字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 More lies! 今天要來講更多謊言! So you've learned how to say "You're lying!", "I don't believe you". 你已經學會怎麼說「你在說謊」、「我不相信你」了。 And also how to try to convince someone that you're telling the truth. 以及如何試圖說服別人,你說的是實話。 But what do you call someone who lies all the time? 不過你會怎麼稱呼那些一天到晚都在說謊的人呢? These are some nouns that you can use. 以下有幾個名詞你可以拿來用。 If someone lies all the time you can call them "a liar". 如果一個人成天都在說謊,你可以說他們是「騙子」。 Now remember that most British accents are non-rhotic, so that "R" won't be super pronounced. 要記得喔,英式發音大部分都是非捲舌居多,所以 "R" 的音並不會完整唸出來。 It will sound like "liar", "liar". 聽起來就會是 "liar"、"liar"。 In most American accents however, it's rhotic, so that "R" will be quite pronounced, for example "liar" "liar". 然而,美式發音大部分以捲舌音居多,所以 "R" 的音會唸得比較明顯,像是 "liar","liar"。 That's someone who lies in general, but let's get more specific. 這就是騙子的統稱,那現在我們來細分。 What about a person who lies in order to steal money? 要怎麼稱呼一個為了偷錢而說謊的人呢? Think business people. 像是商人。 When someone lies for financial gain, you can say this: 當一個人為了賺財而欺騙,你可以稱他為: "Fraud", "a fraud". You could also say "conman", but that's just for men. 「詐騙」。你也可以說「詐騙犯」,但 「男職業詐騙家」 只能用來稱呼男性。 The gender-neutral version of this is a "con artist", "con artist". 比較中性的講法是 「職業詐騙家」,「職業詐騙家」。 Or another interesting thing you could call someone is this: 另一個比較有意思的稱呼是: A "snake oil salesman", or more commonly you'd just say they're selling snake oil. 「蛇油推銷員」(假貨推銷員),或另一種比較常見的說法是他們那些賣蛇油的。 Now this is fun because it's also a bit of history. 這很有趣,跟歷史也有點關聯。 Many years ago, people would travel across the country selling these little things of snake oil. 多年以前人們會跑遍國內各地賣這種小罐裝的蛇油。 They would sell it as a medicine to cure all disease and everything that was wrong with people. 他們會把蛇油當作治百病的萬能藥品販賣。 From headaches, colds, flu, I s*** you not—even deafness. 不論是頭痛、感冒、流感,我沒在唬爛—連耳聾都能治。 Of course, it was bollocks. It wasn't real medicine, it didn't work. 當然這是在胡扯。它根本不是一種藥,也沒有用。 So even nowadays, when someone tries to sell you an idea or a product or specifically a medicine that they claim will change your life. 所以就連現在當一個人想賣你一套思維、一項產品或者更具體來說,一種藥品,並聲稱這會改變你的人生; Will cure everything but it sounds like bullshit, you will say they are selling snake oil. 會治癒一切,聽起來卻像在鬼扯,這時候你就會說他們在賣蛇油。 A product which doesn't work. 一個根本就沒有功用的產品。 That's for people who lie. 以上是稱呼那些說謊的人。 How about people who tell the truth? 那麼說實話的人該怎麼稱呼呢? When someone always tells of the truth, or most of the time tells the truth, you can use these adjectives to talk about that person. 當一個人總是很老實,或大部分的時候都會說實話,你可以用以下幾個形容詞來形容這個人。 You can say she or he is . . . because they're adjectives. 你可說這個人很—後面接形容詞。 She is honest, trustworthy, or reliable. 她很誠實、可信,或可靠。 Be careful of the pronunciation with this one, the "H" is silent. 要注意 Honest 這個字的 H 不發音。 So "honest". 所以是 honest。 Not "honest". 不是 honest。 No. 不。 "Honest". 是 honest。 Be careful with the stress in the words, too. 也要注意這些字的重音。 "Honest". Honest。 "Trustworthy". Trustworthy。 "Reliable". Reliable。 Now you've learned how to say "You're lying!" by saying "That's bollocks!". 現在你已經會說「這根本是胡扯!」來形容「你在說謊!」。 But how can you say the type of lie that person is telling? 但要怎麼形容這個人說的謊屬於哪一種謊話呢? Not all lies are the same. 並不是所有謊話都相同。 When someone is talking about the size or the amount of something and they want to say "It's this much". 當一個人在形容一個東西的大小或數量為「這麼大、這麼多」。 When in reality it's only this much. 但實際上只有這麼小。 The verb is: to exaggerate. 這種情況下動詞是「誇大」。 So when your friend is talking about the size of his . . . fish that he caught and he's saying "Yeah, it's this big!". 所以當你的朋友正在談論他 . . . 剛剛抓到的魚的大小,並說那條魚有「這麼大」。 