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Hey, David here. 大家好,我是David
This Western-style estate is the former residence 我身後這棟洋房
of the Taiwanese artist Mr. Liu Chi-hsiang. 正是臺灣畫家劉啟祥的故居
Born in 1910, 出生於1910年
Liu Chi-hsiang was one of the first Taiwanese artists to study abroad in Paris. 劉啟祥為首批前往巴黎留學的臺灣藝術家
Despite passing away in 1998, 儘管劉啟祥於1998年辭世
his influence can still be felt in the Taiwanese art scene even today. 他在臺灣藝壇的影響力,至今仍持續發酵
Wow, this Western-style estate is incredibly well-renovated. 哇!這洋樓修復的好漂亮啊
David, why don't you show us around? David快帶我們去逛一逛吧!
The original structure of the Liu Chi-hsiang Memorial Hall was finished in 1918. 劉啟祥美術紀念館的原始建築初建於1918年
In 2018, which was last year, 而2018年,也就是去年
a renovation project was finished, and this building was opened up to public. 修復竣工計畫完成,並正式對外開放
The renovation project took two years to complete. 歷經兩年的修復過程
Besides some structural reinforcements, 除了部分建築體的補強之外
much of the elements in this building remain unchanged, 絕大多數的原始元素都被保留下來
for example, the tiles on the floor, and the beams on the ceiling. 像是這裡的地磚以及天花板上的梁柱
Visiting the Liu Chi-hsiang Memorial Hall 來到劉啟祥美術紀念館
allows you to appreciate the beauty of the architecture 除了可以欣賞到建築之美
as well as the masterpieces of Liu Chi-hsiang himself. 還可以看見藝術家劉啟祥的作品喔
This is the second floor of the memorial hall. 我們來到紀念館的二樓
The memorial hall is also an art gallery 紀念館本身也是一間畫廊
featuring the paintings of Liu Chi-hsiang. 展示劉啟祥過去的畫作
Now, these tiles on the floor had been replaced during the renovation 而這些地磚在修復過程中已被汰舊換新
to reduce the load on the support beam. 以降低支撐梁柱的負重
This is a painting of Liu Kun-huang, 畫裡的人物是劉焜煌
who is Liu Chi-hsiang's father, 也就是劉啟祥的父親
thus, of course, was painted by Liu Chi-hsiang himself. 當然,這幅畫出自劉啟祥之手
Liu Kun-huang was the person in charge of the construction of this mansion. 這幢洋樓當年便由劉焜煌所建
All the windows in this building 這棟建物裡的所有窗戶
feature an ingenious sliding mechanism. 都有個非常聰明的設計
So when you let go, they stay put. 即便把手一鬆,窗戶也不會往下掉
It doesn't matter where you let go. 無論在哪鬆手都一樣
Wow, what a cool mechanism. 哇!這個設計太酷了!
This is a feature often found in traditional Japanese architecture. 這是日本人設計洋樓時的一個特色喔
These chrysanthemum motifs 這些菊花花紋
are very similar to the seal of the Japanese royal family. 與日本皇室的家徽雷同
They could be similar but not exactly the same. 即便類似,但仍不盡相同
These bamboo structures in the wall are quintessentially Taiwanese, 牆裡的這些竹子來自台灣本土
despite the building's look can be western, 外觀雖然是棟西式老洋樓
it is Taiwanese at heart. 骨子裡卻充滿著台灣風情
As we all know, 大家都知道
Taiwan is in a very seismically active zone. 臺灣地震活動頻繁
In fact, a few years after the completion of this building, 就在這棟洋樓落成的數年之後
it ran into a few earthquakes, 曾發生過幾次地震
so the Liu family had to install these metal braces 劉家人便加裝這些金屬補強支架
to protect it from future earthquakes. 避免古厝因地震損壞
A cup of coffee is necessary after the tour. 逛累了當然要來一杯咖啡啊!
Enjoy your coffee with David! 跟David一起喝咖啡吧!
The café and restaurant in front of the Liu Chi-hsiang Memorial itself 劉啟祥美術紀念館前的咖啡輕食屋
used to be his painting studio. 是由劉啟祥從前的畫室改建而成
Right now, they offer up some fantastic coffee complete with milk from Liouying. 今日則供應濃醇美味的咖啡,並使用台南在地的柳營鮮乳
As we all know, Liouying has some of the best milk in all over Taiwan. 眾所皆知 柳營專產台灣最優質的鮮乳
Located next to the the Liu Chi-hsiang Memorial Hall, 在劉啟祥美術紀念館旁
the former residence of the Liu family 就是劉家古厝
is now the ancestral hall of the Liu family. 現在則為劉家宗祠
Adjacent to the Liu Chi-hsiang Memorail Hall, 緊鄰著劉啟祥美術紀念館的這棟建築
it is a very different-looking building. 外觀上有相當顯著地差異
This building is the Liu Family Ancestral Shrine. 這是劉家宗祠
Now, the Liu family can be considered as one of the most successful families in Tainan. 劉家可說是台南地方最為顯赫的家族之一
330 years and thirteen generations later, 即便歷經三百三十年,並跨越十三個世代
the influence of the Liu family can still be felt throughout Taiwan. 劉家聲望依然不減
This estate really is quite large, 劉家宗祠腹地廣大
judging by its two wings stretching from its main hall. 光看正房兩側的護龍便可略知一二
While the Liu family has moved away, 即便劉家人早已搬離此地
this place remains as their ancestral shrine. 劉家宗祠仍作為祀奉歷代祖宗的精神象徵
Just right outside this estate, however, 劉家古厝周圍
is easy to find other houses and estates built by the Liu descendants. 的房舍為劉家後代所建
For example, the building of the Liu Chi-hsiang Memorial Hall 像是劉啟祥美術紀念館的前身
was built by Liu's descendant, who is Liu Chi-hsiang 's father. 便由劉啟祥的父親興建而成
A visit to this the memorial hall allows you 來到這裡同時欣賞了
to appreciate two distinct styles of architecture. 兩種不同類型的建築
If craving for something to eat after the visit, 逛了一圈如果餓了
you will be warmly welcomed by 路邊還有
the traditional Taiwanese delicacies served at the roadside. 臺灣道地的小吃喔
Oh, man. 天啊
Despite its very affordable price point, 這東西便宜歸便宜
it definitely has its spot. 好吃程度可不開玩笑
It really is a blessing to be able to walk through the halls 今日能夠漫步於
of the Liu Chi-hsiang Memorial Hall 劉啟祥美術紀念館
and the Liu Family Ancestral Shrine today. 與劉家宗祠的建築之間 著實是種享受
In a way, it's kind of like being transported back in time 像是走進時光隧道的旅人
to see how people lived their lives in the past. 一探前人生活的種種
The next time when you come to Liouying, 下次來到柳營
besides checking out its fantastic dairy products, 除了一嚐美味的乳製品之外
definitely give these old houses a visit. 別忘了一探這些充滿歷史的古厝