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  • Welcome to Storyline Online brought to you by the SAG-AFTRA Foundation.

    歡迎收看演員工會-美國電視和廣播藝人聯合會基金會 (Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists,簡稱 SAG-AFTRA) 的故事線上。

  • I'm Michelle Yeoh, and today I'm going to read Lotus and Feather,

    我是 Michelle‧Yeoh,今天我要為各位朗讀《蘿特絲與羽毛》,

  • written by Ji-li Jiang, and illustrated by Julie Downing.

    作者是 Ji-li Jiang,插畫家是 Julie‧Downing。

  • Lotus walked home from school by herself yet again.

    Lotus 再次獨自從學校走路回家。

  • These days no one invited her to play.


  • Ever since a winter illness had taken her voice, the other kids treated her like a strange creature.


  • Lotus lived with her grandfather, a craftsman who made beautiful baskets out of reeds.

    Lotus 跟祖父一起生活,一位用蘆葦製作精緻籃子的工匠。

  • Grandpa understood Lotus's loneliness.

    祖父了解 Lotus 的孤獨。

  • He stroked her hair and invited her to go boating with him on the nearby lake.


  • "This lake used to be so alive," Grandpa said.


  • "Lotus flowers swayed in the breeze, fish jumped into the boat, birds sang in the sky,


  • and foxes watched from the shore.


  • But now"—he looked around the deserted landscape and sighed

    但現在,」 — 他環顧一眼這荒蕪的地景,並嘆了一口氣 —

  • "it has been ruined by greedy fishermen and hunters,


  • and by ignorant people who took over land where animals once lived."


  • Lotus blew a whistle made out of a reed.

    Lotus 吹起了用蘆葦製作的笛子。

  • The sound drifted around the empty lake like a wisp of sorrow.


  • One morning, Lotus went to collect reeds for Grandpa.

    某天早晨,Lotus 前去替祖父收集蘆葦。

  • She stopped in awe when she saw a big bird, as white as fresh snow, standing in the marsh grass.


  • Its wide wings were edged with black feathers, like lace on a dress.


  • Above the long, curved neck, its head was crowned with a red top like a dazzling ruby.


  • A crane!


  • Lotus shouted silently.

    Lotus 寂靜地呼喊。

  • She had heard many stories about the endangered cranes from Grandpa, but she had never seen one.


  • They had stopped coming because the wetland was disappearing.


  • BLAM!


  • A loud gunshot startled her.


  • Lotus turned around and saw a man with a hat made out of reeds aiming his barrel straight at the bird!

    Lotus 轉頭看見一個男人戴著蘆葦製的帽子,將他的槍管瞄準著那隻鳥。

  • Lotus couldn't utter any sound, but she crouched down and drummed her metal pail with her reed cutter,

    Lotus 無法發出任何聲音,但她蹲下並且用剪蘆葦的剪刀咚咚地敲打她的金屬水桶

  • making a noise like thunder.


  • The hunter fled, dropping his hat and never looking back.


  • Lotus hurriedly waded across the wetland toward the bird.

    Lotus 趕緊涉水穿過濕地前去查看鳥的傷勢。

  • When the crane spotted her, it tried to run but collapsed instead.


  • Lotus gathered up the heavy bird.

    Lotus 抱起這隻沉重的鳥。

  • Hold on.


  • Hold on, please, she pleaded silently.


  • She tottered home to Grandpa, who had rescued other animals before.


  • Carefully, Grandpa wrapped the bird's wound.


  • "He's lost a lot of blood, but he will survive," he said.


  • Lotus trusted Grandpa, but still she was worried.

    Lotus 相信祖父,但她還是很擔心。

  • The crane barely moved and didn't open his eyes, not even when Grandpa fed him rice soup.


  • Lotus tucked the bird into the soft nest she had made for him and gently stroked him,

    Lotus 將鳥放入為牠製作的柔軟的巢中,並溫柔地輕撫牠,

  • just like Grandpa used to do when she was sick.


  • For two days Lotus watched the bird anxiously and hardly slept.

    接下來兩天 Lotus 焦急地照看著鳥兒,幾乎沒有闔眼過。

  • On the third day, she fell asleep by the nest.


  • She awoke when she felt the air stir.


  • The crane lifted his head for the first time and looked straight at her.


