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We have to be thankful that we are alive today and not a few thousand years ago because all
what our ancestors ever did is survive.
You would get up and spend your entire day just finding food, that was, in short, the
meaning of life.
But as we have progressed, we have created tools to make our lives easier.
But even then we didn't really have much free time, because, even 200 years ago, life was
quite difficult and if you ever had free time, all that mattered was to drink and relax.
But today, in the information age, technology has advanced so much that we literally have
a ton of free time.
It might not seem like that, because you are wasting it on distractions like social media,
Netflix, alcohol, pornography and so on.
if you just count the number of hours that you actually work, you will be surprised by
how much free time you really have.
Instead of wasting it on these useless things, here are 3 things to spend your time on, not
only because you will have a lot of fun but they make yourlife so much better.
Meeting new people is always fun.
Some of the most incredible people the I have met in life were in the most unexpected places.
Most people have 2 or 3 friends that they spend their entire time with and imagine the
rest of the world to be the same.
But it's not, the world is filled with nice and talented people, who can add great value
into your life.
of course, getting into streets and meeting strange people is quite awkward, that's
why they are networking events.
There are definitely a ton of things going in your city where you can meetmany great
cool people.
, you just have to put a little effort to find them.
Even the idea for this youtube channel actually came from someone I met in a marathon I went
to run.
He just told me, I have enjoyed talking to you, you are filled with a lot of great and
positive ideas, you should share with the world.
And On my way home, I thought about what he said and this channel was created.
People really don't realize how big of an impact working out can have on your life.
If you actively go to the gym or exercise, you perfectly know what I am talking about.
Yes, of course, it has health benefits, but it's much more than that, it literally energizes
you for the entire day, it freshes your mind, boosts your mood and confidence, and reduces
Whether you like it or not, attractive people have the advantage over others because they
naturally give a positive impression about themselves.
Don't we all like to deal with people who look nice and attractive?
In fact, we often think that attractive people are smarter and more successful even if that's
not the case.
Of course, You cant chose your genetics, that's completely out of your hands, but what you
can do is be in shape.
Exercise makes you look younger, healthier, improves your skin, clears your Wrinkles.
And if you are losing hair, it helps with hair growth as well.
And lastly, read a book.
In this digital age, no one really likes reading because you can simply watch a video but keep
in mind that youtube and most of the content that's produced on the internet is more of
an entertainment than education.
Often they are not properly researched and are targeted to grab your attention for a
brief moment.
On the other hand, books, at least most of them are deeply researched and are intended
to deliver to you real information and not just entertain you.
Because most people nowadays dont read.
by simply reading one book a month, you will be ahead of everyone else in every aspect
of life.
Sometimes all that it takes is one great book to learn everything you need about money,
stock market, dating or anything else.
But keep in mind that, You don't have to read every book page to page, just read whatever
you are interested in.
I will put a list of my favorite books in the description, something you can start with.
These are the 3 things that I mostly spend my free time on because they make my life
constantly better.
and now why dont you let me know what do you do in your free time.
I am really curious to know. and yes I do read all of your comments.
Anyways, Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one.