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  • Although many consumers may not realize it, the existence of Final Fantasy Tactics on

  • the App Store brings a whole host of interesting and complex questions related mostly to what

  • we as gamers expect of our time with iOS devices. Premium AAA titles aren't in a huge supply,

  • partially due to the market still finding its feet with regards to what does and doesn't

  • work and how much to charge (or how to split up the charges), so when a game like Tactics

  • is released it grabs everyone's attention as it provides a good indicator of how a high-priced,

  • high-content game performs on a platform that encourages casual playing.

  • Thirteen years ago, Final Fantasy Tactics was the first in a host of games yet to come

  • as it explored an otherwise niche corner of the RPG world, the tactical RPG. Set within

  • the politically charged world of Ivalice, players follow the story of Ramza as he uncovers

  • a sinister plot taking place behind the scenes of a conflict over who the new regent of the

  • kingdom should be (the so-called 'War of the Lions' to be precise). Instead of the usual

  • simplistic JRPG approach of smashing swords/rods/whatever else you're holding against the face of an

  • enemy, players must fight within a 3D battlefield where positioning is as important as your

  • 'level' and 'equipment' or skills.

  • Strategy is as important as the tactics you use and players will need to spend a lot of

  • time grinding out experience to spend on unlockable 'jobs' to define and round out the skills

  • of the characters in your party. Having a robust team will make later encounters much

  • easier, though without the aid of a guide you can expect a lot of time to be spent failing

  • over and over as you pinpoint what your weak links are (with something as simple as the

  • 'star sign' of a character playing a huge role in whether they'll survive or die horribly

  • in a given encounter).

  • Being set in a 3D world means there's the likelihood that the terrain will get in the

  • way of what you're trying to see, so handy controls for panning, tilting and rotating

  • the screen are available. Most actions require players to tap specific squares or units to

  • set a target and barring an awkward angle the game picks up on where you're touching

  • intelligently. The menus themselves are far less accommodating, with the text being incredibly

  • small even on Retina devices, making it hard to select the ability or option you're after

  • from the large set of menus they're buried in.

  • Once you've mastered the basics of the gameplay the rabbit-hole only goes deeper as you tinker

  • with and explore the available routes of growth for Ramza and his crew of men, women and various

  • other creatures. Be careful though as non-critical friendly units can die permanently, meaning

  • you'll need to save often to avoid a bad outcome.

  • What's most important about the decision to buy a game like Final Fantasy Tactics is whether

  • or not you're after something this deep on a platform that will constantly interrupt

  • you (in the case of iPhones) or isn't well suited to long-term play (in the case of iPads).

  • In terms of gameplay, depth and content, Tactics provides an experience that's far from comparable

  • and the decision ultimately comes down to whether or not you're willing to invest the

  • time required to unlock the complex story contained within.

  • Fans of the series looking to complete their collection need not fear any loss of quality

  • in Final Fantasy Tactics for the iOS (although third-gen users will have some performance

  • issues) and fans of tactical RPGs should relish the opportunity to absorb such a challenging

  • title. If you haven't dipped your toe in to the world of tactical titles yet, this may

  • be a much harder game to start off with, but it's still a tried and tested classic worth

  • checking out.

Although many consumers may not realize it, the existence of Final Fantasy Tactics on


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最終幻想戰術》。獅子戰爭》iPhone遊戲評測 - (Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions iPhone Gameplay Review -

  • 38 0
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日