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  • Hi, we're Joel and ia and today's video is all about British insults that Americans might not understand

  • Now this video isn't just for Americans, it's for anyone who is interested in British insults

  • Where I'm drinking some Prosecco while we're filming for once and that's because we want to say huge

  • Thank you to everyone

  • Who's bought us a coffee, coffee is our page that people can like donate money for us to buy coffee? We spend it on

  • Prosecco usually .... sad times

  • Thank you so much for the coffee's definitely. really, it

  • Helps us get through the filming

  • So thank you so much , because we really hate each other yeah

  • And we often use these insults to describe each other, so this helps us

  • And if you are new to this channel don't forget subscribe we make videos all about British things

  • Accents culture of the lot, yeah when we compare America to the UK quite a lot

  • so if you're American you're watching this you should especially subscribe (don't hate us)

  • So okay, so the first insult is the word

  • I hate this word is TWAT

  • That's what and basically the actual meaning of the word is so gross

  • Yeah, doesn't it means it's female yeah. I mean it's not I don't like it

  • Yeah, it's rude its not gross. Yeah. It's not a very nice term

  • People do use it a lot if you're a child you might have been brought up to use the word twit instead of twat. Yeah

  • Yeah, it feels really horrible to swear. doesn't it. but you might get called that. someone might be like "youuu twwattt"

  • And that's not a compliment no if you're if you're a twat even though the literal meaning is

  • Woman's its reproductive party immediate major an idiot like Europe. They might say dickhead. That's another

  • One that I love that

  • What's the next one? the next one is saying that I call Leah often, *give me the strength not to smack him* it's

  • Leah's like the opposite of this is the word slapper

  • Which is the opposite of a classy lady? Yes, so slapper is basically just like a girl

  • Often a woman. Yeah, it's always you never hit

  • Oh never. I think it's because I think I think originally it's a derogatory term for a prostitute

  • Yeah, so guys might be like ah I saw a slapper at the weekend

  • But now it's used for non. Prostitutes. Just women in general

  • Yeah, just describe the way a woman dresses someone might say. Oh, she looks like a right stopper, and it's really not nice

  • It's horrible horrible. It's other words

  • You could use as a slag or a slut terrible words you should never ever use them. Honestly. I get so offended

  • No , its um, to be honest slapper

  • I think our generation don't really use that a lot, but all the generations would say slapper

  • Yeah, like on to the next. okay

  • the next one's often used to describe men and that is tosser so it's another word for a *hand gesture for willy*

  • I can't say it

  • I'm sorry mum and dad watching this video like *not in my good christian suburbs*

  • I think

  • It's a kind of old one as well. How many people get.. you might get called a tosspot

  • Yeah, I think the older generation might say tosspot, but i have heard people recently used the word tosser

  • Yeah, but yeah, I think people might use the word wanker a bit more frequently than tosser

  • Yeah, they mean the same thing "you're an idiot". "You're stupid", but again. It comes back from a sexual meaning

  • I think lots of these have sexual connotations. Yeah, but they actually nowadays. Just mean idiot or

  • Promiscuous. on a completely different note because we've not eaten. I am feeling wasted we

  • Lia, we've had one glass each. We still got pretty much a full bottle. I'm really wasted

  • That's just just to say guys safe drinking. drink in the home environment. Oh definitely

  • Okay, that's what makes us safe drinkers because after one drink. We're like *not today satan* yeah, no one can call me a slut. I'll stay in

  • So the next one can be used for men or women, and it's Minger

  • Oh, yeah minger , and I've got one to address and mingers like someone who's not very good-looking. Yeah, and

  • London, like London specific, butters

  • I love that. with two Ts, so its like "butters", but we'd say butters yeah like butter, "you're so butters"

  • doesn't that, but doesn't butter or butters mean good body, but bad face (its like everything's hot butter/but her face)

  • Yeah, I'm pretty sure. its like Mingers all over. Mingers, full on mingers. we use that word, minger isn't that offensive?

  • She's a right minger. He's a right minger. Whatever. Minger. But yeah, I think I think

  • Let me know in the comments if this does mean it, but i'm pretty sure butters means like great

  • They've got a great bod but an awful face

  • And is there any other word that we can use when someone has got a great bod but an awful

  • Face because you see it so often yeah

  • You go that's the reason you've got a good bod, because you're making up to something else. where's me & Lia are the other way around

  • We've got amazing faces... terrible bodies

  • Drink! can you talk me up, please sorry I don't want to be the pillock

  • Into our next word okay, it's like like it's light-hearted if you describe someone as a pillock

  • Or if you're described as a pillock. It's nothing to be that offended by I mean it isn't insults it means again

  • You're stupid, but it's sort of like are you pillock like youre harmless or like you mean well

  • But you're stupid and what was the other one? Muppet. Muppet. That's another one my personal favorite. You donut! *insert gordon Ramsey meme*

  • You Donut

  • They're all friendly. oh someones watching us film. (fake) hello youtubers

  • Big window there. get used to it. like so many people are youtubers nowadays. get over it. get over it, honestly

  • They're just fascinated. Yeah, those endearing ones. Just want to end on the high note. Yeah, Muppet pillock

  • Donut. I was gonna say cock one ball, but that's a bit more offensive

  • That's another nother video anyway. That's more than five, but that's solved like five different categories. Maybe I don't know... we've... we've had glass of Prosecco

  • If you enjoyed it let us know in the comments, do you Americans actually know these

  • Insults? and do you use them, I'd love it if an American was like "you're butters" butters. Yeah, whatever mate

  • Oh, no. She's so butters. Oh my god

  • What is? no they'd say slut, they would say slut. but they wouldn't say slapper. slapper. "what is a slapper?"

  • No I don't think so

  • But let us know if there are any American insults. I'm pretty sure us in the UK would know most American insults

  • Oh, yes, we're very Americanized here

  • But let us know anyway because we might not've heard of them you might do the opposite of this video what American?

  • Insults that we've never heard have never heard of I'd love that yeah

  • I hope there are some words we don't know, but I'm pretty sure we would know most of them. comment them below

  • Don't say the meaning and then we can use them in a video. Yeah, thank you. See you next time. See you soon. Bye

  • is this skinny Prosecco. No it's not it's it's full of sugar. Is it. Yeah good. Just the way. I like it

  • Here to educate. here to educate and entertain

Hi, we're Joel and ia and today's video is all about British insults that Americans might not understand


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A2 初級 英國腔

英國人的侮辱美國人聽不懂!| 美國人VS英國人 (BRITISH Insults AMERICANS Won't Understand! | American vs British)

  • 28 1
    Michael Cheung 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日