字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Because of Mythbusters' widespread love and popularity, a lot of people probably think 因為《流言終結者》節目廣受歡迎的緣故 they know all the secrets behind this explosively entertaining show. 很多人可能以為自己全然知道節目背後的所有秘密。 That would be a myth, though. 但是,這節目還是有你不知道的秘密。 Here's a couple fascinating facts about everyone's fave mad scientists. 以下是一些大家最愛的瘋狂科學家,意想不到的事。 Before appearing in MythBusters, Kari Byron was a student of film and culture at San Francisco 在加入《流言終結者》之前,Kari Byron 在加州州立大學主修電影與文化 State University, and she ultimately wanted to join the special effects industry. 她也非常想從事特效產業。 That interest eventually led her to M5, the F/X company founded by fellow Mythbuster Jamie 這個興趣最終帶她到了 M5,一家由《流言終結者》成員 Jamie Hyneman Hyneman. 創辦的音效公司。 She was actually an unpaid intern for a while, and that opportunity eventually blossomed 其實,她一開始當了一陣子的的無薪實習生 into a job offer to join Mythbusters. 最後才得到加入《流言終結者》的工作機會。 "Everybody loves an intern. 「每個人都愛實習生。 They work hard, they're trying to prove themselves, and they are cheap or free." 他們很認真、每個都想證明自己,而且實習生薪水很低,或根本就是免費勞工。」 But she never lost her artistic streak. 但她並沒有喪失藝術專長。 If anything, she learned to marry the more explosive elements of the show into her own 舉例來說,她學習將更多爆炸素材融入到自己的 artistic expression. 藝術表現上。 One very clear example of this is her explosive paintings. 其中一個最明朗的例子就是她的爆炸風格畫作了。 To create these works, she lights gunpowder on fire and then scrapes burnt clay away from 創作時,她點燃火藥,接著把燃燒後的黏土某開 the page to make a series of haunting images. 創作出令人難以忘懷的景象。 She likens the process to quote "controlled chaos." 她將這過程比喻為「控制中的混亂。」 "Exploding Pants." 「爆破褲子。」 "Killer Whirlpools." 「死亡漩渦。」 "Have you ever really looked at the sky?" 「你曾這樣認真看過天空嗎?」 With so many experiments over the years, you have to wonder if there are any myths the 這麼多年來,做了這麼多的實驗,你可曾想過團隊中是否有後悔 group regrets having busted. 沒有破解過的流言嗎? Adam Savage apparently wishes he'd ixnayed one segment. Adam Savage 顯然很希望當初自己沒有做個這個實驗。 Not because the experiment was particularly dangerous or difficult to film, but because 不只是這項實驗特別危險或是難以拍攝。而且也因為 it involved... magic. 它有... 魔力。 At least, that's how Savage sees it. 至少,在 Savage 眼中是這樣啦! The experiment itself involved determining whether or not keeping a shaving razor beneath 實驗將刮鬍刀刀片放到自製金字塔中,實驗刀片 a makeshift pyramid would actually keep it sharper, due to so-called "pyramid power." 是否會因為「金字塔魔力」而變更鋒利。 Savage regrets filming the segment, because he believes it was ultimately impossible to Savage 非常後悔拍過這個實驗,因為他認為將科學方法 apply the scientific method to that particular experiment. 帶入這個實驗根本就是不可能的事。 He believes they were tasked with quote "trying to prove a negative," since there was real 他認為《流言終結者》就是在「證明事實與否」 no way to measure success or failure. 但這實驗並沒有確切方法可以測量成敗。 Mythbusters was all about science, which means it never let something like corporate sponsorship 《流言終結者》是科學性節目,這代表節目絕對不會 get in the way of truth. 讓業配干預流言事實。 Right? 對嗎? Alas, it sounds like even Mythbusters wasn't immune to advertiser pressure: They reportedly 然而,似乎連《流言終結者》都沒辦法逃過廣告商的誘惑。據說,他們 decided to ax an entire episode about RFID, that handy technology that lets you wave your 決定推出一集以無線射頻辨識技術 (RFID) ─ 信用卡不必透過刷卡機 credit card in front of a card reader so you don't have to swipe it. 用刷卡機就能讀取資料的便利科技 ─ 為主題的節目。 You've no doubt heard that RFID isn't necessarily secure. 你也絕對聽過無線射頻辨識技術其實不盡然那麼安全。 Well, Mythbusters got wind of that, too, and planned an entire episode about the hackability 而《流言終結者》也受到廣告壓力影響,決定計畫整集討論 of the technology. 該科技安全性的節目。 But according to the Register, lawyers for major credit card companies intervened, and 但根據 Register,由於律師與知名信用卡公司的介入 the episode never saw the light of day. 這集節目胎死腹中。 In 2008, Adam Savage opened up about the situation at a Hackers on Planet Earth conference. 2008 年,Adam Savage 在 Hackers on Planet Earth 會議中提到這件事。 "They absolutely made it really clear to Discovery that they were not going to air this episode 「他們向 Discovery 說得非常明白,就是他們絕對不會推出一集介紹 talking about how hackable this stuff was." 該信用卡的安全性有多高的節目。 」 He claimed Discovery quote "backed down" because they relied so heavily upon advertising revenue. Savege 聲稱 Discovery 「妥協了」,因為頻道非常仰賴廣告收入。 That sounds like the honest truth, but something must have happened behind the scenes: Savage 這聽來像是實話,但其中一定有什麼內幕: later backtracked and changed his tune, saying: Savage 稍後改口,並表示: "The decision… was made by our production company … and had nothing to do with Discovery… 「這是... 我們製作公司的決定... 跟 Discovery ." 毫無關聯...」 Whatever you say, Adam. 隨便你怎麼說囉,Adam。 Mythbusters was billed as a "family show," so there were certain things the program simply 《流言終結者》是「闔家觀賞」節目,所以 wasn't allowed to do. 有些東西不能出現在節目中。 For example, they couldn't even show a simulation of a particular body part while testing the 例如,當進行傳奇實驗「尿在鐵路上」時,團隊甚至不能 legendary "Peeing on the Third Rail Myth," even though they were clearly using a synthetic 把人體某個部分做出來,只用了一根 tube. 管子代替。 Oh, and in case you're wondering how that experiment worked out: 哦,以防你好奇這個實驗的結果: "One…" 「一...」 "Ayyy! 「啊!」 Awww!" 「啊!」 Anyway… according to TV Tropes, censors forbade Mythbusters from airing an entire 然而,根據 TV Tropes,審查制度禁止《流言終結者》 episode about farting. 推出整集關於放屁的節目。 "Knock yourself out." 「給他放出來!」 Undeterred, the team tried a segment on farting later on, but this time they followed all 團隊並沒有因此受到影響,稍後也做了關於放屁的實驗,但受到各種 sorts of oddball rules, like only using the word "flatus" instead of "fart," supposedly 奇怪的限制。像是用「胃腸氣」代替「臭屁」 to make the whole thing sound more scientific. 讓整體聽起來更科學。 To work around all the bodily functions they couldn't show on screen, the Mythbusters team 因為某些人體器官不能出現在畫面中,所以《流言終結者》團隊做了 built a fart machine. 一台放屁模擬機。 "I am planning to build a machine that can also eject a flatus. 「我要做一模擬放胃腸氣的機器。 That's what all this equipment is." 以下就是所需材料。」 The result was really funny and actually rather vulgar... even though they were basically 實驗結果非常逗趣,而且還略微粗俗... 儘管他們 using a whoopie cushion. 是用放屁墊做實驗。 Twerking Stormtroopers prohibited 節目禁止風暴兵電臀舞 Mythbusters was a geeky show. 《流言終結者》是科學宅節目 You can gloss over that fact as much as you like, but pretty much every cast member was 你可以掩飾多事實,但《流言終結者》的主持人都是 unabashedly geeky. 無極限的科學宅。 And if you watched the show, you were pretty geeky, too. 如果你喜歡看這個節目,那你也滿科學宅的。 And what's the holy grail of geekdom? 科學宅王國的聖物是什麼? "But I was going to Toshi's station to pick up some power converters!" 「但我還要去托西站 (Tosche Station) 弄些電力轉換器呢!」 As you can imagine, it's not particularly easy to work something like Star Wars into 如同你想像一般,像是《星際大戰》這類型作品不太容易和 your mythbusting franchise. 《流言終結者》節目合作。 After all, Star Wars is a closely guarded property, and there are hoops to be jumped 畢竟,《星際大戰》非常注重版權,在實驗 through before you can start busting lightsaber and stormtrooper myths. 光劍或是風暴兵流言之前,有很多困難需要克服。 Adam Savage told The Hollywood Reporter he was surprised how open Lucasfilm turned out Adam Savage 告訴 The Hollywood Reporter,他很驚訝 Lucasflim to be with their permissions. 竟然會同意他們的請求。 The team wasn't allowed to animate lightsaber effects, but other than that, they were pretty 除了不能做光劍特效外,其他部分倒是 much given free rein. 給了很多自由發揮的空間。 There was one important provision: Savage joked that MythBusters couldn't depict stormtroopers 其中有個重要的規定:Savage 開玩笑說,《流言終結者》不能重現 shaking their money-makers. 風暴衛兵搖屁屁的模樣。 He told The Hollywood Reporter: 他告訴 The Hollywood Reporter: "I don't think they wanted us to twerk with a Stormtrooper or something like that." 「我覺得 Lucasflim 應該不會想讓我們跟風暴衛兵一起跳電臀舞,或之類的事。」 Makes sense. 這也合理啦! The LucasFilm people probably didn't want another Christmas special on their hands. LucusFlim 大概不希望《流言終結者》做出另一部聖誕節特別節目。 "Please, please, I have enough aggravation." 「拜託哦、拜託,我已經受夠了。」 