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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Adjective Phrase 9.

  • The Adjective Phrase today is 'over the top.'

  • Okay.

  • Let's take a look at the note here.

  • If someone or something is over the top , you think it goes overboard or goes too far or

  • goes to an excessive or outrageous or ridiculous degree.

  • So it goes much further than it should.

  • So let's take a look at some examples here.

  • I like that comedian, but he uses too many dirty words in his routine.

  • His use of dirty words for shock value is really over the top.

  • Yeah.

  • Some comedians, when they do stand-up comedy.

  • Sometimes they like to use a lot of F-words for this for shock value.

  • But some people don't like that Some people might think that is over the top.

  • Going too far.

  • Okay.

  • Let's look at number two.

  • I know Lady Gaga likes to wear outrageous clothes, but her meat dress was an over the

  • top fashion statement.

  • Yeah.

  • She did dress in a lot of crazy things.

  • Some think she might have gone a little too far with that one.

  • All right . Number three.

  • I like horror movies, but the amount of gore.

  • . You know , that is all that bloody detail.

  • in a lot of the horror movies was over the top.

  • In the Saw movies.

  • Remember there are a series of Saw movies, I don't remember how many there were three

  • , four , five..

  • But they especially showed a lot of violence and a lot of blood.

  • Even more than usual for a lot of horror movies So maybe they went a little over the top.

  • Number four here.

  • In British English, people sometimes use the abbreviation of OTTT to refer to over the

  • top.

  • Meaning again that you went too far.

  • And our last example here..

  • I know you wanted to get a hairstyle to stand out.

  • But getting a purple Mohawk was over the top . I know you wanted to get a hairstyle to

  • stand out.

  • But getting a Purple Mohawk was over the top.

  • Purple of course, meaning they dyed their hair purple but it is a Mohawk.

  • . Where you shave off all the hair on this side and shave off all the hair on that side.

  • You just have the hair standing up in the middle.

  • Like some Native American Indians.

  • That was a Mohawk.

  • So that person got a purple Mohawk.

  • So saying maybe you went a little too far.

  • Anyway, I hope you got it, I hope it is clear.

  • Thank you for your time.

  • Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Adjective Phrase 9.


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A2 初級 美國腔

英語家教Nick P形容詞短語(9)Over the Top(超額完成) (English Tutor Nick P Adjective Phrase (9) Over the Top)

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    anitawu12 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日