字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 And also what you talk about so beautifully in Option B is this getting through all the firsts. 妳在《另一種選擇》這本著作裡,如此溫暖地談到妳是怎麼熬過最初那幾年。 And you were keeping a journal, which I think is really a...it's so therapeutic. 妳那時在寫日記,我認為那是.....那非常療癒。 I've kept journals since I was 15. 我從 15 歲開始就持續寫日記。 But keeping a journal up until that...Dave's birthday. 不過妳則是寫日記寫到 Dave 的生日。(註:這裡指她已逝世的丈夫 David Goldberg) Which I think marked, what, 156 days? 我想那總共有.....是 156 天嗎? Yeah, it marked five months, yeah. 對,寫了五個月。 Five months. 五個月。 I had always wanted to journal. 我一直都很想寫日記。 I have boxes of journals starting in first grade. 從一年級開始,我累積了好多箱的日記。 Where you started? 妳都從什麼時候開始? January 1. 一月一號。 I don't think I got to January 10. 我想我從沒撐到一月十號。 Every year I started a new one; I was hopeful. 每年我都重新再寫一本、充滿希望。 But when Dave died, I just journaled. 不過當 Dave 逝世,我認真地寫日記。 I sat at my computer for hours and wrote and wrote and wrote. 我坐在電腦前好幾個小時,不斷不斷地寫。 And if I didn't write for two days, I felt like I was gonna burst. 我只要兩天沒寫就覺得自己快要爆炸了。 So it was your way of letting it out. 因此這是妳抒發情緒的管道。 You also came to, I will say, the hard way, the understanding of how gratitude and looking at... 另外我想,妳花了不少心力才瞭解到感恩、懂得去看...... Because I've been doing this since the mid'90s where you go through the day and I choose... 因為我從 1990 年代中期就開始,選擇把每一天都過得...... I have journals filled with just things that just brought me joy and pleasure that I'm grateful for. 我擁有好多本日記,裡面填滿了能帶給我喜悅、歡笑的事物、我真心感謝的事物。 That's amazing. 那真是太棒了。 Journals filled with it. 每一本日記都是。 And you make the point that I tried to make to people for years that when you are looking for three things or five things in the day that are gonna make you joyful. 而妳提到了我多年來試圖告訴人們的一點:去尋找一天中能使妳充滿喜樂的三、五樣事物。 You go through the world looking for the goodness that's gonna show up. 四處去尋找即將出現的美好事物。 Correct. 沒錯。 So it turned out joy is a discipline. 最終我體認到喜樂是一種紀律。 We have to work at it. 我們必須努力練習才能明瞭。 And I probably didn't work at it hard enough before. 而我之前可能做得不夠多。 But now I really have to work at it. 但現在我確實付出努力。 Or you took it for granted. 或許妳之前把事情看得理所當然。 You do what everybody does. 就像所有人一樣。 You took it for granted. 認為那些都沒什麼大不了。 But it's exactly that. 一點都沒錯。 Before this, I used to go to bed every night worrying about what I did wrong and what I was gonna mess up the next day. 在這之前,我曾經每晚上床時都擔心著自己做錯了什麼、明天又會搞砸什麼。 And now, I go to bed thinking of the positive. 而現在我每天睡覺時都保持正面心態。 But also, I notice them during the day. 白天時也不例外。 I say, that's gonna make the journal. 我會想著,這點值得我寫進日記。 In that moment. 就在那個當下。 And I take... 並且我...... I love that. 我太喜歡那一點了! Three moments of joy. 三個帶來喜悅的時刻。 I hope everyone watching... 我希望正在收看的大家都能記得。 Yes. 沒錯。 Or maybe you do five. 或許你能找到五個。 Three moments. Five moments. 三個也好,五個也好。 Write them down religiously. 認真地將它們記錄下來。 Any moment would do it. 任何時刻都好。 I mean, just because it is stopping and taking stock of where you are in your life. 因為這樣能幫助你停下腳步,好好聚焦在人生當下這個時間點。 And it's also looking at the good stuff. 並且你會著眼在正面美好的事物上。 And I will tell you, when you look for the good stuff, more good stuff shows up. 相信我,當你主動去發掘好事情,會有更多美好降臨身邊。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 日記 事物 喜樂 逝世 喜悅 美好 【生命教育】臉書營運長桑德伯格:這個習慣助你走出低潮 (The Daily Habit That Helped Sheryl Sandberg Heal After Tragedy | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN) 17414 721 Aniceeee 發佈於 2019 年 09 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字