字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, I'm Bill Patzert. 你好,我是 Bill Patzert。 I spent more than 50 years at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory studying climate change and global warming. 我在 NASA 的噴氣推進實驗室研究氣候變遷與全球暖化已經有 50 多年了。 Much of what the public really knows about climate change and global warming comes from Hollywood. 一般人對氣候變遷、全球暖化的知識大多來自好萊塢。 Today we're going to dissect a few films and see where Hollywood gets it right and wrong. 今天我們就要來解析幾部電影,看看好萊塢哪些拍得合理、哪些純屬虛構。 Day After Tomorrow. 《明天過後》 Global warming has melted the polar ice caps. 全球暖化已經融化了極區冰冠。 We do not act soon, it is our children and our grandchildren who will have to pay the price. 不快點行動的話,將會是我們的小孩、我們的孫子孫女付出代價。 But they got the science wrong. 但科學部分他們搞錯了。 What we saw in New York City, the oceans rise, it's exceptionally photogenic. 電影裡拍出紐約市裡激起滔天巨浪,鏡頭效果非常出色。 But the size is totally unrealistic. 不過那種規模在現實中完全不可能。 It's too immediate, global warming gets you slowly. 它來得太快;全球暖化是漸進式的。 This instantaneous switch into a mini Ice Age over a few days, the time scale's all wrong. 電影中數天之內就轉換成迷你冰河時期,整個時間尺度是錯的。 We're not cooling. 我們面臨的不是冷卻。 We're warming. 地球正在變得越來越熱。 The scientist played by Dennis Quaid dramatically draws a line across the center of the United States. Dennis Quaid 飾演的科學家戲劇化地在美國中心畫過一條線。 Everyone south of that line. 這條線南方的每個人都會遭到波及。 It's not the way it happens. 事情不是這樣發展的。 But there are a lot of things I liked about it. 不過這部影片有很多地方我相當欣賞。 Couple of ironic things. 好幾個諷刺性的橋段。 One of them is mass migration out of the United States. 其中一項是大量逃出美國的移民。 And they are wading across the river illegally into Mexico. 他們正涉水穿過河流,非法進入墨西哥。 There will be mass migrations as we look into the 21st century. 檢視一下 21 世紀便會發現大量移民。 In particularly in the American southwest. 尤其是在美國西南部。 Now one of the things they really got wrong is one of the least likely places in the world to have devastating tornadoes is southern California. 其中一件他們徹底搞錯的細節在於,南加州幾乎是全球最不可能發生毀滅性龍捲風的國家。 Day After Tomorrow, they played for the camera, not for the science. 《明天過後》這部電影,戲劇效果一流,科學方面則待改進。 Let's give it a C minus. 我們給它 C- 吧。 Our next film is 2012. 我們接下來要談的電影是 《2012》。 Massive solar eruption impacts the core of the earth. 巨大的閃焰衝擊地球核心。 Setting off a geologic catastrophe in the crust, essentially destroying civilization. 於地殼處引發一場地質災難,基本上就是毀掉人類文明。 It's definitely a dud! 這絕對不可能發生! Global warming has almost no impact on the earth's crust. 全球暖化對地球外殼幾乎不會造成影響。 It's a surface manifestation. 我們面臨的改變發生在地表。 These are two different animals. 這是截然不同的兩回事。 San Andreas fault is shifting. 聖安地列斯斷層正在錯動。 Here in California, one of the big forces of nature that hangs over all our heads here is the San Andreas Fault. 在加州,害我們膽戰心驚的自然力量之一就是聖安地列斯斷層。 It's moving, it's powerful, and potentially very destructive. 移動中、威力強,還可能極具毀滅性。 But it's totally decoupled from climate change. 不過這跟氣候變遷完全不能併為一談。 On a popcorn scale, we're gonna give it an A plus. 就影院精采度來說,我們要給它 A+。 But on a science scale, it's a D minus. 但如果從科學角度來看,它拿到 D-。 Interstellar really asks the core question. 《星際效應》確實提出了核心問題。 