才完工
over the Cathedral's 500-year construction,
this lopsided, mishmash of styles is proof
that when we look beyond imperfection, true beauty often awaits.
彷彿是向世人宣告,唯有勇於接受不完美 才能體現完美的真諦
Toulouse's many civic buildings and museums
breathe life into the city's brickwork too.
The pink heart of Toulouse is its Capitole,
whose walls celebrate the city's great moments…
it's four seasons…
and love itself.
Come face to face with the city's Roman past at the Museum Saint Raymond.
想要見證土魯斯的羅馬時代歷史 聖雷蒙博物館是最佳去處
Ponder past deeds and deceptions in the Gallery of Emperors;
在羅馬皇帝藝廊裡 遙想歷代帝王的政治算計和手腕
an incredible gathering of marble busts
unearthed 40 miles upriver at the Roman Villa of Chiragan.
是在約 65 公里外上游處的 席哈貢羅馬別墅挖掘出土
The stone lips whisper hopes, secrets and curses too,
彷彿能聽見石像訴說著希望、 秘密和詛咒的聲音
within the medieval vaults,
staircases and cloisters of the Museum of the Augustins.
中世紀的穹窿裡 並在階梯間及迴廊內繞樑不去
A home to artistic treasures from across the ages,
this 14th century convent is also a refuge for homeless gargoyles,
14 世紀時是一座修道院 今日則聚集了許多廢棄的滴水獸 (雨漏)
rescued from the wrecking ball of war and time.
Color is a theme that has long infused the story
of France's fourth-largest city.
While brickwork earned the pink city its sobriquet,
blue is the colour that brought the city its incredible wealth.
藍色則代表了 這座城市的富裕豐饒
Toulouse is filled with mansions built by 15th century dye merchants
土魯斯舉目所及的豪宅 皆為 15 世紀的染料商人所有
who made fortunes when the city was the epicentre of the pastel trade.
當時的土魯斯是粉彩顏料貿易中心 染料商也因此致富
The stateliest of all is Hôtel d'Assézat,
which today houses one of the finest Renaissance
and Impressionist art collections in Europe.
From fabric dye to the sky above,
blue is a colour that continues to bring prosperity to Toulouse.
到今日的頂上蒼穹 藍色仍是土魯斯繁榮富裕的象徵
At the Aeroscopia Aeronautical Museum,
discover the city's rich aviation heritage,
from its perilous beginnings to the design and manufacture
從發展初期的顛簸危急 到今日主掌設計與生產
of the world's most iconic aircraft.
While at Cite de l'Espace,
discover how Toulouse's aerospace prowess has helped humankind
向世人展現土魯斯超凡精湛的航太技術 所生產的航空器
push beyond the clouds and into the final frontier.
帶領人類衝破雲端 朝向天際外的宇宙探險
No matter how far from Earth we may roam,
Toulouse's many gardens remind us that there is no place like home.
土魯斯美麗的庭園時時提醒著人們 地球才是我們最溫暖的家
So take the time to relax amid the groves
and floral displays of Jardin Royal and Jardin des Plantes,
欣賞百花爭妍 土魯斯皇家花園和植物園堪稱首選
before losing yourself in the city's other simple pleasures.
生活中的簡單樂趣 在這座城市裡俯拾皆是
Sample local delicacies at the Victor Hugo Market…
想品嚐當地風味美食 就到維克多雨果市場
watch the waters of the Garonne slide by to far off Bordeaux…
您也可以到加隆河畔靜觀河水滔滔 一路向波爾多奔流而去
or just ride a bicycle to nowhere in particular.
Visit Toulouse and you'll soon understand that it is not
來訪土魯斯,您很快就能體會 這座城市不只是
just the red oxide within its bricks that gives this city its special glow.
仰賴磚石裡的紅色氧化物 閃耀著絕美光芒而已
It is people who breathe life and magic into her clay.
而是這裡的人們為其注入 繽紛活力和魔幻魅力
So pack your sense of wonder and follow the light to Toulouse,
不妨將您的好奇心裝進行囊裡 踏上閃閃發光的土魯斯之旅
…for when you walk these streets,
the pink city shines even brighter.