The Mythbusters had some very public mishaps, but people might not entirely realize just 《流言終結者》節目發生過一些意外事故,但大家應該不曉得 how common it was for the cast to injure themselves in the line of duty. 主持人在拍攝時受傷的情況有多常見。 According to CNet, Mythbuster accidents ran the gamut from explosions to an injury by goat. 據 CNet,《流言終結者》的意外事故從爆炸這種大事,到被山羊撞傷這種小事 goat. 都有。 In fact, Adam Savage once said the show was quote "four minutes of science and 10 minutes 事實上,Adam Savage 曾說過這個節目包含「四分鐘的科學 of me hurting myself." 和十分鐘的自殘。」 "He holds his breath, tugs on the door, pushes his whole weight against it, but nothing happens." 「他屏息、拉車門,並用全身力氣往外推,但毫無動靜。 In one infamous experiment, the team wanted to find out if an explosion could actually 在一個惡名昭彰的實驗中,團隊想要實驗爆炸 'knock the socks off'" a mannequin. 是否能把假人的「襪子脫下」。 The explosion wound up shattering the windows of a nearby home. 爆炸把附近一戶人家的窗戶震破了。 Ironically, the blast quite literally knocked a woman off her couch… sort of like knocking 諷刺的是,此次爆炸讓婦人嚇到從沙發跳起來 the socks off a mannequin, but not really. 就像是把假人的襪子脫下一樣,但後者情況並非如此。 Co-host Tory Belleci's on-set accidents included getting kicked in the crotch by a goat, and 主持搭當 Tory Belleci 受傷事故包括,被山羊踹下體 spectacularly wiping out while trying to jump over a red wagon on a bicycle. 還有嘗試騎腳踏車跳過紅色小推車時 a bicycle. 擦傷。 "I'm okay!" 「我沒事!」 Savage was the recipient of one of the show's more serious injuries; He once broke his hand 而 Savage 是節目史上最嚴重的案例之一;他曾在爆炸室中 on a blast chamber. 炸到自己的手指。 Surprisingly, most of the injuries on the show were fairly minor… just stitches and broken fingers. 令人驚訝的是,節目大多意外還算是輕微的... 只要縫個幾針或是手指受傷而已。 broken fingers. 手指受傷而已。 Not bad for a show with a premise that's firmly grounded in blowing stuff up. 對於一個標榜爆破的節目來說,這還可以接受啦! Hopefully, the safety experts were well-compensated. 但願這些安全專家都有拿到合理的保險金。 No one deserved that paycheck more. 誰都不值得自己掏腰包花錢養傷。 Mythbusters is real science, not mad science. 《流言終結者》是真科學,不是瘋狂科學。 It's not like they ever received orders to build a death ray or something. 他們不會收到建造死亡射線或是其他怪東西的命令。 Except that time President Obama quite literally gave them orders to build a death ray. 除了有一次總統歐巴馬命令他們製造類似死亡射線的東西外。 "MythBusters is about is testing out various hypotheses, and I think we've got a big out 「《流言終結者》節目致力於實驗所有假設,但我想你們還沒 that hasn't been thoroughly tested." 完整做過一個大型實驗。」 "Which one is that?" 「那是什麼?」 "Well, it is Archimedes solar ray." 「阿基米德太陽射線。」 In a 2011 lecture, Savage said he'd never met anyone with as much charisma as Obama. 2011 年演講中,Savage 表示,他從未見過像歐巴馬一樣,那麼有個人魅力的人。 "Then Obama walks in and immediately releases all the tension. 「接著歐巴馬走過來,吸引了所有注意力。 I've never seen anything like it. 我從未看過這種情況。 He walked in, he introduced himself to us, he shook hands with the crew." 他走過來、自我介紹,接著和團隊握手。」 The former president goes on to gently admonish Savage and Jamie Hyneman for failing to thoroughly 前總統歐巴馬接著溫和的提到 Savage 和 Jamie Hyneman test the solar ray back in 2006, when they first attempted to create it. 初次在 2006 年,沒有完成太陽射線實驗這件事。 The likely-mythical device dates all the way back to the second century, and it was designed 這個神話一般的裝置可以追朔到西元二世紀 to ignite the sails of enemy ships with highly-focused mirrors. 使用許多鏡面反射來燃燒敵軍船帆。 The team recruited 500 people with mirrors to retry the experiment. 團隊號招了五百人拿著鏡子重現實驗。 Once again, they failed to prove the concept. 實驗再度失敗。 According to Gizmodo, the president's appearance on Mythbusters was actually part of a White 據 Gizmodo,歐巴馬出現在《流言終結者》其實是白宮計畫的一部分 House initiative to get kids more interested in science, and let's face it: A death ray 目的是要讓小孩對科學更有興趣。承認吧:死亡射線 is the perfect gateway drug to the world of physics and beyond. 就是超越物理與一切的完美藥方。 "Keep those mirrors on the sail! 「鏡子對好船帆! Oh! 哦! Oo! 哦! He just took out one of your great cameramen!" 他打倒了我們的攝影師。」
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 實驗 歐巴馬 射線 爆炸 團隊 實習生 沒有人告訴你的關於 "神話破壞者 "的事情。 (What No One Told You About Mythbusters) 120 9 羅世康 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字