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  • Theory welcome Internet hello game!

  • Hello to Internet welcome Theory Game!

  • Hello Internet Game to Welcome Theory.

  • Hello internet, welcome to Game Theory!

  • where we've finally finished out long Easter Egg hunt.

  • (Silence with Game Theory title in Petscop style and of course, welcome to game theory :3)

  • It's been about four months since we last covered the horror let's play: Petscop,

  • and it's been even longer since we got ourselves a new episode, that was until this past Easter when we got not one

  • not two, but five new uploads.

  • Nearly a quarter of this entire series, all in one day.

  • Let me impress upon you how unusual that is.

  • Petscop is a creepypasta in progress, a giant murder mystery unfolding via a youtube let's play

  • of a fictional PlayStation game, that may or may not be haunted by the souls of the dead

  • and it's been telling that story very, very slowly uploading like one video every four months

  • so to suddenly get five in a single day is unusual to say the least

  • Needless to say, that's a whole lot to unpack in a single episode.

  • Even if a solid minute-and-a-half of those uploads is dedicated to just this.

  • Yup. Just that. It's slightly closer and bigger.


  • Here people say that I pat out my run times.

  • But that's not all.

  • It's also, at least in this theorist's opinion,

  • The end of the series.

  • I mean, let's look at the facts here.

  • Five episodes, all on one day, Episode 21, "The Finale".

  • Airing on Easter, which is also the 21st of April,

  • And the channel description adding a final line about:

  • "Our long Easter egg hunt" being over.

  • Plus, you got four episodes filled with

  • a LOT of concrete world-building.

  • Which just seems to be like the creators

  • trying to tie up loose ends answer any remaining questions.

  • It's all just *too* perfect.

  • 20 episodes out the door and then you got

  • episode 21, which is just a climactic final-dance break.

  • (Dancing in LOL style)

  • Well... as climactic as you can get

  • when your avatar is a sea sick butt.

  • To me, if you forgive me borrow a phrase from

  • another franchise you might be familiar with,

  • The pieces are in place for us to solve this thing, but

  • But, uh, damn if there aren't a LOT of pieces.

  • I mean, in the aftermath of these uploads I re-watched

  • the entire series again, both forwards and backwards.

  • (Yes, backwards, and honestly, it's more helpful backwards)

  • And have over 25 pages of notes!

  • And I'm not the only one here, either

  • On the Petscop Reddit, there's a discovery document for beginners

  • that is over 100 pages long!

  • And that doc doesn't even include the latest 5 uploads.


  • Heck! Even Marvel doesn't have lore this elaborate.

  • But here's the thing: To my knowledge,

  • No one has talked about what I've uncovered today.

  • And it breaks this mystery wide open.

  • Sure! Petscop may have finished its long egg hunt, but that means ours is just getting started.

  • So, fire up those playstations and tune up your needle's piano

  • Because today we start our quest to put this series to rest

  • By answering one of its biggest overarching questions.

  • Is this game actually haunted?

  • Or is there something else going on?

  • The true anwer lies in these five new episodes and in deciphering the 200 separate save files that exist buried

  • in the game's code.

  • Before we begin dissecting this elaborate web of clues that the creators put into this thing,

  • let me remind you that Petscop IS an entirely free to watch series here on Youtube.

  • So if you haven't seen any of this incredibly thoughtfully constructed experience,

  • go ahead and click over and watch 'em.

  • With 21 being the last episode or, I would expect the last that we're gonna get in a LONG while,

  • you can now binge watch the entire season. For... lack of a better word.

  • It's honestly hard to summarize for someone who hasn't seen it.

  • I mean how would you explain the narrative of a time-jumping, multi-character, meta murder mystery

  • that covers everything from Darwinian learning algorithms to Ace of Base?

  • Well, I guess you start off with what we know and build from there.

  • So, let me catch you up with the essentials.

  • Throughout the series, we mostly follow Paul,

  • who found an old playstation game made by a man named Rainer.

  • At first, the game appears to be just a crappy version of Pokemon where you collect creatures

  • called pets by solving puzzles.

  • And.. uh.. They're pretty difficult puzzles, honestly

  • for this being the opening stage of this supposed game.

  • Things, though, take a dark turn after Paul enters a cheat code that he found attached

  • to the game's cover.

  • Which leads him to the dark and spooky Newmaker Plane.

  • Throughout the first 16 uploads, we learn more and more about the mysteries of Petscop.

  • That it's trying to tell us a story.

  • A story of Mike Hammond who died as a child,

  • a story of Care, a girl who was kidnapped and trapped in a school building for five months by her father,

  • and the story of Care's father, Marvin.

  • Who, in addition to being a kidnapper and serial abuser, also appreciates the finer things in life.

  • Like windmills, pianos, and well-groomed eyebrows.

  • He also might have most definitely have killed his childhood friend back in 1977.

  • But what exactly happend to these three?

  • And how Paul fits into it is the mystery that we've been trying to solve since my first theory on the topic.

  • But this series of convoluted riddles starts to break open with the help of the sound test menu.

  • You see, sound tests are where developers have been hiding some of their coolest and most nightmare-fueled

  • secrets for years. You think that the new Sonic design for the movie looks disturbing?

  • Ha! Then you have never seen the secret hidden in Sonic CD's sound test.

  • *creepy computer and bell-like music noise*

  • Creeped out MatPat: EuUuH!

  • The Japanese that you see on screen translates to "Infinite Fun"

  • SEGA, What were you taking?

  • Anyway, Rainer apparently had a similar idea when he was programming Petscop

  • hiding a secret backend menu through a similar sound test code.

  • In Petscop 17, we see how it's unlocked.

  • By selecting the sound effect of Care saying "Bye-bye"

  • Care: Bye-bye

  • 366 times,

  • Care: Bye-bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye

  • Followed by an "Uh-oh"

  • Care: Uh-oh

  • We get access to all sorts of new information about this game.

  • First, character design histories where we spend A LOT of quality time with that house.


  • But it's not all waste of time. We also learn that butt-face here has a name -- Guardian

  • and that the big bird Toneth started his design in the game without his signature broken leg.

  • Very interesting. Second is the all recording sub menu.

  • Which allows us to see the 200+ recordings that have been made within the game Petscop.

  • Where we gonna come back to that one at a minute,

  • coz you have imagined, there's a lot going there.

  • For now, let's start with where the video starts explore 'Room Impulse'

Theory welcome Internet hello game!


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B1 中級 美國腔

遊戲理論:這款電子遊戲是否有鬼?(Petscop) (Game Theory: Is This Video Game HAUNTED? (Petscop))

  • 69 2
    莊語柔 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日