As population explodes, as we change our climate, as we devastate our ecosystems, what is the future of mankind on planet earth? 當人口爆炸、氣候改變、生態系統遭摧毀,人類於地球上的未來會是什麼樣子? And it's interesting how they use the past as a metaphor for the future. 而他們拿過去類比未來的方式相當有趣。 Expanding droughts. 影響範圍擴大的乾旱。 You didn't expect this dirt that was giving you this food to turn on you like that and destroy you. 沒人想過同樣一片土壤曾經帶來豐收,現在卻反咬一口、帶來破壞。 Starvation on a mass scale. 大規模的饑荒。 We ran out of food. 糧食早已告罄。 The world needs farmers. 這世界需要農夫。 Good farmers. 優秀的農夫。 Nelson's torching his whole crop. Nelson 正在焚燒整片莊稼。 He's saying it's the last harvest for okra. 他說那是最後一穫的秋葵。 Ever. 以後不會再有。 The thing that really gets you is not sea level rise, it's the lack of water and the lack of food due to over-population. 讓人心生懼怕的不是海平面上升,而是人口過剩導致的缺水缺糧。 Six billion people. 60 億人口。 Just try to imagine that. 試想看看。 And every last one of them trying to have it all. 而且當中的每一個人都試圖掌握所有資源。 How does the human race deal with that? 人類這個種族要如何應付? And if we don't wanna repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th century, then we need to teach our kids about this planet. 如果不想看見 20 世紀的過度、浪費情形重演,我們就得讓孩子好好認識這顆星球。 We're not meant to save the world. 我們要做的不是拯救世界。 We're meant to leave it. 我們打定主意要離開。 There's not a planet in our solar system that could sustain life. 我們的太陽系中沒有一顆星球能夠供養生命。 Or any nearby solar system. 我們附近其他的太陽系也不行。 Big question, great flick, an A plus. 好問題、好電影,給它 A+。 Mad Max, although it paints a grim picture of a post-apocalyptic future, there's something very contemporary about it. 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》雖然刻畫出一個後世界末日的悲慘情境,卻蘊含非常現代的元素。 I am your redeemer! 我是你的救世主! It is by my hand you will rise from the ashes of this world! 藉著我的力量,你將能從末日灰燼中重新升起! The fundamental resource essentially that sustains civilization, which is water, is being controlled by a megalomaniac who's misogynistic. 延續文明最重要的資源—水,被一位厭惡女性的自大狂掌控。 Totally lacking empathy for the people that he rules. 他對自己統治的人民完全缺乏同理心。 There is something really prophetic about Mad Max. 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》某些情節十分具有預言性。 We see the rise of dictators across the planet and resources become more and more limited, most of the earth has turned into a desert. 我們看到全球獨裁者興起、資源日益缺乏、多數土地沙漠化。 Now we're seeing that on a smaller scale today. 我們今天面臨的情況規模較小。 You'll not, my friends, become addicted to water. 我的朋友,你們根本不可能對水上癮。 We will take hold of you and you will resent its absence. 我們會緊抓住每個人,而你們將會痛恨無水可用。 I'm giving this movie an A plus on many levels. 從許多角度來看,這部電影都值得我給 A+。 Myself, I'd go back and look at this many many times. 個人而言,我會回頭重溫這部電影很多次。 I think the message from all these movies: 我想這些電影都傳達了這樣的訊息: We have to be careful who we vote for. 我們必須謹慎選擇領導人。 We have to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and onto renewable energies. 我們必須慢慢放棄化石燃料,改用可更新能源。 This is the home planet. 這星球就是我們的家。 There is no planet B. 我們唯一的家,沒有替代選項。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 BuzzFeed 電影 暖化 全球 氣候 麥斯 【環境教育】《明天過後》演錯了?專家解析災難電影 (Climate Scientist Reviews Global Warming Movies) 9244 345 Aniceeee 發佈於 2019 年 07 月 25 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字