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  • so when you think of intelligence you normally think of the one intelligence

  • that most people refer to in that is intellectual intelligence and Howard

  • Gardner says they're actually multiple types of intelligence and I'm gonna go

  • through them with this video of the first is called logical mathematical

  • intelligence and this is basically what you think of when you think of

  • intellectual intelligence has to be stuff like logic or if you're good at

  • taking tests you're probably have pretty high logical mathematical intelligent

  • and this also has a dialogue with critical thinking and making ring

  • reading graphs as well as organization if you like to organize your stuff and

  • you're very organized and are good at organizing it then you probably have

  • very high logical mathematical intelligence and the second one is

  • called verbal linguistic and if you have high verbal linguistic intelligence will

  • probably get it saying that word you are good at poems forget it raining words

  • fighting words that rhyme forget it reading and writing and learning other

  • languages you learn them pretty quickly compared to other people in your

  • probably greater turning a little tiny story into a huge fascinating story that

  • can involve an entire room the third as interpersonal and intrapersonal

  • intelligence would be like understanding other people's emotions understanding

  • with this social norms are of the situation yet to be able to be good at

  • reception to other people's moods and what motivates them if you are a

  • business administrator and you're good at motivating some pretty high

  • interpersonal intelligence if you're a good leader or just a manager in general

  • you can coordinate work with other people were probably really intelligent

  • in this interpersonal field

  • the fourth as body kinesthetic which means we're good at handling and

  • maneuvering your own body can handle object skillfully and basically move

  • them around however you want them to as well as your body

  • people that are very intelligent in the body anesthetic field are dancers actors

  • soldiers and even many sports athletes the fifth is musical intelligence in

  • this is and this is associated with rhythmic and harmonic music being able

  • to interpret sounds rhythms and tones and pitches and being able to understand

  • them on a level than most people can understand if you're good at this you

  • can probably compose or at least play an instrument the next is visual spatial

  • and this is like basically how well can you visualize something in your mind's

  • eye however can you think of something in your mind and another example of this

  • would be how well can you get through a maze you see in your mind's eye where

  • you're at in the maize or corn field and garner went so far as to say that this

  • could even be used as the judging distances or how well can you read a map

  • the next type of intelligence is called in trouble personal intelligent and this

  • is different from interpersonal intelligence in truck personal

  • intelligence is more about how you understand yourself are you still feel

  • where do you know what feelings you were feeling emotions go through your mind

  • when you're in certain situations how well can you control your thoughts and

  • actions and feelings in general you know your strengths and weaknesses in the

  • last which came out a couple years after Howard Gardner came out with his

  • multiple intelligences theory is called natural

  • naturalistic intelligence and this has to do with being of them recognize stuff

  • in the real world basically flowers and trees in anything that's living hunters

  • and fishermen are pretty intelligent and naturalistic field so our chefs and

  • botanists back in growth plans and basically anyone that has learned in any

  • biological sciences pretty intelligent in the naturalistic filled me with my

  • next video is going to be and how you can improve these how you can become a

  • better person through improving each one of these single intelligence has become

  • a better human being a smarter a more intelligent beings help you learn

  • something from this video and I hope you enjoyed it

  • you like it subscribe because I'll be putting out more videos like this soon

  • thanks for watching

so when you think of intelligence you normally think of the one intelligence


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B1 中級 美國腔

八大智能--多元智能理論解讀--霍華德-加德納博士。 (8 Intelligences - Theory of Multiple Intelligences Explained - Dr. Howard Gardner)

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    yy135791411 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日