字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Striking up conversation can often be an awkward, complicated moment. 跟人搭訕往往很尷尬且複雜。 So I want to look at the 4 Fs that will help you jump into your next conversation with a lot of confidence. 今天我將帶大家了解四個 F,幫助你充滿信心地開啟下次談話。 I'm Alex Lyon and I'm here to provide communication tips to help you increase your impact and lead your teams with more excellence. 我是 Alex Lyon,帶你瞭解溝通技巧,提高影響力,帶領團隊走向巔峰。 We're going to talk about how to have conversations. 本集要談的是如何對話。 It's pretty difficult. A lot of times we feel awkward. 這挺難的,我們常常會覺得尷尬。 But the four Fs will help you enter conversations with a lot more confidence than usual. 但這四個 F 會幫助你更自信地開啟對話。 Yes, you can talk about the weather. Check. 聊天氣,沒問題。 Yes, you can ask them about their job. Check. 聊工作,也沒問題。 But these 4 Fs are something else that you can bring into those conversations. 但這四個 F 可以幫你豐富對話。 So let's jump right in. 馬上開始吧! The first F is family. 第一個 F 是家庭。 Ask them about their family. 詢問他們的家庭近況。 Most adults that are already working have a family or maybe they're about to have a family. 大多數職場上的成年人都有家庭,或即將步入家庭。 Now this can be a sensitive topic, but if you see a wedding ring, if they are already talking about their family, ask a follow-up. 這可能會是個敏感話題,但如果對方帶著婚戒,或他們已經提過自己的家庭,就接著問問吧。 You'll often see people light up about that topic. 你往往會發現,人們談論這個話題時亮起神采。 Sometimes it's sensitive, though, and so you might go a little more round about way to get at the topic. 不過這有時候是敏感話題,所以你可以用比較圓滑的方式處理這個話題。 You could ask them where they're from, if they have a family in the area, something like that. 你可以問他們是哪裡人,有沒有家人住這附近之類的。 And then you feel them out. See if they're ready to go in that direction. 感受一下氣氛,看看他們是否想往這個方向聊。 But a lot of times you will get people that are pretty excited. 但多數時候,人們會很願意聊這個。 I'm a family man, personally, and I can't wait for people to ask me about it. 我也是個有家室的人,我迫不及待想回答這類問題。 You can't shut me up and a lot of people are like that it's a really important topic to most people. 一講就停不下來,很多人都是如此,家庭對大多數人來說都是個重要話題。 The second F is what to do for Fun. 第二個 F 是興趣。 Say, "Hey what are you doing for fun?" 問:「你閒暇時間都做什麼?」 Do you have any hobbies? Do you like to play basketball? Sports? 你有什麼愛好?喜歡打籃球嗎?喜歡運動嗎? What do you do for relaxation, recreation? Just broach that topic. 放鬆時做什麼?娛樂活動有什麼?問問相關話題。 If it's fun for them then they're going to want to talk about it. 如果他們有興趣,他們就會自動開始說。 It also opens up the possibility that you might have some over lapping areas of fun that you like to do. 這也給你一個機會去了解對方,搞不好你們有共同興趣。 I know many times in conversations they start talking about what they like and I didn't know you like that. 我的經驗是,很多時候,對方說自己喜歡的東西時,才發現我們的共同喜好。 I like that too. It's one of my favorite things to do. 那些也是我最有熱情的事物之一。 I play chess or I like to go camping. 我喜歡下棋和露營。 That's one of those fun things. 這些是我有興趣的事之一。 So you see connections and then you get to know them in a deeper way than you did before. 你們有了共通點,能比以前更深入瞭解對方。 The third F is what fires them up. 第三個 F 是讓人激動的事。 Ask them about their passions. Ask them about the things that really get their heart thumping. 問問他們的熱情所在,問他們那些讓他們怦然心動的事。 Usually, if you're asking about other things you'll see one of these things will pop out anyway. 一般情況下,聊其他事時,你會察覺到他們談論有熱情的事時,表現得不同。 If they're excited, follow up and ask them about that. 如果對方很興奮,就接著問。 You... Sometimes you'll bring up the things that really fire you up and that will trigger them. 有時候你會提起真正燃起你自己內心的話題,也觸動到對方。 However, you can get it there areas of passion, 你可以深入聊聊這些領域。 that's one of these things that can really open up a relationship and help you get to know people in a deeper way. 這些是可以真正讓對方敞開心扉,幫助你以深入瞭解他們的話題。 And the fourth F is Future plans. 而第四個 F 是未來計劃。 Ask them about the coming weekend. Ask them about their coming vacation or what they might be doing this summer. 問他們下個週末、即將到來的假期,或這個夏天要做什麼。 We'll get really excited about the future. 人是期待未來的。 I don't know about you, but I take a vacation that lasts a week but I'm excited for three months building up to that vacation. 不知道你是如何,但我的話即便假期只有一週,我也會興奮三個月,一直計畫準備。 And so asking about future plans, even life plans sometimes, can really lead to great opening in that conversation and build that connection even stronger. 所以詢問未來計劃,甚至是人生計劃,都是個很好的話題開頭,也能增強雙方聯繫。 So Communication Coach is here, this channel, is here to help people like you I call you rising leaders. 這個頻道「溝通教練」就是為了幫助大家,各位新晉領袖。 You're tuning and, hopefully, to increase your communication skills and lead your teams with more excellence. 幫助你調整並提升溝通能力,帶領團隊走向巔峰。 And tip like this, today's tip about the 4 Fs is one way for you to connect with people more and to help build those relationships. 而像今天四個 F 這樣的小訣竅,能幫你增加與人的聯繫,建立良好關係。 And that's a really key part to being a good leader. 這是成為好領導者的關鍵。 So if you're interested in ongoing content in this area and you haven't yet done so, I encourage you to subscribe, post a comment below about how you like to enter conversations and the topics that you enjoy talking about. 如果你對這方面內容感興趣,別忘了訂閱,在下方留言,說說你喜歡如何開啟對話及喜好話題。 Answer somebody else's question or perhaps ask me one. 回答別人的提問或問我一個問題。 I'm pretty good at responding to almost every single thing that people post. 我很擅長回覆大家的問題。 So thanks for tuning in. God bless. 謝謝收看,祝大家好運。 And I hope you get to use one of these four Fs in your very next conversation. 希望在下次對話時,你也能用到這四個 F 喔。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 話題 對話 更深 家庭 幫助 談論 不知道怎麼跟人聊天嗎?學會這「四個 F」讓你成為聊天高手!(How to Have a Conversation with Anyone) 57156 576 Yukiko 發佈於 2023 年 04 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字