You know in reality it's only this big so you can say: 你知道事實上只有這樣一點大,你就可以說: "Um, I think you're exaggerating!" 「我覺得你在誇大!」 This next type of lie has to do with attraction and love. 接下來要講的這類謊言跟吸引力和愛情有關。 This next lie is about making someone believe that you're attracted to them or maybe in love with them, but that's a lie. 說這種謊的目的是讓某個人以為你被他吸引了,或甚至愛上他了,但其實是謊話。 Maybe in order to get something from that person. 可能你想從對方身上得到什麼東西。 The verb for this type of lie is: "lead on". 這種謊話的動詞是「誤導、矇騙」。 To lead someone on. 誤導、矇騙某人。 So she could say in a past tense: 所以這個女生可能會用過去式說: "Oh my god, he said that he loved me but that was a lie. He led me on." 「天啊,他說過他愛我,但這是謊言。他把我矇騙了。」 Just don't lead people on, it's not nice! 不要這樣誤導別人好嗎,這樣很不好! But are all lies bad? 但所有謊言都是不好的嗎? I would have to say no, especially in this case. 我的答案是否定的,尤其是在以下這種情況。 For example, if you've had a long day at work and no sleep and you come home like "Ah! I look like a zombie. I'm so tired!" 假設你工作了一整天也都沒睡覺,你回到家說:「唉!我好累喔,看起來跟殭屍一樣!」 And she wants to make you feel good! 但她想讓你心裡好過一點! She's not gonna say "Yeah, you look awful!" 她才不會說:「對啊,你看起來糟透了!」 No, she's not going to hurt your feelings because she's a good friend. 不會,她才不會讓你傷心,因為她是你的好朋友。 And she will say "No, you don't look tired at all!" 所以她會說:「不會啊,你看起來一點也不累!」 This type of lie is harmless, it's in order to not hurt the person's feelings. 這種謊言是無害的,說這種謊是為了不讓對方傷心。 The name of this lie is a "white lie" or a "little white lie". 這種謊就叫做「善意的謊言」或「無傷大雅的謊言」。 Now be careful, this is not used as a verb. 但要注意的是,它不能用來當作動詞。 You won't say for example "I white lied". 你不能說 "I white lied"。 You don't say it like a verb. 你不能用動詞型態。 This is only a noun. 這只能當作名詞來用。 To say it like a verb, you need to say "He said he looked tired, so I told a white lie, I said he looked great!" 如果要用動詞型態,你應該要說「他說他看起來很累,所以我說了一個善意的謊言,我說他看起來氣色很好!」 I don't think this situation would happen but let's imagine . . . 我覺得接下來要假設的情況不會真的發生,但試想 . . . Maybe someone wants to rob you and they're saying "Give me your money, or I'll shoot this very cute dog!" 一個人可能想搶劫你,他們說:「把錢給我,不然我就對這隻超級可愛的狗開槍!」 When someone makes a threat that you don't believe is actually going to happen. 當一個人威脅你,但你不相信它真的會發生; Or when someone claims to have power that you don't think they actually have, this type of lie is called: "a bluff". 或當一個人聲稱自己有權力,但你其實不這麼認為,這種謊言叫做「虛張聲勢」。 "Bluff" is a verb and a noun. Bluff 這個字可以是動詞也可以是名詞。 Here, for example he's saying: "You're bluffing." 這邊的例子中,他說:「你在虛張聲勢。」 "I don't believe you will do what you say you will do in that threat." 「我不認為你真會去做你威脅我要做的事。」 Of course, he's not going to kill the dog, look at this little face! 他當然不會把那隻狗殺掉啊,你看看牠可愛的小臉蛋! This is the same type of lie as in poker. 這種謊就跟撲克牌遊戲中的謊一樣。 When you want to pretend like you have really high cards but really have nothing! 當你想要假裝自己有一手好牌,但其實你什麼都沒有! It's "a bluff", or "you're bluffing". 這樣就叫做「虛張聲勢」,或者可以說:「你在吹牛!」 If you haven't already, make sure you see the previous video, 如果你還沒看過之前的影片,記得要回去看! where I show you how to say "I think you're lying!" 在那部影片裡我有教你們如何說:「我覺得你在說謊!」 "You're definitely lying!" 「你絕對在說謊!」 Or how to try to convince someone that you're being honest. 或是如何試圖說服別人,自己是誠實的。 That you're telling the truth. 自己說的是實話。 You can also help me make these videos by buying me a coffee! 你也能以贊助我一杯咖啡的錢,幫我製作這些影片! Support me on Patreon here, or if you want to see more, click here! 在 Patreon 上支持我,或是如果你想看更多影片,請點這裡!
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 謊言 稱呼 動詞 謊話 形容 名詞 各種說謊相關單字!快來看看怎麼說 (More LIES!!! - English vocabulary about Lying) 39362 1384 Celeste 發佈於 2019 年 06 月 29 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字