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  • Math wasn't made up to harass English majors.


  • It was invented by a little something called, "nature," and it's everywhere you look.


  • In fact, there are specific numbers that we see in nature all the time.


  • Together, they're called "The Fibonacci Sequence" and it goes something like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55.


  • You may know this pattern.


  • The first and second add up to the third, and the second and the third add up to the fourth, the fourth and the fifth add up to the sixth, and so on.


  • The sequence was first described by mathematicians in India about 1300 years ago.

    這組數列最早由印度數學家在 1300 年前寫下。

  • And it was introduced to the west in 1202 by Leonardo of Pisa, aka Fibonacci, who was also responsible for introducing Arabic numerals to Europe, which, yeah, if hadn't done that we'd still be counting in Roman numerals which would be terrible.

    然後在 1202 年被比薩的里奧納多 (也就是費波那契) 引進西方,他也是把阿拉伯數字帶入歐洲的人,要不是他我們現在或許還在用羅馬數字算數,真恐怖。

  • Fibonacci was a mathematician and in his book, Liber Abaci, he described the sequence with a thought experiments about a family of incestuous bunnies.


  • If you put one boy bunny and one girl bunny together, that's two.


  • And those two together will make a third, and those three when they're done, you know, taking turns will make five. Et cetera.

    那兩隻在一起會產生第三隻,而那三隻 …… 額你知道的,之後會產生出五隻。之類的。

  • But, the easiest place to find these numbers in nature isn't in bunnies.


  • It's in plants.


  • If you cut a banana into slices, you'll see it has three distinct sections; an apple has five.


  • No matter what kind of flower you're looking at, chances are it has three, five, eight, thirteen, or twenty one petals.

    無論你找來的是哪種花,它很有可能有 3 片、5 片、或是 8、13、21 片花瓣。

  • Rows of seeds in sunflowers and pine cones always add up to Fibonacci numbers.


  • Our plants don't grow this way because they're receiving some kind of mysterious, cosmic mandate.


  • They're doing it because it's the most efficient way to pack as many seeds as possible into a small space.


  • And if you want to see why that is, you can go watch Vi Hart's video, which is linked in the description and it's awesome.

    如果你想知道這是怎麼一回事,你可以去看 Vi Hart 的影片,連結就放在描述欄裡,非常好看。

  • But in addition to the numbers themselves, you also see the same ratio between Fibonacci numbers showing up.


  • When you divide almost any Fibonacci number by the one before it in the sequence, especially the larger ones, you get the same number: 1.618... lots of numbers.

    當你將幾乎任何一個費波那契數除以它後面一個數,得出的結果都是同一個:1.618... 後面很多數。

  • The Greeks discovered this long before Fibonacci, and they called it Phi.

    希臘人早費波那契發現這個定理,他們稱之為 Phi ( Ø )。

  • Today, it's sometimes known as the Golden Ratio.


  • Phi was purportedly used by the ancient Greek sculptor Phidias to illustrate the idea of physical perfection.

    據傳 Phi 被古希臘雕刻家菲迪亞斯用來描述人體完美的比例。

  • He is said to have used Phi as a ratio between the statue's total height and the distance from the bottom of its feet to its navel, for instance.

    舉個例子,據說他以 Phi 作為雕塑身高與腳底至肚臍間的距離比例。

  • And also the length of a face divided by its width.


  • There's a whole other set of patterns in nature that are based on what's called the Golden Rectangle - a rectangle whose sides lengths are successive Fibonacci numbers, like 8x13.

    自然界中還有另一個模式是根據「黃金矩形」—— 一個邊長為連續的費波那契數的矩形,比如 8 乘 13。

  • This rectangle can be divided up into a series of squares whose lengths are also successive Fibonacci numbers, in this case: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 5x5, and 8x8.

    這個矩形可以被分割為一系列方形,邊長同樣也是費波那契數,在這個例子中就是:1 乘 1、2 乘 2、3 乘 3、5 乘 5 和 8 乘 8。

  • When you draw an arc from one corner of each square to the other, they join to form a spiral that resembles many of the spirals we observe in nature - in the unfolding leaves of a desert succulent, the arrangement of those pine cone lobes and sunflower seeds, in the shells of some snails.


  • The math, you guys...

    數學啊,跟你們說 ……

  • It can be beautiful, too.


  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow.

    感謝收看這集 SciShow 節目。

  • If you'd like to get in touch with us, leave suggestions or ideas, we'll be in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter.


  • And if you want to continue getting smarter with us, you can go to and subscribe.

    如果你想和我們一起越來越聰明,你可以前往 然後訂閱。

Math wasn't made up to harass English majors.



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