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  • It's time for what has become a mucho anticipated

  • annual tradition here.

  • Every year at the NBA finals, they have an event

  • called Media Day.

  • Reporters from all over get a chance to talk to the players.

  • And no reporter is more celebrated

  • than our own Guillermo, who rode all

  • the way to Toronto on a bicycle, to file

  • this all-star studded report.


  • Hi, it's me, Guillermo.

  • I'm back here at the NBA finals.

  • How many times that the Warriors has been

  • back straight to the final?

  • I think this is five.

  • - Five? - Yeah, five years in a row.

  • It's four for me and five for the Warriors.

  • I've been back ten years.

  • Ten years? OK.

  • You're getting old, man.

  • Ten years in a row, so that makes

  • me twice better than you guys.

  • Twice better than me?

  • Well, we got some work to do then.

  • Yeah.

  • You know, you're back, I'm back.

  • Guess who's not as back?

  • Who's not back?

  • LeBron. LeBron James.

  • LeBron's not back?

  • So I want you to sign this card for me.

  • "I wish you were here."

  • So I want you to--

  • can you sign the card for me? I'll give it to him.

  • Here. - You're gonna give it to him?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, we're best friends.

  • I'm gonna sign it for you and just

  • say, save me a cigar later.

  • All right. Thank you, man.

  • My man.

  • Good luck, man.

  • - Do you miss that guy? - Me?

  • - Uh-huh. - No.

  • You need a bigger card.

  • You've only got-- I don't think everyone's

  • going to fit in here.

  • No, they will.

  • This card's as small as you.

  • What do you think he's doing right now?

  • I think-- uhh--

  • I saw him on the internet.

  • I think it was Taco Tuesday the other day or something.

  • I don't know. - Taco Tuesday?

  • - Yeah. - I love tacos!

  • Me too, man.

  • It's time to go to Cabeza to Cabeza con Marc Gasol.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Is it fun to be Canadian?

  • - I'm not Canadian. - No?

  • Oh, OK. Thank you very much.

  • Oh, no problem.

  • Are you excited for have a threesome?

  • A what?

  • Are you excited to have a threesome?

  • You know-- you know, when they-- when a team

  • wins three years in a row?

  • Oh, three-peat.

  • Three-peat. - Oh, it's a three-peat.

  • Three-peat. You said a threesome.

  • Oh, it's not a threesome?

  • Oh, I thought it was a threesome.

  • What is the difference?

  • Next question, man.

  • Are you excited for a threesome?

  • For-- for what?

  • For a threesome?

  • Three years in a row?

  • Oh, yeah-- a three-peat.

  • Three-peat. - Oh, a three-peat.

  • Yeah. Yeah.

  • But I'd be excited for either one.

  • All right.

  • We're going to do a Canadian shot.

  • Take this.

  • Is this syrup?

  • This is maple syrup.

  • Only a little bit.

  • Not too much sugar, there we go.

  • Just a little bit. - Only a little bit-- me too.

  • I'm watching my calories too.

  • There you go.

  • I'll take a little bit.

  • Oh, Canada!

  • Oh, Canada.

  • How'd that taste?

  • Yeah?

  • Mapley.

  • How come Canada has a team and Mexico

  • doesn't have a team in the NBA?

  • Hey, that's-- that's a question

  • you gotta ask for the top, man.

  • But-- but I have a good idea.

  • I'm starting a team.

  • It's called the Tijuana Piranhas.

  • You wanna play for the Tijuana Piranhas?

  • Hey, man, you holler at my people,

  • and we'll see what we can do.

  • Hey, I'm making a basketball team because there's

  • no Mexican team in the NBA.

  • So look, I'm making the--

  • the Tijuana Piranhas!

  • Look.

  • Tijuana-- you guys want to join?

  • The Tijuana-- is that a Piranha?

  • - Yeah. - The fish, OK.

  • Tijuana Piranhas.

  • You want to join the team?

  • Yeah, if they don't bring me back here, I'll definitely--

  • I'm on board, man.

  • For sure.

  • Imagine-- Tijuana Piranha Iguodala.

  • Yeah, that's pretty nice.

  • And at halftime, we're going to have a bullfight.

  • - A bullfight at halftime? - Yeah.

  • Oh, wow.

  • You know what? You know what?

  • I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna join.

  • OK.

  • All right.

  • How much are you signing me for?

  • A lot of money!

  • How much you want?

  • A lot of pesos, how much you want?

  • A million and a half.

  • Million and a half pesos.

  • Well, that's it for the NBA Final.

  • Good luck to everybody, see you at Tijuana!

  • Adios!

  • Order tickets now for the Tijuana Piranhas!

  • Tijuana Piranhas, numero uno!

  • Uh-huh.

  • Excitement! Action!

  • Basketball!

  • And a live halftime bullfight!

  • Next year, I'm playing with Tijuana.

  • Tijuana Piranhas!

  • Tijuana Piranhas, yes.

  • The Tijuana Piranhas!

  • NBA action-- fantastic!

  • Ugh!

  • Call today!

  • Order now!

  • Good seats still available!

  • The Tijuana Piranhas!

  • Kyle Lowry!

  • DeMarcus Cousins! Danny Green!

  • Danny Trejo! Andre Iguodala!

  • Serge Ibaka!

  • Mario Lopez!

  • Andy Garcia!

  • Salma Hayek!

  • And me, Guillermo!

  • Call now!

  • Catch Piranha fever!

  • No habla espanol.

  • Bueno, Guillermo.

  • Thank you.

It's time for what has become a mucho anticipated


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A2 初級 美國腔

吉勒莫出席2019年NBA媒體日 (Guillermo at NBA Media Day 2019)

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    feiyang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日