  • Gingerly, Lotus put her small fingers on his head.

    Lotus 小心翼翼地將她的小手放在牠的頭上。

  • The bird stretched his neck, and rubbed her cheek gently.


  • Lotus's heart pounded, and tears sprang to her eyes.

    Lotus 的心猛然一動,眼淚從眼眶湧出。

  • "Feather" was the name Lotus chose for her new friend.

    「羽毛」是 Lotus 為她的新朋友選的名字。

  • When she helped wash his wound, Feather stared at her.


  • When she whistled with her reed, Feather rubbed her cheek with his head.


  • Filled with happiness, Lotus searched the rocks and climbed trees to find food for him.

    Lotus 覺得快樂無比,並且為了牠到了岩縫中、樹木上找尋食物。

  • At night she often stroked him until he fell into sleep.


  • One day, slowly and cautiously, Feather took his first step.


  • Lotus jumped and swirled and hugged Grandpa blissfully.

    Lotus 滿心歡喜地旋轉、跳躍,並抱著祖父。

  • Soon Feather was following Lotus everywhere.

    羽毛很快就能跟著 Lotus 到處跑。

  • Her reed whistle, like a magic wand, made him move up, down, slow, and fast.


  • Lotus loved her new friend so much that she didn't want to leave him for school.

    Lotus 好愛她的新朋友,她不想離開牠去上學。

  • Grandpa shook his head firmly.


  • Feather, as if he understood what was happening, pushed her outside with his long neck.


  • Then he followed her all the way to school.


  • Feather waited outside Lotus's classroom.

    羽毛就在 Lotus 的教室外等她。

  • As soon as school was over, Lotus blew her whistle, and here Feather came.

    當課堂一結束,Lotus 吹了聲笛子,羽毛立刻就來了。

  • When Lotus whistled short notes, Feather pranced on his long, thin, legs in rhythm.

    當 Lotus 吹起短音,羽毛便用牠細長的雙腳隨著節奏跳躍。

  • When Lotus whistled long notes, he dipped his neck and opened his wings wide.

    當 Lotus 吹起長音,牠會低下頭並展開牠的雙翅。

  • He could not yet fly, but he could dance!


  • The astonished kids clapped and cheered.


  • They all joined in, dancing in a circle.


  • Lotus's heart swelled with pride.

    Lotus 心裡感到自豪。

  • She blew her whistle long and high, like the melody at the Chinese New Year celebration.


  • Feather walked to school with Lotus every day after that.

    在那之後,羽毛天天都跟 Lotus 一起上學。

  • And every day the other kids danced with them.


  • Lotus's whistle was no longer sad, but full of joy.

    Lotus 的哨音不再悲傷,而是充滿喜悅。

  • One night, Lotus was awakened by Feather's urgent crows.

    某天晚上,Lotus 被羽毛急迫的啼叫聲吵醒了。

  • Grandpa opened the door to find their front steps underwater.


  • A faraway earthquake had vibrated the lake and flooded the village.


  • "We have to alert the neighbors," said Grandpa.


  • He and Lotus jumped into their boat.

    祖父與 Lotus 跳上小舟。

  • Feather stood tall on the bow.


  • "Wake up!


  • The lake has flooded!"


  • Grandpa shouted as they poled past the dark homes.


  • Lotus struck the metal pail with a bamboo stick, again making a noise like thunder.

    Lotus 用竹棒敲打著金屬水桶,再次製造雷般的聲響。

  • Feather crowed.


  • House by house, neighbors came out and jumped into their boats.


  • Over three hundred villagers were saved.


  • Feather was the hero.


  • Feather's story was reported in the local newspaper, and he became famous throughout the province.


  • People stopped by to see the rare bird and hear the story again.


  • Grandpa told them how the crane had been shot.


  • He asked for their help in keeping hunters away from the lake.


  • Lotus always blew her whistle and let Feather dance for the guests.

    Lotus 常常吹著她的笛子,讓羽毛跳舞給客人看。

  • March arrived.


  • Birds began appearing in the sky, migrating back north.


  • Feather's wings were still too weak for flying, but he watched the flocks until they disappeared.


  • Will Feather leave us?


  • Lotus asked Grandpa with her hands.

    Lotus 用手語問了祖父。

  • She was frightened by Feather's longing stare.


