字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Before we start this video, we just want to say thank you for your support. 在這部影片開始之前,我們想要感謝你的支持。 We're happy to see that the videos have provided value for many of you, and we hope that we continue to deliver value and help you through your problems. 我們很高興這些影片對許多人都有幫助,並且希望日後能繼續傳遞價值,幫助你們解決問題。 Is music the most powerful way in which we express our personalities? 音樂是我們表達性格特質最有力的方式嗎? Does our musical tastes say more about who we really are than the clothes we wear or the friends we choose? 比起所選擇的衣服或朋友,我們的音樂品味真的更能傳達出我們是誰嗎? How much can you really learn about someone based on their favorite music? 從對方喜愛的音樂上,你可以了解一個人到什麼程度? We can't deny that music speaks to us. 不可否認地,音樂會對我們有特殊意義。 We connect with music, we relate to its melodies, harmonies, and lyrics. 我們和音樂連結,欣賞它的旋律、和聲、歌詞。 And the powerful tune can invoke incredible emotions within us. 強而有力的曲調能激發出我們內在不可思議的情緒。 The psychological affective music and the human brain has been studied extensively. 具心理影響力的音樂與人的大腦一直受到廣泛的研究。 But what does your musical taste say about you? 不過你的音樂品味和你這個人有什麼關係? Why we like certain genres. 為什麼我們會偏愛特定的類型? Most people find themselves listening to one or two genres almost exclusively. 多數人發現自己只聽一兩種類型的音樂。 But have you ever stopped to wonder why you might be attracted to pop, or metal, or classical? 但你有想過自己為什麼會受到流行樂、金屬樂,或古典音樂所吸引嗎? A number of studies have examined this interesting subject with incredible results. 有幾個關於此主題的研究,其結果相當驚人。 Do you like complex music like jazz or classical? 你喜歡複雜的音樂,像是爵士或古典樂嗎? According to certain studies, you might be more creative or have a higher IQ. 根據可靠的研究顯示,你可能更有創意、 IQ 更高。 Pop music lovers tend to be extroverted and honest. 流行樂愛好者通常喜歡社交又誠實坦率。 If you like rap music, you're probably pretty outgoing. 如果你喜歡饒舌音樂,你可能相當外向活潑。 Country music fans are usually pretty conventional and hardworking. 鄉村音樂的粉絲通常很保守又勤奮。 And metal heads tend to be more introverted and could even suffer from low self-esteem. 金屬搖滾樂迷通常較不善於社交,而且自我認可程度可能較低。 Every single music genre says something about our personalities. 每種音樂類型都傳達出我們性格特質的一部分。 Why is certain music more nostalgic than others? 為什麼某些音樂較能引起懷舊情緒? One of the most powerful emotions that music can evoke is nostalgia. 音樂所能激發出最強烈的情緒就是懷舊之情。 A simple track can bring back tons of incredible memories, both joyful and sad. 一段簡單的音軌,就能喚起難以置信的記憶片段,無論是喜悅或傷感。 Suddenly, music flings us back in time to a forgotten moment in our lives. 一瞬間,音樂使我們陷入人生中某段已被遺忘的時光。 But what causes this? 但原因是什麼? Why does some music seem more nostalgic than others? 為什麼某些音樂聽起來比較懷舊? An interesting 2010 study found that autobiographical music was most likely to cause nostalgic emotions. 2010年一項有趣的研究發現「自傳類」的音樂最容易引起懷舊情緒。 Or in other words, music that involved a real-life story from the perspective of the singer. 也就是那些從歌手角度,描繪出一段真實人生故事的音樂。 Even more interesting was the fact that music with mixed emotions caused the most nostalgia. 更耐人尋味的結果是,混合不同情緒的音樂喚起最多懷舊之情。 Specifically a mixture of joy and sadness. 精確地來說,是喜悅與悲傷的混合體。 Perhaps this is because, in reality, life itself contains a mixture of both joy and sadness. 或許這是因為現實生活裡亦是憂喜參半。 Hey, before we continue to the next point, we'd like to connect with some of you who currently play music. 在繼續講下一點前,我們想要認識你們當中有在玩音樂的人。 Tag Psych2Go in your video, we'll watch all of them and even feature the best ones in our upcoming video to give you a little exposure or a head start to your career. 在你的影片中加上Pysch2Go的標籤,我們每部都會看,甚至會把最棒的作品放進未來的影片中,讓你多一點曝光率,或就此開啟音樂生涯。 Anyhow, let's get back to the next point about music facts. 讓我們回來接著討論下一點的音樂知識。 Why does some music give us the shivers? 為什麼某些音樂會讓我們顫抖? Have you ever experienced a truly powerful piece of music? 你是否曾經聽過一支非常激烈的音樂? Was it so powerful that you found yourself getting the shivers? 它強烈到讓你不自覺顫抖嗎? Did goosebumps start to appear along your arms? 雞皮疙瘩開始沿著手臂冒出? If so, you're not the only one; this is a pretty common experience. 若你的答案是肯定的,那不是只有你會這樣,這是挺普遍的經驗。 But why does some music evoke such a powerful physical reaction in us? 可是為什麼有些音樂會帶給我們如此強烈的身體反應? A 2010 study set out to answer this question, and they found the people who are more open to new experiences were more likely to experience shivers when listening to music. 一項2010年的研究打算回答這個問題,而他們發現越樂意接觸新體驗的人,越容易有聽音樂時顫抖的經驗。 You're also more likely to have this powerful reaction if you listen to tons of music throughout each day. 如果你每天都聽一堆音樂,也會容易經歷到這種強烈的反應。 Funnily enough, the study found that it doesn't really matter which genre you're listening to. 說來真奇怪,該研究發現這跟你聽什麼類型的音樂則沒有影響。 Why do some people love bass? 為什麼有些人喜歡低音? The heavy booming nature of bass is a big part of popular music these days. 低音又重又隆隆作響的性質,是最近流行音樂的重要元素。 Some people absolutely love bass and this musical element seems to affect them in a deep way. 有些人非常喜歡低音,且這種音樂元素似乎對他們影響很深。 But why are some people so crazy about bass? 但為什麼有些人如此熱愛低音? One study found that males are more likely to enjoy heavy bass in music. 一項研究顯示男性通常比較喜歡音樂裡的重低音。 There's even some suggestion that those who enjoy bass are more likely to have antisocial tendencies and borderline personality disorders. 甚至有跡象指出喜歡低音的人較容易有反社會傾向,以及邊緣型人格疾患。 But these are, of course, very rare cases and correlation doesn't always equal causation. 不過這些當然只是少數特例,而且關聯性也不一定能推斷出因果關係。 Why athletes love "pump up" music. 運動員為什麼喜歡「打氣」音樂? There's definitely a very specific type of music we listen to at the gym. 我們在健身房裡聽到的音樂都是一種非常特殊的類型。 It's usually vigorous pump up music with high BPM that gets us motivated and excited. 通常都是充滿活力、節拍速度快的打氣音樂,能夠刺激我們、讓我們興奮。 But why does this music seem to be so fitting for athletic activity? 但為什麼這種音樂與運動這麼合拍? One study found a link between our music preferences and our ideal self-image. 一項研究找到了我們的音樂偏好與理想自我意像之間的連結。 Basically, people prefer music that they think is most fitting to their own perception of themselves. 簡單來說,人們比較喜歡與自我認知最契合的音樂。 Athletes love vigorous music because they feel it fits with their dynamic lifestyle and persona. 運動員喜歡活力充沛的音樂,因為他們覺得這很適合自己有活力的生活風格與性格。 Why teens love heavier music. 為什麼青少年喜歡重金屬音樂? We're all familiar with that one stereotype of the angsty teen who love heavy metal. 我們都很熟悉這個刻板印象,焦慮煩躁的青少年喜歡聽重金屬樂。 And sometimes the stereotype is a reality for many teens. 而對許多青少年來說,這個刻板印象與事實相符。 But have you ever wondered why some teens seemed drawn to heavy metal and heavier genres in general? 但你是否曾好奇過,為什麼部分青少年都會受到重金屬樂,或是其他整體較鮮明的音樂類型所吸引? One study looked into this and found something very interesting. 一項研究探討這點,並發現非常好玩的事。 Apparently, teens with this music preference are more likely to feel rejected and have low self-esteem. 據說偏好這種音樂類型的青少年較容易有被拒絕的感受,且自尊心不高。 Although, once again, this doesn't mean that everyone who enjoys metal or heavy genres has these issues. 然而同樣地,這並不是說每個喜歡金屬樂或鮮明音樂的人都有這些問題。 Why some people like repetitive music. 為什麼有些人喜歡重複性的音樂? Most of the time, repetitive music is generally seen as a bad thing, but some music with repetitive elements can be calming, meditative, and relaxing. 大多時候,人們認為重複的音樂不太好,可是有些具重複元素的音樂卻可能有舒緩、冥想、放鬆的效果。 But why do some people prefer repetitive music? 但為什麼有些人偏愛重複性的音樂? Some studies have suggested that those who are less open to new experiences might be more likely to enjoy repetitive music. 部分研究指出對嶄新體驗較不感興趣者,可能必較喜歡重複性的音樂。 We're not saying there's anything wrong with either repetitive music or being less open to new experiences. 我們並不是在說這種音樂,或較不情願擁抱新體驗不好。 Some people are just naturally more conservative, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's definitely an interesting tidbit of information that sheds light on the link between musical taste and personality. 有些人天生就比較保守,這無關對錯;但了解音樂品味與個性之間的關聯,絕對稱得上令人玩味的資訊。 What kind of music are you into? 你喜歡哪種音樂? Do you have music suggestions and want us to analyze you? 你有沒有推薦哪些音樂,讓我們為你提供分析呢? Comment below. 在下方留言。 If you enjoyed this video and would like to see more, don't forget to subscribe. 如果你喜歡這部影片,並希望觀看更多的話,別忘了訂閱。 And, as always, thanks for watching! 一如往常地,謝謝觀賞!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 低音 懷舊 研究 類型 品味 影片 你的音樂品味說明了什麼? (What Your Musical Taste Says About You) 10401 398 Aniceeee 發佈於 2022 年 05 月 08 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字