  • "That's where his home is," Grandpa said.


  • Lotus looked down.

    Lotus 低下了頭。

  • She didn't want her friend to leave, but she knew she would never separate him from his home and family.


  • Quietly, she searched more rocks and climbed more trees to find him food;


  • at night she stroked him longer and hugged him tighter.


  • Then, one day, Feather spread his wings wide and leaped into the sky.


  • He didn't go far, but Lotus could see that he was completely healed.

    牠沒有飛得太遠,但 Lotus 看得出來牠已經完全痊癒了。

  • She stroked his wing, and her tears dripped onto his soft feathers.


  • She knew the time had come for him to leave.


  • Lotus walked slowly behind Grandpa as he carried Feather to the lake.

    當祖父帶著羽毛來到湖邊,Lotus 慢慢地跟在身後。

  • He held Feather high and tossed him gently into the air.


  • Feather flew up, circled a few times, but landed back at Lotus's feet.

    羽毛往上飛,盤旋了幾圈後,但仍舊回到 Lotus 的腳邊。

  • Grandpa tried again. Again Feather returned.


  • "He is waiting for you," Grandpa said, handing Feather to Lotus.

    「牠在等妳」祖父說,並將羽毛交給 Lotus。

  • Lotus buried her head in Feather's warm body for a long time.

    Lotus 將她的頭埋入羽毛溫暖的身軀好長一段時間。

  • When she heard another flock of birds passing overhead, she hugged Feather one more time,


  • and then threw him into the sky.


  • Feather hovered and circled, circled and hovered.


  • Lotus waved good-bye, holding her tears back.

    Lotus 將眼淚收回去,向牠揮手道別。

  • With a long crow, Feather flapped his big wings and soared north, disappearing into the horizon.


  • Lotus missed Feather.

    Lotus 失去羽毛。

  • So did her schoolmates.


  • When Lotus climbed up the hill that faced north, her friends followed.

    當 Lotus 爬上山丘,望向北方,她的朋友們也跟隨其後。

  • They sat around her and listened to her whistle.


  • Her notes, filled with love and yearning, floated into the sky.


  • They all believed Feather could hear them, wherever he was.


  • One early morning in autumn, Lotus heard a crow outside.

    某個秋天的早晨,Lotus 聽到外頭傳來啼聲。

  • She jumped off her bed, ran to the door, and pushed it open...

    她從床上跳起,跑向大門,推開門板 ...

  • Feather, as white as snow, stood on the doorstep.


  • Behind him was a beautiful red-beaked female, and a chick.


  • Feather's family!


  • Moving slowly, so as not to frighten the birds, Lotus held out her hand.

    緩慢地移動,就像是為了不驚嚇到鳥兒們,Lotus 伸出她的手。

  • Feather stretched his neck over and rubbed her palm.


  • Then, Lotus heard a commotion. She looked up and gasped.

    然後 Lotus 聽到了一陣騷動。她看向上方,驚訝地深吸一口氣。

  • She tugged on Grandpa's arm and they ran to the lake.


  • The sky turned white as it was filled by hundreds of cranes.


  • They were circling and diving, singing and dancing around them.


  • "Feather has brought his entire flock! Another miracle!" Grandpa said.


  • "The lake will not be lonely this year."


  • Lotus grinned. She twirled and pranced with Feather and his friends.

    Lotus 露齒而笑。她跟羽毛和牠的朋友們一同旋轉、騰躍。

  • Her whistle, accompanied by the birds' singing, echoed far, far away in the golden sky.


  • I think my favorite part of the book was when Lotus realized that she had to let Feather go back to join his family;

    我覺得這本書我最喜歡的部分是,當 Lotus 了解到她必須讓羽毛回到家族中時;

  • and we always have to remember they are wild creatures and they deserve to be free as we all do.


  • So for me, for a young child to come to understanding with that, um, was very special.


  • Thank you for watching Storyline Online.

    感謝你收看 Storyline Online。

  • Make sure to check out all of our stories.


  • Keep watching, and keep reading.


Welcome to Storyline Online brought to you by the SAG-AFTRA Foundation.

歡迎收看演員工會-美國電視和廣播藝人聯合會基金會 (Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists,簡稱 SAG-AFTRA) 的故事線上。


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